angsty clingyduo? in my one shot book? smh my head
Ranboo sat at a bench, looking out amongst the world. He knew exactly who this belonged to. He knew exactly which memories were shared at this bench. He sighed softly as he watched the sun ever so slowly start lowering into the ground. He always felt so guilty when he thought about the two's friendship before he came. He always felt like he was forcing two friends apart... Sure Tubbo always reassured him that he didn't, but he couldn't help thinking about it..
Especially since Tommy would keep on reminding him that he "stole" Tubbo away from him. He hugged his knees, closing his eyes. The argument between Tubbo and Tommy from before started replaying in his head. Ranboo had went to Tubbo's house to just spend some time with him and Michael. It was all going good until Tommy showed up. Tommy had saw Ranboo in the house and started questioning why Ranboo was there. Tommy and Tubbo were supposed to hang out that day, but they didn't.
Tubbo forgot that they were supposed to hang out. When Ranboo had went to leave, saying that they could hang out, Tubbo held him back and told him that he could stay. That if Tommy was gonna continue being rude to Ranboo, he would kick Tommy out. Ranboo didn't want that to happen and he kept on trying to make excuses so he could leave, but Tubbo didn't let him leave because he thought Ranboo wanted to leave because of Tommy.
Ranboo just wanted to leave so Tommy and Tubbo could hang out again. He was fine with leaving. Tubbo trying to make Ranboo stay, only made Tommy more angry. Tommy started yelling at Tubbo, claiming that Tubbo has changed. That Tubbo wasn't like how he was before. Tubbo yelled back that of course he changed. They both continued arguing back and forth and Ranboo went to hide up with Michael, the yelling being slightly muffled by the floor.
Michael helped Ranboo's nerves. The arguing lasted a few minutes before Tubbo yelled that he was leaving. Tommy growled that was all Tubbo knew to do. Leave him. That it was what every one ever did. When Tommy said that, Tubbo grew quiet. Tubbo then tried to apologize, but Tommy told him to shut up. That he didn't need Tubbo's sympathy and pity and Ranboo could hear the door slam shut. He then heard faint sobbing from down the ladder and Ranboo went down to check on who it was. Tubbo.
He bent down next to Tubbo and reached for him. Tubbo slapped his hand away and said that he wanted to be alone for a bit and that he'll message when he wants Ranboo. Ranboo nodded and stood back up, walking out of the house. He felt bad for leaving Tubbo, but he knew Tubbo needed some time. He walked through Snowchester, walking out and heading across the water. He then found his way to the hotels and then past them... And then he found the bench. Tommy and Tubbo's bench...
And sitting there was none other than Tommy. He sat down beside Tommy, nearly scaring Tommy. Tommy growled "Are you sure to rub it into my face that you successfully stole my best friend?" The enderboy shook his head and looked at the sky in front of him "No.. I'm here to tell you that... I'm sorry that I came between you and Tubbo." Tommy looked stunned "What?"
Ranboo looked over at Tommy "I want to apologize for coming between you and Tubbo. If I had known that you were going to hang out with Tubbo, I would've come another day. And it's not Tubbo's fault either. I accidentally distracted him from the fact that you were coming.." Tommy was quiet. For the first time, Tommy was quiet. Tommy stood up "Whatever. I'm going to visit Tubbo now" Ranboo quietly nodded and looked back to the sky, hearing Tommy's footsteps recede.
He sighed softly as he watched the sun ever so slowly start lowering into the ground. He always felt so guilty when he thought about the two's friendship before he came..

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...