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mermaid au my beloved *holds gently*


-blood/mention of blood


Ranboo had been in the other room when there was the sound of something breaking, like a bowl of some sort. The scream of Puffy saying, "TOBIAS!" was heard shortly after, like something bad had happened.

As soon as Ranboo heard both things, they quickly swam out of his room to investigate what had happened. The sight before him was Puffy with an aggressive Tubbo in her arms. She was trying to keep him from causing any further damage. "Tobias, please calm yourself!"

Tubbo's scalera had completely changed, it now being a black color. His eyes were slits, and he looked like a rabid animal. His phase started early, much to Puffy's dismay. No one wasn't expecting it.

".. Tubbo..?" Ranboo said, looking Tubbo over quietly. He was slightly scared, yes, but tried not to let it show. This was their friend after all. "Ranboo get back to your room, I don't want him to harm you-" Puffy said in a panicked and somewhat shaky voice, attempting to contain the wild boy in her arms.

Especially since Tubbo was now aware of another person.

Ranboo ignored Puffy's words and came closer, their mind set on trying to help Tubbo through this. He was seeing his first - and only - friend in this ocean experiencing trouble and... Wanted to help him through anything. Tubbo, however, only growled louder the closer Ranboo got.

"Ranboo." Puffy warned, worried that Tubbo is gonna attack

Ranboo paused and looked at Tubbo quietly, a sad look in his eyes. "I don't want him to be alone..." They said, glancing up at Puffy. Puffy said, pure worry in her voice "Ranboo, he'll hurt you and I'm not having Toby's friend die by his own hands. Please just let me handle this."

Tubbo was fighting madly against Puffy's grip, biting and scratching at her arms so he could escape and attack Ranboo.

"He won't kill me. I won't let it happen. He's hurting you too and he could kill you if he could kill me. He needs his mom to be alive more than a friend" Ranboo said, looking back at Tubbo. "He can have multiple friends, but he can't have multiple moms. He only has one of those.."

Puffy stared at him quietly, debating back and forth in her head. After a while she spoke "...Alright, but if things get out of hand I have to jump in." as soon as she said that, Tubbo bit harshly on a scar Puffy had on her arm. Because of that, Puffy let go of him. Not even a second after he launched himself at Ranboo, biting his arm harshly.

Ranboo had pain suddenly fill their body and tears threaten to spill, but they didn't let them spill "I.. I know.." They nodded to Puffy. He then looked at Tubbo and just... Hugged him. Tightly. Not letting go. They were young. He was strong. They could handle being attacked.

Tubbo kept where he was, still biting Ranboo's arm as he drew blood from it. Growling lowly, his tail wrapped around Ranboo like rope. Ranboo closed their eyes and breathed in slowly, masking the pain. They continued hugging Tubbo, refusing to let go. They were trying to tame a wild beast and wouldn't go down without a fight.

Tubbo clawed at Ranboo's shoulders, growling. Though, it was growing to be obvious that his aggressiveness was decreasing due to how his bite becomes less and less harsh.

Ranboo didn't let go even with how much pain Tubbo was causing them. He continued staying, holding Tubbo tightly, being stubborn as ever. He had noticed the less harsher bites so that slightly brought their hopes up.

Puffy could only watch with worry. The amount of blood flowing within the water from Ranboo's wounds were worrying her.

Although Tubbo's bite had slowly lessened, he was still clawing at Ranboo's shoulders. It had to take more than just a hug to calm this beast. Ranboo said, trying to hide the fact he was in such intense pain "Tubbo... Please... I know you're there.."

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