[wanted](pt 2)<angst>

173 11 2

Ranboo had waited a week. An entire week. And Tubbo still hasn't even bothered to notice the fact they were growing distant. It's been a week and all Ranboo could quietly pray was that maybe Tubbo would show up and surprise them with a birthday surprise. But he hasn't.

When the day of their birthday did come, it was an average day. They woke up, changed, and went to feed their pets. Once that finished, they returned to their bed to continue sulking. They completely forgot it was even their birthday.

If Techno hadn't come to their door alongside Niki and Phil, then they would've rotted another day away. Thankfully the trio did come and pried them from their bed, not too sure as to why they were so.. so... sad.

And then Niki made a mention of Tubbo and Michael and almost immediately Phil and Niki and even Techno could tell what was the cause behind them being sad. The trio decided to behave themselves for Ranboo's birthday and knew they wouldn't want any drama about it. The three managed to make Ranboo laugh and smile, much more than they had in the past month or so.

After a while of an amazing birthday, the three left but not without giving their favorite birthday boy their gifts. Techno gave Ranboo a whole bunch of riches and other stuff, Phil gave Ranboo a new set of armour, and Niki baked them their favorite cookies.

Ranboo had been practically vibrating happily with all the joy they had that distracted them from the situation they had with their husband. Could they even call him their husband? He never saw them so.. they didn't think so.

They had gone down into their basement, putting away their riches before hearing knocking on their door. They thought it was one of the three having forgotten something, but they were quickly startled when they saw Sam standing on the other side of the door.

"Hello Ranboo. Can I come in?" Sam asked, Ranboo noting how he seemed pretty friendly. They had no issue with him, so, they nodded and led him into their home "What's up?" They asked, shutting the door behind the creeper hybrid.

Their eyes followed him as he hummed "Oh nothing. You don't mind if I show myself around the place?" Ranboo shook their head "Of course not. Feel free" They could feel nervousness rising in them. Why? They didn't even know. They watched as Sam walked around their upstairs, following after him

"What a nice quaint home you've got here.." Sam noted. Ranboo nodded and hummed quietly, growing even more nervous before they spoke "Yeah. So.. How's it been?" Sam seemed almost... nonchalant as he left from the upstairs and went to look around Ranboo's basement.

Sam hummed "Oh you know. The usual. Keeping up the prison. That stuff.." Ranboo could only follow after, standing patiently by their chests as they watched him "Yeah. Of course" They nodded, mentally telling themself that everything is gonna be fine.

Sam stared at their chests before staring straight at them "Speaking about the prison.. That's what I came here for. I need to take you to the prison." Ranboo perked up a litfle as their face showed multiple emotions, the main reading confusion and worry "Why? Is there something wrong with the prison?"

Sam hummed, still staring dead at them "Yeah. Sort of. But... Actually. It's more like," He walked over to them "You're under arrest." Ranboo had a complete wave of confusion hit them as they backed a little away "W..What..?"

They couldn't fathom what he would be arresting them for. They didn't do anything, right..? I mean.. He couldn't have figured out what they meant that day, right..? They were a complete mess that day, stumbling over themself and him and he seemed insistant he couldn't arrest them because of who their husband was. What happened..?

"Yes. I came to take you to put you in the prison." Sam spoke calmly, watching Ranboo closely. Ranboo's brows furrowed "Is.. Is this about when I asked you that one time? Cause.. Cause if it is, I'm fine now. I really don't need to be put in anymore, ya know" They chuckled awkwardly, hoping he would let them off easily. But... He didn't.

Instead he said, staring at his sword "No. I think I know why you asked me to put you in the prison." He then looked back to them, staring dead into their eyes "And I think you know too."

Ranboo felt immediately panic rush through them. He knew. He knew what they did. He knew and they were finally getting their wish from months before. Isn't that crazy?

Ranboo masked their panic with more confusion and they let out an awkward chuckle "Are.. Are we talking about the same thing..? Cause.. Cause like.. Like I said. I'm fine now. I don't.. don't need to go in the prison now"

Sam kept his stance and said "No. I think you need to go into the prison. Right away actually. We should go now." Ranboo felt him cornering them into their chests and they spoke, still fighting to stay innocent "Did.. Did Tommy put you up to this?" They chuckled a little "Because-"

Sam grabbed their arm "No. I'm being serious Ranboo. You're under arrest." Ranboo tried to pull from his touch "I.. I don't. I don't.. I don't get why" Sam's brows furrowed and held onto their wrist tightly "I just told you why." Ranboo winced a little and tried to pull away even more, opening their mouth to push back, but Sam cut them off.

He grabbed them harshly and tied a rope around their wrists, overpowering them "Stop asking questions. Stop making this harder than it needs to be. Let's go. I'm being serious." Sam pulled out his sword and pressed it up against their back. Ranboo quickly spoke, being pushed before him "O..Okay.. Okay..!"

Sam led them up from their basement with a smile before taking them out of their home. "See. That's better now. See how much easier it is now? That's all you had to do, Ranboo." Sam hummed, continuing to push them.

Ranboo glanced back towards him "Do.. Do you know how long I'll be in..?" They asked, wincing a little at how roughly the rope was tied. Sam hummed before saying "Well. It depends on how long things take. There's some important information I need."

Ranboo glanced back to him and asked "A..About what..?" Their brows furrowed. Sam shook his head "Nothing. Do you have any items that you could use to escape? Any enderpearls?" Ranboo shook their head, not even sure themself of the items they're carrying "No. Just my pickaxe and everything.."

Sam pulled them to a stop and hummed "You know what? To make everything easier.. Drop all your things. Give me all your items - even your armor." He untied the rope and stared dead at them, sword in hand in case they make a break for it.

Ranboo stared at him quietly, opening and closing their mouth before mumbling "Oh.. Uhm.. Okay..." They started getting rid of anything that they were carrying before turning out any pockets they had, showing Sam they had nothing on them. Sam collected all their things and retied the rope, a bit more gentle this time

"Very good. We'll put all these things in the locker at the prison. I just needed to make sure you wouldn't run off on me, you know" He started pushing them off once more. Ranboo spoke up "W..Will I have to stay for a while because I have like.. I have some things I have to attend to and I have to care for Michael and stuff.."

Sam hummed "You don't have to worry about Michael. I'm sure he'll be fine. You should just.. Worry about heading to the prison with me"

Ranboo wouldn't spoke up about the comment he made, but they were sure he was talking about Tubbo. Did.. Sam know about their marriage troubles..? Is that why he decided now to have them arrested? Because he knew Tubbo wouldn't care? Their nuke obsessed husband no longer loved them so now Sam can get rid of them.

Isn't that just great?

They had a feeling they wouldn't be returning for a while. If the questions were any they could assume they were, they wouldn't even know what lie to explain to Sam. Because they did set the TNT off on the prison and they did try to break Dream out and they did cause their husband's best friend's death. It was all clearly their fault.

Maybe he'd kill them for doing such a thing. They still would have another life left if he did kill them. They weren't gonna complain..

After a while of walking to the prison and making small talk, the pair made it to the prison and soon Sam took them through the whole process. Ranboo only followed through them quietly, it starting to click that they probably would never be let back out again.

The next thing they knew, they were thrown into a cell and they let out a small 'oof' as their back hit the cell wall. They watched Sam shut the door and walk off. They let out a heavy sigh and felt so tired and cold. What a great birthday... They closed their eyes and drifted to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better

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