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this was written way before the lore from yesterday. it was an idea of what i wanted to possibly happen and i'll be writing soon a one shot based off of that lore.


Ghostboo immediately heard the sirens and a feeling that they could only assume as panic filled them. If it was any other siren, they wouldn't bat an eye, but these were sirens they already knew were danger. These were nuke sirens.

They remembered a memory of Tubbo talking to them one time about the nukes. How his nukes could destroy the entire server if he wished. How he would never set the alarm off unless he was truly setting the nukes off.

It seems like Tubbo was finally setting them off.

Ghostboo quickly phased through the wall of where their son was hiding, smiling as warm as they could. They were trying to reassure their son that everything was gonna be okay. They knew it wasn't. A nuke was going to go off and the ghost knew this tiny room wouldn't be enough to keep away the blast, but they didn't want their son to die in fear.

They pulled him as close as they could, fishing out their journal and flipping to the most recent entry. They needed to tell Ranboo. Ranboo would want to know that maybe everyone they care about will be coming soon.

They wrote to them about how they heard the sirens go off and how they're with Michael. How Michael is panicked, but they're making sure he's okay. They knew the other took a while to reply back so they just closed the journal and slid it back into their pocket. They played with their son in the meantime, wanting him to die happy.

He was so young.. Just 3 years old. He didn't know he was gonna be dying so soon. They could remember him talking about adventuring the world when he's older.. Send Tubbo and them pictures of friends he makes along the way and slay many zombies and skeletons. He had the whole world ahead of him.

Too bad it had to end.

Soon a white flash seeped into the room and it all felt so quick. One second, the pair were together, holding each other tight as Ghostboo continued conforting a terrified Michael. The next, everything including them both was all gone.

Who knew ghosts could die too?

Ranboo saw the message from Ghostboo come in and panic immediately flooded through them, writing in the journal quickly. Ghostboo wasn't replying though. Usually they got a message from the ghost quickly after, but they weren't getting a message.

Suddenly a wave thundered above them and nearly knocked them into the water, a strange new feeling of feeling almost... complete. Like a half of them finally entered their life and they're whole once more..

They finally knew the nuke had finally hit.

They hugged themself carefully, letting out tearless sobs. Their son was dead long before he deserved to have. From what they could remember, their son was so tiny with so many dreams of what he wanted to do when he was old enough to leave the house.

They could remember faint memories of him going on and on about the ideas he was gonna do whenever he was older. And Ranboo just laughed and encouraged his ideas. They laughed and encouraged his ideas because no one - especially Ranboo - knew what the fates of the world were going to be. Now his son is dead at just 3 years old.

Suddenly, out of nowhere they heard panicked baby ziglin noises. Quickly they snapped out of their thoughts and looked around for the sound.

Their son.

They heard their son.

... Right..?

Even if it wasn't, they didn't hear any piglins around to help the now lost ziglin. They took a step towards the place they heard the noise before jumping back a little when the water splashed them. Right. The water. They sucked in a breath, their brows furrowing a little.

They can't go into the water or they'll end up fading... But they were complete again. Maybe they can go without too much risk..! They smiled small before climbing into the water and swimming through the endless ocean, cringing at the painful waves. They just swam through, keeping the thought of seeing their son once again stuck in their head. It only determined them to go faster.

They continued swimming, starting to lose hope a little before seeing the glimpse of a island in the distance. Quickly they sped towards the island and climbed on, tired and exhausted by how badly the water burned. They looked at their limbs and saw they were the slightest bit faded, but other then that, they were okay.

They caught their breath before looking around the island. They didn't see anything at first before they saw a small glimpse of pink and they headed over carefully, not too sure if it was their son or not. They asked a quiet "Michael..?", their voice hoarse.

The ziglin looked up and immediately looked excited, running over to his papa. He hugged their legs and Ranboo laughed happily, patting their son's head as they did their best to pay no attention to the injuries they've given themself.

Michael looked up at his papa and did small grabby hands, wanting to be picked up. Ranboo smiled and picked Michael up, sitting him on their hip. "Hey bub.." They hummed, tired from how much swimming they had done. Michael smiled happily before tilting his head "Papa okay?"

Ranboo nodded and hummed "Just a bit tired.." Michael pouted at that and grabbed their hand, tugging them towards the dead tree "Sleep!" Ranboo softly chuckled "I'm o-" Michael shook his head and huffed "papa sleep" Ranboo sighed before sitting beneath the tree "Well.. Okay.."

They watched Michael climb onto their lap and he bapped them, wanting them to sleep already. They laughed softly, but soon gave into the temptation. "Wake me up if anyone scary comes by" Michael nodded with a confident grin and with that, the long aged enderian hybrid fell asleep.

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