
790 29 9

band au :D


-ranboo's mom (jean)


-panic attack
-mention of depressing thoughts
-mention of dysphoria
-talks of suicide


Ranboo had been relaxing on the couch, laying lazily as his cat was sitting on his chest. They were gently petting her, watching the practice session with Tubbo and Tommy the other night. He was studying it to see what he could change in the next practice session.

He jumped in their skin when they heard knocking at his door. He wasn't expecting anyone and Tubbo and Tommy were off doing something with Tommy's family. Something about them having to help them clean out the attic. They didn't invite Ranboo since he was taking a break due to... Reasons.

He gently took Enderchest off their chest before setting her down on the ground. He then stood up and went to peek through the peep hole to check who it was.

When they saw who is was, their blood ran cold. He felt a chill run up his spine and he could feel their hands shake.

No... No no.. How... How could they have found him? He made sure to get as far away as possible... How..? How?!

He hesitated before unlocking the door and opening it a crack. He looked at the person, masking his anxiety with confusion "Hello?"

His voice had changed significantly since the last time they spoke to this person so he hoped they wouldn't recognize him.

"Hello. I am looking for someone. I believe you know her"

Ranboo slightly tilted his head "I don't think so..? What's her name..?" Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't-

"My daughter. Romona. Romona Miller" The woman held out a picture of her daughter.

Ranboo cringed at the name and didn't dare look at the photo. They knew who was in the picture. They knew who she was talking about. He forced a chuckle "I'm sorry, ma'am. I don't know who that is. Maybe ask somebody else"

He went to shut the door, but the lady stuck her foot in the door

"Oh but I think you do know who that is. Romona, quit this stupid phase of yours. Your act of trying to be a guy is growing old. Give. It. Up."

Ranboo backed up as the lady pushed the door open. "Lady, i seriously do think you've got the wrong person. My name isn't Romona." Ranboo felt his breathing going uneven

"You are Romona" She ripped the mask off of him and said "Now stop pretending you aren't. You look like my daughter. You are my daughter. Stop acting like you don't know me. Stop acting like you're a boy. Stop acting like you don't remember who I am. I. Am. Your. Mother. And i will always be your mother."

Ranboo tried to grab the mask from her, but she refused to give it. They could feel tears threaten to spill. He couldn't spit anything out. He was working hard to make sure they didn't cry. They didn't want her to walk away satisfied.

"Just look at you. Even if you were a boy, you surely don't act like it. Crying? Not very manly. Just accept that you are a girl and that you always be a girl and that this stupid phase of yours is over." She spat at him, daggers in her eyes.

Ranboo didn't say anything, his thoughts were doubting itself. Their dysphoria was kicking in harshly. He was having a harsh time breathing. He fell to his knees, starting to curl into a ball. They just wanted this all to be over.

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