Ranboo sucked in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. This week really has been stressful with all of the things they've been needing to do. They needed this.
They walked into the empty room, hearing their feet click on the hard wooden floors. They clicked on the lights and saw the softly lit room. Not too harsh on the eyes. Peaceful.
They left the door a crack open before they started to slide off their shoes. They set thier bag down beside thier shoes and stretched a bit before sighing once more.
They got on their knees and went to grab a jukebox from it before grabbing a music disc as well. They put the jukebox down on the ground before putting in the disc. Soft classical music began playing and a small smile started growing on their face.
They made sure everything was properly set up before walking into the middle of the room. They closed their eyes and sucked in a deep breath through thier nose before they let the music take thier body.
They felt free as they completely relaxed. The soft piano helped ease all thier stress, the rhythm helping to distract them from the real world. They spun and soar through the air, gentle steps landing.
The music was the real thing in control of their body. It was nice to finally let it all go. They were beautiful, majestic even. Like a bird floating through the air. Like a ribbon being pushing by a gentle breeze. A wave as it hugged the shore. Calm. Collected. Not a care in the world. Free.
Tubbo had over heard music coming from the dance studio as he passed by it. He quietly walked over to the door and peeked his head in, careful to not disturb the figure dancing peacefully within the room.
He watched the figure quietly, watching as the figure was... alluring. He watched as their dancing fit the music playing around them, thier body matching the exact emotions of the music. Their facial expressions as well... Tubbo hadn't yet figured out who was the dancer.
He was just so mesmerized at how well they could fit the music. He found them so extremely beautiful.
Tubbo crept into the room and spotted a familiar bag sitting beside a jukebox. This was Ranboo he was watching. A smile found it's way on his face and sat beside Ranboo's things, now fully watching Ranboo dance.
The song had finished and Ranboo struck one final pose before opening their eyes with a happy sigh. They then jumped in their skin when they heard clapping.
They quickly looked over to see who was clapping and felt their entire face flush as they saw it was Tubbo. They felt mainly embarrassed that Tubbo had been watching them dance.
Ranboo walked over to thier things "So uh... what are you doing here?" Tubbo said "I was looking for you and I heard music so I decided to go and check it out. then I saw you dancing and I was gonna go and annoy you, but you seemed calm so... didn't want to scare you" Ranboo blinked as they processed it all "Oh. Huh."
Tubbo nodded and said "Was I not supposed to see you?" Ranboo shook their head quickly "Oh no you could just uh... I've never had someone actually.. watch me..? Now I'm worried that I messed up and you saw it" Tubbo said "you didn't, don't worry big man."
Ranboo looked unamused "I don't believe that for a second now that it's coming from you" Tubbo looked fake upset "Hey!" Ranboo laughed "It's true. You're not very trust worthy, sorry to break it to you Tubbo" Tubbo said "Fine..you looked fucking terrible dancing" Ranboo laughed "See now I know you're lying. I'm hot"
Ranboo struck a pose before fake gagging "ew. Never let me do that again" Tubbo laughed and Ranboo hummed "I have an idea... you wanna try?" they stood up and held thier hand out. Tubbo said, taking Ranboo's hand "Depends... what is it?"

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...