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i don't know i was feeling sad. take this however you please. might be more like band au mindset


-broken heart


Ranboo laid fetal position, choking on sobs as he finally broke down. He was happy for Tubbo. Truly happy. It was just... Tubbo used to be happy with Ranboo and now.. Tubbo was happier. So much happier. And Ranboo couldn't move on. How could he? Tubbo was amazing. Tubbo could brighten the room just by smiling.

Ranboo didn't know how to move on either. Tubbo was the only one who helped him with these types of things and.. well... Ranboo was crying over him.

He didn't know how long he could continue pretending to be happy for Tubbo. Is this how Tommy felt when Ranboo had first befriended Tubbo..? Sad for himself? Spending nights crying himself to sleep..? Maybe Ranboo should talk to Tommy...

Ranboo weakily grabbed his communicator and messaged Tommy, asking if he could talk to him. Tommy said Okay and Ranboo started to call him.

Tommy answered and Ranboo immediately let out another sob.

"What happened?" Tommy asked, sounding annoyed but there was the tone of genuine worry underneath. Ranboo breathed out "Is this how you felt when I stole Tubbo from you..?" Tommy said "Crying?" Ranboo nodded and let out a verbal yes. Tommy sighed, showing he was letting go of the act he puts on.

"Truly..? No. I never cried.. I was angry, but then I told myself he could have other friends and.. yeah... I always knew we were gonna be friends at the end of the day.."

Ranboo said, their voice breaking "So why does it hurt so badly? Why does it feel like my heart has been shattered so badly? Why is it so hard to act happy?"

Tommy was quiet for a little bit before answering "Because you fell in love. You fell for him so hard... and now he has a new lover. And it's hard to pretend you're happy because you can see how happier Tubbo is with someone else so quickly after you both broke up... you're... jealous that he can be happier. Because you had always been the thing keeping him happy... and now you're not"

Ranboo was quiet before whispering "Why did I have to fall..?" Tommy sighed sadly "Because you thought Tubbo was the one for forever.." Ranboo's voice cracked "But he didn't stay forever" Tommy nodded "But he didn't stay forever.."

Ranboo hiccupped "I promised him I would stay forever.." Tommy nodded once more "And you did.. but he's with someone new. And now you gotta let go of the thread.. he... you can find someone else who you could stay forever for.."

Ranboo wiped his tears "I can't... I.. would feel like I'm betraying him.." Tommy shook his head "You aren't... because you're not his anymore.. but soon you'll find someone else who would be your beloved.." Ranboo mumbled "can't you be them..?"

Tommy sighed "No Ranboo. Because I don't swing that way. And because that someone needs to be someone extremely special.. and new.."

Ranboo was quiet for a minute before saying "Where could I even find someone like that..? Where could I even find someone like Tubbo..?" Tommy shrugged "That's up to you to figure out. I can't be the one who finds your new partner... This is a journey for you to figure out. All I can do is help nudge you in the right direction.."

Ranboo breathed out shakily "Thank you Tommy.." Tommy smiled small "you're welcome..."

Ranboo looked away "Can... You help distract me..? I.. I don't want to think about him anymore... it.. makes me too sad everytime I think of him.." Tommy nodded "Yeah of course Big R"

And so they both talked about other things. Tommy went on a long rant about his kid, Shroud, and how awesome they were. Ranboo did eventually forget about the whole thing with Tubbo.

It was nice...

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