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"He doesn't love you"

"He does!" Ranboo yelled, their lungs burning and hot tears rolling down their face. they couldn't breathe. Why was it hard to breathe? please. stop it. stop it stop it stop it stop it.

"You can't even name one thing he's done to prove it"

Ranboo curled into a ball, pulling at their hair "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up" They stared at themself in the mirror, hating what they saw.

"You know it's true. Stop. Lying. To. Yourself"

Ranboo yelled "You're the one who's lying!" The voice growled "You're only upset because I'm telling you the truth. You know I'm right. You know Tubbo doesn't love you. He'll never love you" Ranboo yelled in pain, pulling at their hair.

Make. It. Stop. Please..

Tubbo could hear Ranboo's pained screams echoing through the home. He immediately took off running to find them. Shit. He left them alone too long.

He went to open the door, but it was locked. Why did it have to be locked? He started to throw his body against the door, hoping to have enough strength to knock it down. He didn't care that he could get hurt. Ranboo was hurting..

Eventually he got the door down and slid on his knees before the enderboy, pulling their hands away from their hair and engulfing them in a hug. Ranboo sobbed into his chest, grasping at his shirt desperately as they hugged him back.

They felt numb - cold even. They felt so extremely cold.. and for what? They whispered "Please don't leave me..." Tubbo kissed their forehead and whispered back "I wouldn't dare"

Ranboo was still whispering "Please.. Answer me truthfully... Do you love me..?" Tubbo nodded and whispered once more "More than anything..."

Ranboo grew quiet and dug their face into Tubbo's chest, tired. Their voice was muffled "Thank you..." Tubbo nodded and rested his head on top of theirs "Of course..."

Both boys just sat there, holding each other close as Ranboo calmed. Ranboo felt bad that they broke down again... They've grown vulnerable and they really didn't know why. The fear of Tubbo leaving had just... appeared for no reason. Strange...


it's short, i know. i'm sorry

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