[when he sees me]<fluff>

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brain go brrrrrr.




"I stick with real things. Usually facts and figures. When information's in its place, I minimize the guessing game"

Ranboo sat by the window, rubbing his knuckles nervously. His gut was filled with... This strange feeling. He didn't know what it was and it felt weird.. And.. He didn't know if he liked it or not. He usually didn't like sudden change. This was a sudden change.

"Guess what? What? I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings. How am I supposed to operate if I'm just tossed around by fate? Like on an unexpected date?"

After a while of thinking, he shook his head. He didn't like the feeling. The feeling was so sudden and he didn't like it. He liked knowing what the feeling was and didn't like it when he was left in the dark of what the feeling was. How was he supposed to act if he didn't even know how he felt... Or why he got the feeling when Tubbo would flirt with him...

"With a stranger who might talk too fast or ask me questions about myself before I've decided that. He can ask me questions about myself"

Tubbo was this... This bright flame. And... For some reason Ranboo always felt himself feeling sick everytime he saw that smile and couldn't help feeling his face burn up everytime Tubbo said a flirty remark to him. Ranboo didn't like it at all.

"He might sit too close or call the waiter by his first name or eat Oreos, but eat the cookie before the cream. But what scares me the most. What scares me the most"

He especially didn't like it because... Because Tubbo was this strange force. Tubbo was erratic and strange and.. Random. Ranboo hated quick changes.. And.. It scared him.. Tubbo kinda.. Scared him... But... At the same time Tubbo's quick and sudden changes make him feel slightly comfortable..

"Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then? If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?"

Ranboo looked down and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He stood and started to pace the room, hugging his sides. What if Tubbo found out that the thought of Tubbo made him feel sick..? Tubbo was still a good friend. An amazing friend. Ranboo didn't want anything to ruin that.

"What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that."

Ranboo couldn't live with himself if he lost someone as amazing as Tubbo because Ranboo felt all this... Strange feelings towards Tubbo.. He sighed.

"So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind. This way I get the best view, so that when he sees me, I want him too"

What if- No.. Quit thinking like that. Ranboo was fine keeping these feelings locked up. Because then, he could wait and see if.. If Tubbo would react positively to this feeling. And then.. And then Ranboo could say it. But.. Not right now.

"Dawn, don't you think you're being a little, I mean maybe just a tad-"

Ranboo decided it'll be the best call. Especially since no one else knew that Ranboo was feeling these feelings. Ranboo sighed and shook his head, deciding to head to bed and think it over the night. He walked up to his room and immediately fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows

"I'm not defensive! I'm simply being cautious. I can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating while a certain suitor stands in line. I've seen in movies, most made for television, you cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life. I could end up a miserable wife"

Ranboo woke up the next day and started to remember. Right. Tubbo wanted to talk to him today about.. Something. Ranboo felt the feeling rise up in his stomach yet again and he groaned. A thought had came with the feeling and he didn't know how to feel about it. The thought made him feel more.. Sick.

It looked like the thing that he's seen people do in movies. Ranboo wasn't even sure if that's what he wanted. He's never experienced it and it scared him. He didn't like things that scared him. Especially when he's seen that some of those people end up miserable.. Ranboo wasn't sure if he wanted that...

"Sorry girls, but he could be criminal, some sort of psychopath who escaped from an institution. Somewhere where they don't have girls. He could have masterminded some way to find me. He could be colorblind. How untrustworthy is that? He could be less than kind"

Ranboo stood up from his bed and started heading down the stairs. And besides, Ranboo didn't even know Tubbo that much to even make an assumption of that even happening. Tubbo could very likely be a.. A war criminal or.. Or a serial killer or... Whatever. Ranboo wouldn't know if Tubbo could be trusted... But...

"Or even worse he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that? Oh, god"

Ranboo paused. Maybe it could be a good experience.. Maybe... Letting his guard down and letting Tubbo how Ranboo truly was wouldn't be too bad. Maybe telling Tubbo what this feeling made him feel would be good... Or..

"What if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it? And I can't close it? What happens then? If when he holds me, my heart is set in motion. I'm not prepared for that. I'm scared of breaking open, but still I can't help from hoping to find someone to talk to"

No. No.. He couldn't do it. He quickly made his way to the place where Tubbo wanted to meet him and felt the feeling rise more and more the closer he got to the place. And...

By now, he's realized the feeling was... Of course he's realized it and.. It scared him. Especially since he hasn't felt this way in a while.. And.. The feeling was such a quick change from how he was supposed to feel towards Tubbo.. And.. Ranboo couldn't let his guard down. He was scared even more since he's figured it out.

"Who likes the way I am. Someone who, when he sees me, wants to again"

He spotted Tubbo and Tubbo spotted him. Tubbo quickly ran over to Ranboo and hugged him, smiling widely. Ranboo felt his face slightly burn and he laughed, knowing the feeling was growing more and more higher. The more attached he got to Tubbo, the more he grew worried that it'll over flow and he'll be rejected...

But... For now, he's let his guard down for all, but one emotion... Because he trusted Tubbo with everything... Except with his feeling of love.

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