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i was inspired by a steven universe quote


Tubbo sighed heavily, sitting against his late husband's house. He pulled his knees to his chest as he stared at the polar bear sitting by a single fence, attached with a single lead.

He pitied all the animals Ranboo had left behind. They had too many to count and.. now they all have to have someone else care for them.

He reached his hand out, seeing the bear stare at him quietly before laying down and burying her face in her paws. It seemed like she seemed bored.

He pulled his hand away and hugged his knees. He was bored as well. He would be watching over Michael, but the ghost was babysitting and the last thing Tubbo wanted to do was hang out with them. He didn't need another reminder that he wasn't going to see his husband ever again.

He let out a small huff of boredom, gently banging the back of his head against the wall. It didn't hurt thankfully.

After a while, he heard a door open and he looked over, seeing the ghost had left the house. He quickly looked away and played with the snow beneath him. He was sure they'll float away. They usually did that.

They didn't.

They floated in front of him before sitting down on their knees, staring down at him. He sighed and looked up at them "What do you want?" Ghostboo narrowed their eyes for a moment before looking back at him "You seem upset."

Tubbo let out a small huff "I'm fine." Ghostboo hummed quietly, moving over to sit beside him "You don't seem fine." Tubbo scooted a bit away from them "I'm fine. Trust me."

Ghostboo sighed "If that's what you believe" Tubbo rolled his eyes and just continued to hold himself.

The two continued to sit in silence, Ghostboo glancing over at him every now and then. They wanted to talk to him, but it seems like they didn't know how to say it.

Tubbo could tell they wanted to say something as well. As much as he hated hearing their voice, he hated this thick awkward silence more. Eventually he spoke up "Spit it out already. I know you want to speak."

Ghostboo mumbled "Jeez. You don't need to be so rude about it" Tubbo rolled his eyes once again and Ghostboo hummed "Fine. Do you... Ever think about..." They sucked in a small breath "About when Ranboo was alive?" Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows, looking over at them "What?"

Ghostboo sighed "Do you think about when Ranboo was alive? Not dead? Living? Do you miss me- miss them?" Tubbo opened and closed his mouth before saying "Yeah.. Sometimes- Why?" Ghostboo looked down at their hands "Do you... Wish I- Wish they were back..? That.. Ranboo was alive again..?"

Tubbo stared at them "What are you hinting at?" Ghostboo stared dead at him "I'm hinting at nothing. I'm just- I'm curious." Tubbo stared for a few moments before sighing "Yeah. I miss Ranboo." Ghostboo glanced down at their hands "And you want them back?" Tubbo nodded "I want Ranboo back."

Ghostboo nodded small "Mhm.. Alright.." Tubbo continued staring "Why are you asking?" Ghostboo shook their head "No reason. Just curious. Like I said"

'Maybe they can come back with some hope...' Ghostboo thought quietly, sighing. Tubbo stared at them, just so completely confused as to what they were trying to do.

The pair continued sitting in silence, Tubbo thinking about Ranboo and Ghostboo thinking about how much Ranboo is suffering alone. Tubbo couldn't even possibly imagine.

After a few moments, Tubbo spoke up, staring at his knees "I.. On the topic of Ranboo.." Ghostboo glanced over at him with a small hum. Tubbo sighed "It's... Dumb. It's a dumb thought" Ghostboo shrugged "Share it. I don't think it's dumb"

Tubbo narrowed his eyes "I- Sometimes.. I.. I wonder if they can... see me. Through your eyes, ya know..?"

Ghostboo opened and closed their mouth, trying to find the words. They wanted so badly to tell him that Ranboo can, but they didn't know how he would feel about it. Maybe he wouldn't mind..

They sighed "They..." They looked over his face quietly, desperately trying to find what emotion was displayed on his face. But his face was far too fuzzy and they couldn't decipher it. So. They had to brave it.

"They can."

As soon as they said it, the world seemed to go so extremely deaf to Tubbo. All the noises of the world just... stopped. All he could hear was his heart beating out of his chest and his thoughts going all over the place.

He looked down at his shaking hands as the sounds of the world started coming back "W..What..? What do you- What do you mean they can..?"

Ghostboo's voice was.. apathetic as always. Cold as they said "They've always been able to see through my eyes. I'm... Technically them, dummy." Tubbo's breathing grew a bit fast "Is.. Is that why you're consantly haunting Michael"

Ghostboo nodded a bit "Yeah basically. It's also the reason why it's... hard to be around you. They're-" 'fading...' they could only say to themself. They got choked up as always when they tried to say it. Which means.. They can't tell him. They instead filled it with "They get too sad when they see you"

Tubbo tilted his head "Why?" Ghostboo fiddled with their fingers "They don't- It's hard for them to remember things. They recognize you. They don't remember you though. They... only remember Michael. That's all."

Tubbo's voice felt so small as he said "oh..." Ghostboo nodded a little before standing "Welp." They clapped a little "I... should get going. Michael is bound to be waking up and I need to make sure he doesn't start crying again." With that, the ghost left.

Tubbo sat there quietly, processing this new information quietly. They could... see him. And they couldn't.. remember him.. They could see everyone. Everything. But they can't remember anything. All they can remember is their kid. Just their kid.

He laughed coldly to himself as he stood up, deciding to come in. He couldn't feel his hands all too much and he just wanted to see Michael to clear his thoughts. Maybe it'll help.

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