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as far as i'm aware, c!bee duo's marriage has been confirmed as romantic. if it has not been and in fact still platonic, please do tell me





Ranboo was nervously vibrating as he stood, his fingers tapping against his thigh as he tried to calm his nervousness. He was supposed to be knocking on Tommy's door, but he was hesitating. 

Eventually, he gained confidence and knocked. Immediately he heard Tommy voice call "Who is it?" Ranboo straightened his voice and called back "It's Ranboo..!" Tommy opened the door and looked at Ranboo with an annoyed face "What is it?"

Ranboo rubbed his knuckles, nervous "I need to ask you something. Can I come in?" Tommy looked at Ranboo for a while before sighing dramatically and motioning Ranboo in. Ranboo walked in and leaned against one of Tommy's chests, nervously fiddling with the hem of his suit.

"What do you have to ask?" Tommy said, shutting the door. Ranboo nervously chuckled and said, his eyes focused on the ground "So.. Uhm... You know how.. Uh... Tubbo and I are platonically married..?" 

Tommy blinked, a hint of poison in his words "Yeah? You planning on giving him back to me?" Ranboo shook his head "No. I just.. I wanted to ask a question about.. Uh.. Tubbo.." 

Tommy rolled his eyes "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Ranboo sighed "You.. You're Tubbo's best friend so.. You must know what Tubbo likes.. Right..?" Tommy sighed before he nodded "Yeah... But why are you asking me?" 

Ranboo mumbled "Do.. Do you think he'll like this..?" He pulled a small box from his suit pocket and handed it to Tommy. Tommy was confused and opened it. He blinked "Uh- A ring..?" Ranboo nodded "Yeah.." Tommy was even more confused "Didn't you say You're both married?" 

Ranboo nodded once more. Tommy shut the box "So.. Why are you giving a ring..?" Ranboo sighed "I.. Don't actually know.. I made a ring subconsciously while I was going to make some jewelry for you... And.. Well.. My mind had been thinking alot about Tubbo so... I was planning on giving it to Tubbo.."

Tommy said "Why've you been thinking alot about Tubbo?" Ranboo shrugged "I guess it's because Tubbo is my husband" Tommy blinked "It's platonic marriage, yeah?" Ranboo nodded.

Tommy continued "Tubbo's my best friend and he's not on my mind a lot. What do you think about when thinking about Tubbo?" 

Ranboo hummed "Uhm.. I think about.. Him. His eyes. His smile. Small little quirks like the way he sticks his tongue out just a little bit when he's concentrating or the way his laughter is soft when he's exhausted.. I think about how the morning sun makes his skin glow and.. How adorable he is.. How-"

Tommy cringed "Ew. Quit all of the lovey dovey talk." Ranboo slightly chuckled and shrugged "You asked me what I thought about when I think about Tubbo.." Tommy fake gagged "I didn't know you were gonna go all mushy on me. I really don't think any of that was platonic thinking"

Ranboo blinked "What do you mean..?" Tommy rolled his eyes "What I mean is that most people don't think like that when thinking about someone platonically" 

Ranboo became even more confused "Heh?" Tommy looked at Ranboo annoyed before saying blankly "You think of Tubbo romantically. You like Tubbo romantically. Romantic love. Get it through your thick skull" 

"Wha- no..?" Ranboo shook his head "I don't..?" Tommy sighed "Look. I'm not any expert in love but I know fucking well you like Tubbo romantically. Especially since I've seen the way you act around him. A Lot of people think you're both in a romantic relationship"

Ranboo blinked "But.. How..? I mean. People usually don't think of their friends in that way..?" Tommy nodded "Yeah. Because most people don't have feelings for their friends. You just so happened to catch feelings this time around"

Ranboo stood, quiet and thinking for a good while. Finally he let out a soft "oh." as he realized that it all clicked. Tommy nodded


Ranboo sighed "Great. It was supposed to be a platonic marriage. And now I've caught feelings" He ran a hand through his hair "Can you please not tell Tubbo about this..? 

Tommy waved a hand back and forth "Yeah yeah I know I know. Your secret's safe with me. You better tell him though." Ranboo sighed "I doubt I'll successfully tell him but okay. Will do" 

He started to leave the house and saw Tubbo coming his way. He walked over to Tubbo and asked "What are you doing here?" Tubbo looked up at him "I was looking for you. I need to talk to you about something" 

Ranboo blinked and tilted his head a bit "What about?" Tubbo grabbed his arm "Come. I'll tell you where it's private" Ranboo then was dragged away, completely confused. 


have some fluff for all the angst that's gonna occur soon <3

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