
151 13 1

-self depreciation
-depressing thoughts


The enderian let out a shaky breath, staring at their fist just hovering above the door. They were debating back and forth on whether or not they should knock and most likely disturb their sleeping husband's night. On one hand, he was sleeping, and he rarely slept most of the time. On the other hand, maybe he was having a rough night and would need some comfort..?

They sucked in a breath before stepping away from the door and making their way from the small cottage, however was pulled to a stop when they heard a familiar sleepy voice ask, "Boo?"

They glanced back at him, and butterflies fluttered around their stomach as they saw how adorable their husband was. Prime... They really did love him...

They smiled small. "Hi.. Uhm. Sorry. For intruding on your night, " Tubbo smiled small and said,"It's fine. What brings you here?" "O..Oh. Uhm. I... couldn't sleep. I think my aimless wandering led me here.." Tubbo chuckled softly."Sounds like you..." Ranboo narrowed their eyes, and the goat smiled even more "Here. Why don't you come in?"

Ranboo shook their head. "Oh.. I.. I couldn't. It's late and -" Tubbo reached out and carefully grabbed their wrist, humming."It's fine. I insist. And besides, a winter storm should be picking up soon, and I don't want you to lose a life caught up in it." Ranboo stumbled over their words "W..What about you? I.. I mean... I'm going to be intruding on your sleep and I.. I'm sure I'll be able to -"

"Shhh. I couldn't sleep long before you even came here. And no, you wouldn't be able to survive out in the middle of a winter storm." Tubbo spoke, cutting his husband off. Ranboo dipped their head and sighed. "Okay... I'll stay. " Tubbo grinned widely and tugged them into the small home, shutting the door behind them.

Ranboo felt a pang of guilt build inside them as they glanced around the quiet home. "Are.. Are you sure it's fine..?" Tubbo nodded and led them over to a fireplace that seemed to have just been lit."I'm more than sure. You're my husband. You're always welcome here, Boo." "Okay.." Ranboo murmured, settling down by the fireplace.

Tubbo sat across from them and reached to hold their hand, smiling warmly as Ranboo let out a small sigh. "You okay, Boo..?" Tubbo asked, rubbing small shapes on Ranboo's hand. The ender nodded quietly, staring at the combined hands. Tubbo hummed and moved his free hand to rest carefully on their face. "You know you can tell me anything, right..?"

Ranboo breathed out softly. "I know.." Tubbo leaned forward and laid a soft kiss against their forehead, whispering a small "I love you. " Ranboo smiled a little before it faltered a bit."I love you too.." Tubbo grinned and kissed their forehead again.

Ranboo could feel the guilt starting to grow a little, it churning deep inside their stomach. They wanted to tell him so badly about what thoughts lurk in their head. He's already told them of the day he was executed, so why are they so selfish to withhold the fact that they have been living a lie. That they aren't the man who their husband thought he married.

They pulled from his touch, it feeling so sickening because they don't deserve it. Why would they be deserving of it? They had been the one who killed Tubbo's best friend. They had been the one who led for exile to happen. They had been the one who continued to trust Techno even when those closest to them wanted him dead. The one who picked a side of being a traitor to all when they demanded to never pick a side.

They don't deserve comfort.

They felt Tubbo wrap his arms around them and drag them onto his lap, cooing softly "Oh Boo..." Ranboo blinked up at him. Why does he think they're still so good? Why can't he see the monster they truly are? Why can't he see what shitty things they've done to everyone?

"What's wrong, my love?"

"I don't... I don't know..." Is what Ranboo could whisper out, but they knew. They knew exactly what was wrong. They knew how fucked up their mind was. How it was such a constant buzzing static. How they couldn't fathom why people still wanted them around.

"That's okay. You don't need to know..' Tubbo hummed, starting to pet their back. "I'm here for you, okay? No matter what you think is gonna happen.." "I.. I want to be okay.." Ranboo murmured, burying their face into the crook of his neck. "Mmhmm?And you will be..." Tubbo whispered

Ranboo shook their head, whispering, "I won't..." Tubbo tilted his head and asked,"How come?" "My head's not on right.." Ranboo mumbled."I don't remember anything but all of the bad things I've done..." Tubbo hummed quietly, tracing shapes on the Ender's back."And what's that?" Ranboo shook their head and murmured."Can't tell you.. I open my mouth to say it, but it won't come out. I say words, but no sound comes out..."

"And that's okay." Tubbo reassured, kissing the space between their horns "Just know I'll be here for you when you can say it, okay?" Ranboo shook their head no and whispered "I've done so much bad stuff... You.. You don't want to hear it.." Tubbo hummed "Is it as bad as exiling your own best friend? Is it as bad as executing a traitor? Is it as bad as exploding your own country..?"

Ranboo shook their head no and Tubbo said "Then I want to hear it..." Ranboo moved their head from his neck and narrowed their eyes, tapping a small pattern on Tubbo's back. Tubbo carefully took their face into his hand and whsipered, lifting his hair to show his eyes "Boo.. I promise you, I'll hear it. I want to be there for you.. No matter what. You could've killed Tommy and I would still want to hear you out.."

Ranboo's eyes grew soft upon looking in his eyes. He meant it. He did... truly mean it. "Thank... Thank you..." Ranboo whispered. Tubbo grinned and said "Hey.. You're welcome" He leaned forward and began giving them multiple kisses all over their face, making a small "mwah" with each kiss. Ranboo started to smile under all of the kisses and soon, small chirps and purrs and laughs started errupting from their throat.

"There's that beautiful smile I love so much, handsome" Tubbo grinned after he finished assaulting Ranboo. Ranboo smiled and giggled "Hush" Tubbo grinned even more "Nah" He continued on attacking them with kisses, adoring the loud noises that kept on playing. After all, it meant that his husband was finally happy.

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