[time moves slow..]<angst>

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(inspired by time moves slow by: badbadnotgood featuring sam herring)


Tubbo was sitting beside the window from inside the mansion, looking out at the snow falling down from the sky. He breathed out, shivering slightly from under the blanket he wore but it wasn't the cold air that made him shiver... It was the presence of a ghost watching him.

Ghostboo had gone to visit their mansion and every day they found this goat boy sitting inside. They knew him to be familiar, but he would refuse to even speak to them - so they had no clue as to who he was.

The goat looked to be from a dream that alive Ghostboo would've loved. The way the sun from outside shined right on the boy, making him look godly.

Ghostboo shrugged and floated away, leaving Tubbo to be alone. Tubbo sighed softly.

He felt so alone.

Why did time have to go so slow when he felt alone? Why did it have to taunt him with seconds that felt like unbearable hours. Taunt him with memories of an old "friend" - a husband and memories of a son.

Ghostboo on the other hand.. well... Time always felt so unbearably slow when they were alone too. At least when they were alive, they had people to talk to to not feel the effects of the slowness of the real world.

They were bored of how slow time went and it honestly made them think of how stressed they were when they were alive. Constantly holding a grass block and making sure everyone was happy. It all made them want to run away..

But they never did have the guts to leave when they were alive. Or maybe they did. They surely couldn't remember what happened to their two other lives so many they lost those in attempts of running.

Tubbo wanted to run. He wanted to run from everything. Go to a different place and start afresh where no one knew who he was. Living here was torture enough. Living is hard.

And Ranboo... Ranboo made living here bearable. It was so easy to love Ranboo without any worries of what could happen. Be a happy family and finally have something right in his life, but no. Sam had to take his kid. Sam had to take his husband.

Ranboo's death only made Tubbo hate being alive so much more. It scarred him. It left him with a shattered heart. A broken heart that can't fit anyone but that amazing ender boy..

Tubbo regretted so much. Especially how dumb he was to not realize he loved Ranboo. He loved Ranboo so goddamn much. But of course he had to realize it when Ranboo died. Of course he did.

Tubbo couldn't handle falling in love and so he was in denial. He was in denial for so long and just as soon as he was about to accept it.. Ranboo just had to die.

If Tubbo had another chance to relive that day, he wouldn't have stayed at home. He would've gone to Techno and demanded where Ranboo was and - even if he hated it - broke Dream out.

He would've told Tommy beforehand though.

Ranboo would've stayed. Ranboo would've been alive if he wasn't such a coward and hid away in fear Dream would murder him.

Or maybe on Ranboo's birthday. Tubbo could've demanded that Ranboo stayed inside. Never leave the house. Spend their birthday happily with Tubbo..

Tubbo didn't know Ranboo was thinking when they went with Sam into the prison. They didn't know what Sam had been thinking at all. All he knew was that Sam murdered his husband and cold blood.

Maybe Ranboo had been thinking that Tubbo didn't love them.. Thinking about what had happened in that stupid van, Tubbo realized his mistake...

Ranboo didn't think Tubbo loved him. Ranboo must've died thinking that...

Tubbo could feel tears threaten to spill and he wiped them away quickly.

Ranboo left that van thinking Tubbo didn't love them as they did to him. That Tubbo just never would love them.

And Tubbo was fine with that.

And it seems Ghostboo is fine with that too.

Ghostboo was fine not remembering Tubbo. Tubbo could remember Ghostboo talking about how much happier they are without any stresses and it seems Tubbo was one of the stresses.

Maybe it was better this way. Ghostboo wouldn't have needed to worry about Tubbo and Tubbo was perfectly fine on his own.. Right..?

Tubbo checked the time and sighed. Not even a minute passed.

Tubbo could remember how fast time would pass when hanging out with Ranboo or calling with Ranboo as they went mining. Now Tubbo just waits by his communicator, hoping to hear Ranboo calling. But it never would happen.

It would be a dream for that to happen. Ranboo was now Ghostboo and Ghostboo wouldn't ever do that.

Why must time move so slow..?

Running away felt so easy now... He didn't have a son or husband to stay back for so.. What was the reason to stay? The leaving. Leaving it all behind was the hard part...

Especially since his son is out there somewhere.

His son could be very much scared out of his wits and.. he couldn't handle leaving Michael like that.. And even if he did get Michael, Ghostboo sure would love to see Michael again...

And living all alone... It's so lonely. No son.. No husband... No one to keep you company. Having someone would be nice... it would be so easy...

And Ranboo was supposed to be that someone. The someone who was easy to love and..

Ranboo left.

They left Tubbo a widow with a scarred heart... They left Tubbo alone to fend for himself. Alone as time was a curse and moved so slow.

Tubbo would forever be alone. Of course everyone left. Tubbo.. Tubbo could never have a happy ending. He was cursed with it from the start. Being used as a pawn. Seen as weak and vulnerable before having to show people that he isn't weak.

And still no one stayed. Ranboo was supposed to stay. They did stay. But Sam took them. Sam took Michael. Sam. Sam was even the person behind Tommy's death too. Maybe revenge wouldn't be too bad...

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