[mr. loverman]<fluff to angst>

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i decided to do an angst ending with this. :)




Ranboo stared up at the clouds passing above as he laid flat on his back within a flower field. His eyes were closed gently as he was relaxed as he ever could be. A soft breath left his slightly parted lips. He could be like this all day. Right beside him was his phone face down and an earbud hanging lazily in his ear. Laying right beside him was Tubbo, the other earbud laying in his ear. Tubbo was also laying ever so peacefully. Together, the two platonic husbands were just quietly vibing with each other. Home by Cavetown was starting to wrap up and soon it finished. The next song that played made Ranboo's eyes snap open. All he heard was the first notes and he already knew what song it was. Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery.

Ranboo glanced over at Tubbo and immediately he started singing along. "I'm headed straight for the floor. The alcohol served its tour" Tubbo had looked over at him, a slight smile on his lips. Ranboo slightly smiled as well "And it's headed straight for my skin, leaving me daft and dim" Ranboo looked back up at the clouds passing up above and he continued "I've got this shake in my legs. Shaking the thoughts from my head" He tapped his fingers on the ground along to the song "But who put these waves in the door? I crack and out I pour" Ranboo felt his tail flop against the flowers once he heard Tubbo join him for the Chorus "I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man" Both boys locked eyes and smiled big before looking back up at the sky "I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover"

Tubbo started singing the next verse "The ways in which you talk to me have me wishin' I were gone" Ranboo then sang the next part "The ways that you say my name have me runnin' on and on" Ranboo watched the clouds pass above as both sang again "Oh, I'm cramping up. I'm cramping up. But you're cracking up. You're cracking up" Ranboo felt a hand touch his own and he opened one eye, looking over at who was holding his hand "I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man." He smiled soft when he was Tubbo was lacing thier fingers together "I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover" Ranboo brushed his thumb over Tubbo's knuckles "I'm shattered now" Tubbo was watching Ranboo with a platonic loving gaze "I'm spilling out"

And Ranboo looked right back at him with the same look "Upon this linoleum ground" Just two boys as they enjoyed each other's presence "I'm reeling in my brain again before it can get back to you. Oh, what am I 'sposed to do without you..?" They smiled ever so brightly, their platonic wedding bands shining in the sun "I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover man" Ranboo was more than happy that he had Tubbo here with him "I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover" And Tubbo was more than happy that Ranboo was here "I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man" Ranboo held a big dumb smile on his lips. He... Really did really love Tubbo "I'm Mr. Loverman" Tubbo looked back up at the sky and the clouds above "Oh, and I miss my lover"

The song ended and the loud turned quiet. It was a comfortable silence. They just had each other and that was okay. They were both enjoying the peacefulness that the world brought them as of now. They were both satisfied with the quiet. The bright sun was shining down upon them, enough to leave their skin feeling warm and comfortable... Enough to make them happy. Enough to create a peaceful environment. The next song started playing and Ranboo smiled small, staring up at the clouds.


He truly did miss his lover, man... After all.. He is Mr. Loverman. Ranboo looked away from the clouds and turned away from the flower patch, burning hot tears rolling down his cheeks. He started walking away. That was the only memory he had of this... Person. He couldn't remember who they were, but he knew that they were really close when they were both 16 or 17... Ranboo started walking down a dirt path, wiping the tears. The reason he was crying was because he couldn't remember that boy... All he knew was that boy wasn't around anymore. He pulled a journal out of his pocket and flipped through it, looking at the last entry of the boy. "Today the world lost an amazing person. A good president. A good friend. A good father. And my platonic husband."

At the bottom were dried tears with a messy drawing of the supposed boy. The dried tears had blurred out his face. Ranboo sighed, his eyebrows furrowing. He wanted to remember the boy... He shook his head of all the thoughts and went down the path, stuffing the old journal into his pocket. He saw Michael waiting up ahead, smiling "Hey Papa" Ranboo smiled "Hello Michael" Michael looked behind Ranboo curiously "What were you looking at?" Ranboo hummed "I don't know... I could remember a little bit of this place. It seemed... Familiar.." Michael oinked "I would assume it would. It was... Dad's favorite place" Ranboo raised an eyebrow "Dad..?"

Michael nodded "You don't remember, but... Dad always took us here before he.." Michael grew quiet. Ranboo sighed, hugging Michael "I don't like that I don't remember your Dad.." Michael smiled "It's okay, Papa.. He knows that you mean well.." He looked over at Tubghost looking at them both with a quiet look on his face. Michael smiled small at him before looking back at Ranboo "He definitively knows that you mean well.."

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