[i'm sorry...]<angst>

641 26 1

i was bored and feeling sad so take this




-attempted suicide
-mention of suicide notes
-depressing thoughts


Ranboo stood by the edge of the iced over ocean, staring down at the dark abyss. Were they really going to do this..? They couldn't think of any reason to stay and any reason that could've been thought of was quickly answered with a reasonable answer.

Tubbo? Tubbo was fine. He had Tommy there to support him and now... Quackity. Tubbo didn't even love Ranboo anyways. 

Michael? Michael had Tubbo to raise him. Such a sweet boy didn't need to have a parent who had trouble remembering him. 

Phil? Phil could honestly care less about Ranboo. Sure Phil offered Ranboo a home and everything, but Phil had a son who he could give that home instead.

Tommy? Tommy had Tubbo and Tommy most likely didn't care all that much about Ranboo. They had practically stolen Tubbo away from him. Tommy was fine.

Techno? Ranboo rarely ever saw Techno and was pretty sure Techno could care less about them. Techno was barely home anyways.

Wilbur? Wilbur didn't care about Ranboo. Ranboo was just another person in his life who could be played around like a pawn because of how much of a people pleaser they were. Wilbur also had Tommy.

Everyone who Ranboo thought of had someone else to help support them. To make them happier. Ranboo had no purpose. They had no one to make happy. The only reason they stuck around this long was because of Tubbo and Michael. Ranboo felt like they were making them happy - like they finally had a purpose.. But they didn't. 

Ranboo's already written their goodbyes, planning this smartly. Leave the notes in the night. When everyone was asleep. Where no one could stop them. Where if someone had woken up, they would've been too late to keep Ranboo any longer in this miserable world. 

Ranboo sucked in a breath and went to take a jump in the water when someone wrapped their arms around their waist, stopping them from jumping in. Who..?

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Ranboo felt a chill run up their spine as they heard their voice. They could recognize that voice anywhere. And they had managed to make him sad..


Ranboo looked down at Tubbo, not caring that the tears burned "I have nothing to live for any more, Tubbo.."

Tubbo looked up at Ranboo with anger in his eyes "Nothing to live for?! What the hell are Michael and I to you?! Roaches?!"

Ranboo narrowed their eyes "Tubbo..." Tubbo shook his head "No! I woke up to a suicide note laying where you were supposed to be and then having to read said note, running as fast as I could to make sure you haven't offed yourself yet!"

Ranboo sighed shakily and wiped their tears, looking back at Tubbo "Tubbo you have other people who make you happy. Michael has you. I serve no purpose being here any longer.." 

Tubbo threw his arms up "You're killing yourself because you think that just because I have other people making me happy, I won't need you?! Just because Michael has me, he won't cry and keep on asking where you are?! Ranboo how the hell am I supposed to tell our three year old son that one of his parents lost their first life because they thought that they served no purpose to anyone?!" 

Ranboo looked away and Tubbo said "You've got to be dumb to think like that Ranboo... I never took you to be dumb.." 

"I'm sorry..."

Tubbo pulled Ranboo into a tight hug "you better be.. You nearly scared me into losing my last life. I.. I thought I lost another person... First Tommy faking his death in exile... And now you nearly offing yourself... I can't handle this.."

Ranboo hugged Tubbo back and heard quiet sizzling, seeing Tubbo was crying in their chest. 

Once Tubbo finished crying, Ranboo crouched down to his level "How about we head back home... Okay..?" Their voice was... Calm. Ranboo had gotten better at switching emotions up...

Tubbo nodded and took Ranboo's hand tightly, leading them through the portal. Tubbo seemed like he wasn't letting them go anytime soon...

Maybe... Someone did truly care about them...

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