i was inspired by a tiktok + my own headcanons
-self harm
-depressing thoughts
-one sided love
-more to be added (please do tell me)---
"... Awesome. Cool... Uhm.. That's... Great. Oh..! Would you look at that. The.. The bread is.. Stale. I gotta go..." Ranboo said, feeling extremely hurt
Ranboo grabbed the bread from out of the chest quickly, finding it more and more harder to breath. But they kept up the front. Just a bit longer. Not in front of Tubbo...
"Oh.. Okay" Tubbo said, watching Ranboo confused.
"It was- Uhm- it was nice uh- talking to you. I'm gonna go and throw this bread in the river..." Ranboo said, not being able to look at Tubbo. They quickly took all of the bread into their arms "Why does he have to keep his hair up like that..?" They thought quietly "he knows how much I don't like being stared at.."
Tubbo said, still watching Ranboo "Okay"
Ranboo just wanted to get out of here. Quick. They said, struggling with opening the door "Alright. Um- Thanks for- Thanks for stopping on by. Um- I- I'll talk to you um- La- Later... Alright. B-Bye.."
"Okay bye" Was the last thing Ranboo heard from Tubbo before they quickly rushed out of the Ranvan. They quickly made their way down to the bridge between Las Nevadas and...
They paused as their eyes fell upon the cookie shop that no longer was theirs. In their mind, this cookie shop was Them. Ranboo and Tubbo's marriage. A physical representation of that. Something that Ranboo had thought made Tubbo happy... Only to find out that Tubbo wasn't happy.
All Ranboo ever wanted was to make Tubbo happy. Every single thing they did was for Tubbo. To make sure Tubbo was smiling. To make sure Tubbo felt.. Happy. But Ranboo wasn't who Tubbo needed. Tubbo wasn't fully happy with Ranboo. Tubbo probably will never be. After all. Why else would Tubbo accept Quackity's offer at a better life?
Tubbo claims that he was talking about L'manburg. But... Ranboo thought they were the better life than L'manburg. That Michael and Ranboo were the better life...
But they weren't. Of course they weren't. Why would they be? Tubbo and Ranboo only got married for tax reasons so of course Tubbo wouldn't love Ranboo like Ranboo did. Tubbo never did truly want Michael did he? Tubbo was just pretending.
Ranboo was perfectly okay without Tubbo loving him back but... They always thought Tubbo would've at the very least love Michael... And care about him.. And.. And...
Ranboo could feel steam coming from their eyes, but they didn't care. They ignored the pain. They were numb to it at this point.
They made their way down to the river and sat on their knees, staring down at their reflection. All they could see was the mess they've become. Fresh tear scars from their eyes to their cheeks and jaw. A broken look in their eyes. Their thoughts hurting them more and more.
They better get to throwing the bread in the river...
They laid the bread to their side before grabbing one and holding it down under with both hands. They wanted to scream out in pain, but they didn't budge.
They deserved this. They couldn't make Tubbo happy. Tubbo would've been happier without them. Tubbo always wanted a better life without them and Michael.
They took the bread out and went to stick another piece of bread into the river.
Each time they did this, the hurtful thoughts quieted down. And the more they did this, the less it hurt. It felt like nothing by the time they finished. Their hands and arms were extremely burnt up, but they paid no attention to it.
They stood up and stumbled their way back home, tired and exhausted. Not the home with Michael. Their home with Philza and Techno.
They made thier way to their bed before collapsing and passing out. Dealing with their arms was a problem for tomorrow Ranboo. Right now... All Ranboo wanted to do was sleep...

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...