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i didn't proof read any of this so apologies if there's something wrong


Ranboo sighed shakily, raising their fist to knock on Tubbo's door before hesitating and putting it immediately down. They were so extremely nervous and they had no idea why.

Well. They had some idea. Their thoughts were not at all straight with all the negative thoughts buzzing. Currently, their mind was telling for them to leave Tubbo alone because it's the middle of the night and Tubbo wouldn't be happy with them showing up in the middle of the night and-

They sighed, sucking a deep breath before turning on their heel and starting to walk away. However, they were stopped when they heard Tubbo's voice say their name. They turned back to face him and felt so bad when they saw he looked like he had just woken up. "Hi.. Sorry to disturb your sleep.."

Tubbo shook his head and mumbled tiredly "You didn't disturb it. I suddenly woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. What are you doing here?" Ranboo mumbled "i suppose I can say the same. I couldn't.. sleep and i started walking in a random direction. Guess it led back here..."

Tubbo nodded small and hummed "You wanna come in? Just to get out of the snow? It's gonna start snowing soon and i doubt you want to be caught in it" Ranboo glanced over to the trees before managing a small smile "Sure."

They followed Tubbo into the house, the sad thoughts only growing more. They shut the door behind them and followed him to sit by the fireplace. They quietly stared at their hands, a sign that they were in their thoughts. A sign that Tubbo knew well as well. He reached over and held their hand "You okay, Boo?"

Ranboo ran their other hand over Tubbo's hand, feeling the groove of each knuckle as they mumbled a small "I dunno" Tubbo smiled small and hummed "That's okay. Take your time to tell me.."

Ranboo looked up at him and studied his features, remembering just how beautiful their husband genuinely was. It always surprised them how they managed to marry someone so extremely pretty. And so, the sad thoughts came back.

They looked away from the boy, sighing heavily as they played with his fingers. They wanted to tell him. They wanted to tell him so badly, but they couldn't. They're too scared that if they express the thoughts, Tubbo would grow upset with them and that's the last thing they wanted. They didn't want Tubbo to be upset with them.

Tubbo reached out with his free hand and held their face gently, making them look back at him "I won't be upset with you or anything. I know you think I will - I know you - But I won't" Ranboo moved their hand to rest on his and closed their eyes "You promise..?" Tubbo nodded and hummed "I promise."

Ranboo sighed heavily and opened their eyes, staring at his lips because it's the easiest they can do. They kept opening and closing their mouth, unsure of how they were going to phrase it. Tubbo noticed the struggle and kissed the tip of their nose "Take as long as you need. Don't force it out.."

Ranboo nodded small before sighing once again and explaining "I get... sad thoughts sometimes. Usually they're not that bad, but sometimes they can get really bad and today was one of those really bad thoughts. I started to forget things. I was having panic attacks. I nearly even misplaced my memory journal. It's why I hadn't visited yet today."

They paused before continuing "Thankfully, I had Techno to help ground me and keep me straight pretty much. I didn't... want you to really find out because I'm supposed to be a good husband and stuff and like.. I'm supposed to be the okay one so I can help you out. To help Mikey out when he has nightmares and you when you have nightmares and.. yeah." They sighed heavily, holding themself "I'm supposed to be the fine one..."

Tubbo reached out and held their face with both hands, mumbling "Hey..." Ranboo looked at what they assumed to be his eyes, quietly staring. Tubbo caressed their cheeks, brushing his thumbs as he hummed "It's okay that you're not okay.."

Ranboo shook their head and opened their mouth to disagree, but Tubbo got to it first "Don't hit me with that 'but I'm supposed to' bullshit because you can. You're allowed to not be okay. You're allowed to break and feel small. And sure as hell, you can always tell me you don't feel okay. You let me go to you, so why do you think that I wouldn't want to see you low?"

Ranboo reached over and lifted his hair, looking directly at his eyes. They could see he was completely genuine in his words. Tubbo kissed their cheek and continued "I love you, Boo. and I'm completely willing to listen to your issues because I love you. Just like how you love me and you're willing to listen to me when I need to just.. say everything on my mind.."

Ranboo could feel tears burning at their eyes and Tubbo pulled them close to his chest, petting their back and reassuring that it's okay. Ranboo only sobbed into his chest, murmuring out apologies. Tubbo quietly shushed them and hummed sweet nothings to them. He knew his husband just genuinely needed a reassurance that everything would be okay.

He was curious - however - of how long Ranboo has been feeling like this. How long has Ranboo been bottling it all up? He couldn't recall them ever talking about thoughts like this..

After a while, Ranboo ran out of tears and moved away from his chest. Tubbo smiled small and wiped away stray tears, humming "You feel better now?" Ranboo nodded small "A little.." Tubbo kissed their cheek "That's good.. You wanna tell me more?"

Ranboo sucked in a breath and looked into his safe eyes, thinking for a moment. They could see so much love held in his eyes. Love and warmth and reassurance that they were finally okay. Seeing just how warm his eyes were, all of the bad thoughts just.. faded away. They were okay now. And they would be okay as long as Tubbo was here with them by their side.

Ranboo shook their head with a smile "No. I think I'm.. I'm gonna be okay now.." Tubbo smiled even more "That's good." He stood up and threw them over his shoulder "Now. I'm making us hot cocoa, boss man. And you're not allowed to say no. It's now offically a sleepover until we both pass out" Ranboo laughed a little, hanging dead over his shoulder "Okay"

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