[breakfast surpises]<fluff>

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Ranboo quickly woke up, quickly rolling over to swing an arm around their husband. Panic flooded through their body when they didn't feel him and they quickly sat up, looking around for him.

They saw a note sitting where their husband was supposed to be sleeping and picked it up curiously, looking it over. They let out a breath of relief. Oh thank goodness. He was just out in his nuke room completing the finishing touches on a new nuke he'd been working on.

They sighed softly and climbed out of bed, quickly going to get dressed. Once they finished, they left to go and wake Michael up and surpise Tubbo with breakfast.

They knew he definitely didn't bring out food. He typically didn't so they had to personally deliver him some food.

They knocked on Michael's door before peeking their head in and letting out a soft chuckle upon seeing the still sleeping piglin. They walked in and gently shook him awake "Mike.. C'mon wake up buddy"

They saw Michael wake a bit and heard him ask a small "Boo?" Ranboo nodded, smiling gently "Hey bud.. We gotta get up. We're surpising Bee with breakfast." At that, Michael quickly sat up and did grabby hands, wanting to be carried. Ranboo let out a small laugh and picked his son up, carrying him on their hip as they left to the kitchen.

They walked in and hummed "What should we make him for breakfast?" "Pancake!" Michael cheered happily, making Ranboo chuckle and ruffle his head "Alright bud. Go and help me out by getting the stuff" They set Michael down and started to prepare bowls and the pans, smiling to themself.

"I'm making bee and me some eggies. You want some?" Ranboo asked, looking over at Michael who only shook his head no in disgust. They laughed and began making the batter, pouring them on the pan. They waited for them to cook a bit before they flipped the pancakes.

While they made pancakes, they began cooking turkey sausage. Once the pancakes got done, they set them down on three seperate plates and Michael helped by pouring syrup on them. Ranboo soon finished making the turkey sausage and set them on the three plates, setting eggs on their and Tubbo's plates.

They smiled and turned off the stove "You wanna carry Bee's plate to him?" they asked, setting dirty dishes in the sink and pouring a glass of milk. Michael nodded quickly and Ranboo laughed "Alright Michael"

The pair left to creep into the nuke room, spotting Tubbo and sliding his plate and glass beside him. "Good morning Handsome, we made you breakfast." Ranboo smiled, kissing the top of Tubbo's head.

Tubbo turned to look at the two and softly smiled "Why are you so good to me?" "Because I love you more than anything," Ranboo giggled "Now go and eat. I don't want you to end up passing out from lack of food" Tubbo laughed "Yeah yeah I know"

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