brain go brrrrr
-i apologize if there's any spelling mistakes or anything. i tried my best to go through and check for any grammar mistakes. if you see any, feel free to point it out and i'll make sure to go back and fix it---
-king logan
-queen jean
Ranboo sat at the dining table, resting his hand on his chin as he picked at his food. His parents were discussing some kingdom updates like if their people were happy and if the crops were doing well. Ranboo didn't like listening in. It reminded him of the very thing his parents kept on discussing. Marriage. Marriage to keep their status of power in the kingdom. Speaking of the topic, his father turned towards him
"Ranboo, there's something we need to discuss with you"
Ranboo glanced up from his food and set his fork down, sitting straight "Yes, father?" His father said "We'll be throwing a ball for you to find a partner in 2 days time for your 17th birthday. You must marry, Ranboo. You cannot keep on delaying the inevitable" Ranboo nodded "Of course, father"
He didn't want to marry. He didn't want to settle down just yet. He wanted to explore the world and.. Have fun before he had to settle down and become a king. But he had to follow his father's orders. If he had to marry, he had to marry. Hopefully his father would let him marry whoever he wishes.
His father looked at him for a while before explaining "You'll be dancing with many possible royalty you could marry... You may only pick one to spend some time with after the ball ends. It is your choice and your responsibility to find a nice prince or princess or princex to marry."
Ranboo tried not to smile as he heard his father explain that he could choose he wanted to marry. Hopefully he would find at least one who is nice.. And who he could tolerate and at least marry. His father saw the small smile the prince had on his face and he glanced over at his wife who was sharing the same look. Their son was finally excited to marry.
The dinner was finished and Ranboo had finished getting ready for bed. He was now sitting at his desk, writing notes down for his lessons early in the morning the next day. The specific lessons he was writing notes for was of how to show proper etiquette towards your partner. He was only learning since he was close to being of age to be married. 17.
He heard someone knocking at his door and he glanced over, saying "Come in!" He smiled as he saw his mother coming in "Hello Ranboo, dear" Ranboo smiled, standing up "Hello mother" Ranboo's mother walked over to his bed and sat, patting the spot next to her. Ranboo made his way over to her and sat beside her, smiling. He always favored his mother. His mother gave him a hug.
"I know your birthday is tomorrow, but... This present cannot wait.." Ranboo looked at her confused before he saw her pull a small box out from behind her. She then placed it in his hands "Go along. Open it. It won't bite" She said, giggling. Ranboo laughed and opened it, his eyes landing on the beautiful green and teal ring. He looked up at his mother and softly breathed out "Oh Mother..."
She smiled small "It's yours now.. Your Father was given it by his father when he was around your age and.. Well.. Since you're soon to get married, and you're his first born and only child, we both had decided to pass it down to you. I've already had the band fixed to fit your finger. It's yours to keep and hopefully to pass down to your child when the time comes."
Ranboo looked down at the ring and carefully picked it up before sliding it onto his index finger. He looked at it carefully "Can you please tell father I love it... It's.. Really beautiful..." Ranboo's mother kissed his forehead before she stood "Will do, dear" Ranboo watched her walk out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...