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this is based off of a tiktok i saw by @tu88os on tiktok


Ranboo woke up and immediately tiredly patted around the bed for Tubbo. They wanted to hold him a little bit before they had to get up. However, immediately panic flooded through them when they didn't feel the familar warmth beside them. They quickly sat up and looked at where the sleeping goat should've been, but wasn't.

They quickly stood up and wandered around the home, praying that maybe he woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep. They knew it didn't storm before because they would've heard it and it's been months since Tubbo's had nightmares. But.. They couldn't be too sure.

When they didn't find him anywhere in the house, the next place they wanted to check was either Tommy's house or the crater of the nation their husband had once control over. They quickly stuffed on their jacket before heading straight through the door, however they nearly ran straight into someone and dug their claws into the wood of the front porch.

They pulled to an immediate stop and saw Tubbo standing, leaning against the small stone wall as he stared at the barely rising sun. Their ears folded back and their eyes grew soft as they padded beside him.

"I see you're out here"

Ranboo commented, leaning against the wall as well. Tubbo didn't speak up and Ranboo glanced over to him. He was fidgetting with his hands, a sign that something was plaguing his mind and by his silence, it wasn't anything good. Ranboo let out a short hum before letting the silence continue hanging in the air.

Ranboo was letting any possible thought run their head, creating a theory as to why their husband was seemingly upset. A few typical things played. Things of how the execution was hard on him or even things of how shitty he felt for exiling his own best friend or many other things he's been forced to live through. Suppose it could be all of them combined..

Ranboo glanced over at Tubbo before staring at the sun slowly rising. The sunrise was pretty. They didn't get to watch it alongside Tubbo often. Usually, their mornings would be filled with chaos with trying to keep their toddler calm while cooking breakfast or whatever things. Spending it now with Tubbo was nice, even if he was upset with something.

Ranboo could figure as much it was probably something to do with all the things he's gone through. If it was of his execution, Tubbo would be crying out in pain because his burns would ache. If it was of him exiling Tommy, he would've locked himself deep in a closet. If it was what that man put him through, he would be burying himself in his work. It must be a rare occurrence of all of his traumas sinking in.

Ranboo breathed out a soft sigh before saying "You... didn't deserve what happened to you.." Tubbo showed no response to their words, but they knew he heard them. He's been hearing them. They know him just as well they're sure he's the man they fell in love with. They narrowed their eyes from the rising sun "You didn't deserve it."

Silence continued to hang over them both, but Ranboo was fine with it. They were always fine with it as long as it was with Tubbo. They didn't like silence at all, but they knew it was necessary when it came to Tubbo. Tubbo needed it so he could be calm as well or else he'd grow overwhelmed and it'll make things worse. So Ranboo learned to be okay with silence.

Ranboo noticed out of the corner of their eye that Tubbo made some movement and they could hear a soft "Thank you" spill from Tubbo's lips. Ranboo looked back up to the sun and carefully reached over to rest an arm on Tubbo's shoulder before pulling him next to them. They held him with their arm, letting him know he was to forever be safe in their arms. They wrapped their tail around him soundlessly as they whispered back a small "You're welcome."

The couple continued standing there, watching the sunrise and letting the small comfortable silence float around them both. The only noises heard were the songs of nature playing amongst them. Sounds of the waves of the ocean hitting the frozen beaches. Sounds of the wind blowing through the snowy trees in the forest. Sounds of birds chirping morning songs and bees buzzing as they collected pollen.

The two only needed each other this morning and that was okay.

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