[strange feeling]<fluff>

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Ranboo fell back on their bed, staring up at the ceiling as they hugged their stomach. Their tail flicked against the ground. They hated this. They hated how sick they felt. They didn't even know why they felt so sick. They never felt this way before. They never had someone corrupt their thoughts and make them feel... Different each time they had to think of them.

They were tired of it.

They tried it and they hated it.

They turned over on their side, curling into a ball. Their tail was tucked between their legs.

Stupid Tubbo for making their face heat up each time he said something to compliment Ranboo. Stupid Tubbo for making Ranboo have to analyze every little thing Tubbo does, wondering what the feeling is behind each word. Behind each action. Stupid Tubbo for causing all of this trouble.

Ranboo was doing perfectly okay without having to constantly be worried as to what Tubbo was thinking. Without having to think hard on what emotion and feeling was behind each and every action and word that Tubbo did.

They hated that they could feel their heart race faster and faster each time Tubbo's voice filled their ears. They hated that they spent so long studying Tubbo, noticing small little quirks about him. Noting everything as just... Perfect.

They hated it all.

And yet, they enjoyed it.

It felt... Fascinating. Strange. A new bazaar feeling.

Seeing Tubbo's sly smile couldn't help but make Ranboo happy. Seeing Tubbo's eyes sparkle as something fascinated him would always make Ranboo smile. The way Tubbo's nose wrinkled each time he laughed made that funny feeling come back once more.

Addicted. Tubbo's affection. Attention. Gaze... Ranboo was addicted to it. Ranboo was like a moth and Tubbo- Tubbo was like a flame. Ranboo was drawn towards him even though they know the risks what will happen because of it. Ranboo couldn't get enough of it. They longed for it constantly, sticking right by Tubbo.

They felt... Angry when Tubbo's attention was on someone else. Ranboo would feel anger slightly flair up inside them whenever Tubbo would smile with someone else... But Ranboo would ignore it. This was normal. Friends always felt that way. Right..? Tommy surely acted like that when Ranboo was with Tubbo so.. It definitely was normal.

But still.. It felt... Different. Ranboo didn't feel like it towards their other friends like they did with Tubbo. Maybe it was because Tubbo was their platonic husband. Yeah... Yeah..! Maybe..! That must be it...

Ranboo heard someone come in and sit down beside him. Ranboo paid them no attention until he heard Tubbo's voice speak

"What's up boo?"

Ranboo felt a shiver run down their spine. And that feeling again. That strange unfamiliar feeling.

Ranboo craned their neck to look at Tubbo and flashed a small smile "Nothing much. Just been thinking alot.."

Tubbo tilted his head and sat criss cross apple sauce, his focus entirely on Ranboo "Thinking? About what?"

Ranboo rolled over to look at Tubbo while laying "Just... Stuff." Ranboo couldn't bring it up to Tubbo about what they were thinking about. Why couldn't they bring up what they were thinking about? When they wanted to say it, their mouth would just shut itself. Like it was forbidden to say it.

Tubbo stared at Ranboo for a minute before shrugging "Alright. That's cool."

Ranboo slightly nodded, both quiet for a while until Ranboo broke the silence "Wait how come you're here?"

Tubbo smiled "I wanted to annoy you" Ranboo felt that funny feeling come back once more at Tubbo's smile. Ranboo rolled their eyes "You do know you could never annoy me right?"

Tubbo chuckled "Oh but I can"

"Really? I don't believe you ever could"

"I believe I can"

Ranboo raised an eyebrow "And how would you do that?"

Tubbo hummed before beginning singing Astronaut In The Ocean. Ranboo softly groaned "You're lucky that I enjoy your singing"

Tubbo hummed "Pineapple on pizza is amazing" Ranboo stared at Tubbo for a minute before saying "If that's your honest opinion, I support you"

"I hate how supportive you are"

Ranboo laughed and Tubbo hummed "I want a divorce" Ranboo blinked "No. Because I don't consent to a divorce" Tubbo groaned "Fuck off" Ranboo laughed even harder "I wasn't even trying to be annoying"

Tubbo gently punched Ranboo's shoulder "You're always annoying" Ranboo fake gasped "How rude" Tubbo flicked Ranboo's ear, annoyed and Ranboo rolled to laid their head in Tubbo's lap "now you're just being abusive" Ranboo joked. Tubbo glared down at them "You haven't seen abusive until i-"

Ranboo quickly sat up "I don't want to see abusive" Tubbo stared dead at him and Ranboo nervously chuckled. Tubbo laughed and laid down, forcing Ranboo to lay as well "I won't hurt you"

Ranboo mumbled "Says the person who flicked my ear" Tubbo said "I can hear you" Ranboo sighed "I know"

Tubbo hummed "You're boring. Can we do something?" Ranboo looked over at him "What do you even want to do?" Tubbo smiled "Visit Michaellllll" Ranboo laughed "Alright" They stood up and Tubbo clinged onto them.

Ranboo sighed in dissappointment "You're so clingy"

Tubbo headbutted them "Piss off. now gooooooo" Ranboo snorted and rolled their eyes "Fine fine" They walked off and out of the room. Maybe they'll figure it out later...

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