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-tubbo is complete blind
-ranboo is selective mute


The ex-president had been left blind from the day he had been executed by someone he thought could be trusted. He was shot. Right in the middle of his face. The day he woke up again, he couldn't see anything. He cried for anyone to come and save him and he had been soothed by Tommy's reassurances.

Neither of them had known the damage the fireworks left upon the young goat boy's eyes.

Now here he is current day, listening to Tommy ramble on and on about a... subject. What subject? He wouldn't even know. His mind had taken him away, thinking about the day, it seemed, he lost it all. He lost his eyesight and the ability to see anyone he cared about at the time. Tommy still looks how he did in pogtopia in the goat boy's head. Everyone he knew before his execution looks how they did before he lost his second life.

The only people he doesn't know how they look are those he wasn't aware of after his execution took place. People like his husband and son. He could care less, however. He still loved them both at the end of the day.

Tubbo didn't realize Tommy had stopped talking until Tommy was shaking him by his shoulders and screaming his name. He shook his head and stared at where he would assume the boy to be "What?" Tommy let out a huff before saying "You weren't listening to me! I was talking to you about this cool stone business!" Tubbo sighed "I'm sorry, boss man"

Tommy grunted before saying "It's fine. What was so important that you weren't listening?" Tubbo hummed before saying "I was just thinking about how I'll never see how you look nowadays as well that I'll never truly see how Ranboo or my son look" Tommy was quiet for a second before saying "Oh. Do you want me to explain them to you?"

Tubbo shrugged "I've had them both explained before. I've got at least a basis. I'm fine with it" Tommy hummed quietly "It sucks you can't see" Tubbo slightly chuckled "Blame it on my dad." Tommy leaned against Tubbo "I blame every shitty thing on your dad" "Glad we both agree" Tubbo grinned.

Tommy hummed, staring at the sun "You should head back to your house soon. It's getting dark and you always seem so insistent to spend the night with your family in your home than spending it with me, your amazing and handsome best friend since the start of Wilbur's war" Tubbo could tell the blond was grinning and he shook his head "Oh shut up. You're always free to stay in the mansion with us, you know. I've offered it plenty of times"

"I would but I don't want to wake up and see you and bitch boy being all lovey-dovey and making me throw up" Tommy huffed. Tubbo flicked Tommy and Tommy let out an overdramatic noise of pain. Tubbo laughed "You deserve it for insulting my wonderful and handsome husband" Tommy flicked Tubbo back "I don't! And you don't know how they look." Tubbo rolled his eyes "Whatever. I'm heading back to my home. You have fun with your son."

Tommy screamed the goat boy goodbye, Tubbo waving him goodbye as well as he walked off. Tubbo held a small smile on his face as he made his way across a familiar pathway. He might be blind, but he knew the path like the back of his hand. He's followed it multiple times and knows how many steps it took to walk it. He would enjoy the setting around him if he could see it.

On the walk home, his mind drifted to something Tommy had said. He was right. He hadn't a clue as to what exactly they looked like. All he knew was that they had horns, were extremely tall, had black and white skin that was almost exactly half their body vertically, green and red eyes - the green on the black side and the red on the white side, a long tail that was fluffy at the end, and ears. That's it. long

A small voice in the back of his head told him that he should ask Ranboo to explain to him in full detail what they looked like, but he knew that even they hadn't a clue. He could've taken up Tommy's offer of explaining Ranboo, but he wouldn't explain the small quirks in their face like how Tubbo would like him to. He truly wanted to see how pretty his husband was.

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