[kiss? kiss.]<fluff>

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cbeeduo, but they share a /r kiss


Ranboo walked into the shared home carrying Michael, Tubbo walking in after them. "We should probably get Michael up to bed." Ranboo whispered, not wanting to wake the sleeping Ziglin. Tubbo nodded and carefully shut the door behind him before following behind the two.

He leaned against the doorframe, watching Ranboo carefully tuck their son in. A small smile grew onto his face when he saw them kiss Michael's forehead before looking over at Tubbo with warm eyes. Prime.. He really did fall for the most amazing person, huh?

He walked over and kissed Michael's forehead as a goodnight as well before standing with Ranboo. Ranboo hugged him carefully with an arm before speaking, loud enough for Tubbo to hear - but quiet enough that Michael could sleep peacefully. "We really did a good job, huh?" Tubbo nodded and held them back."Yeah. We really did. Who knew we'd make the best fathers for a kid at just, what? 17?"

Ranboo giggled and nodded. "Yeah.." Immediate butterflies fluttered inside Tubbo's stomach at Ranboo's giggle. Tubbo went on his tippy toes and kissed their cheek. "We should head out now." Ranboo stood purple faced before nodding "Y..Yeah.."

Tubbo held Ranboo's hand before leading them out of the small bedroom and to the living room. He sat down on the couch with them and leaned against them. "What do you wanna do?" Ranboo asked, playing with Tubbo's hair. Tubbo shrugged before joking. "Kiss passionately?" Ranboo's entire face turned purple, and they quickly stood up "No"

Tubbo laughed and stood up as well "Yes" He grinned mischievously, doing kissy lips before watching the enderian run off. Tubbo quickly chased after them. He didn't really know why. He was joking when he made the recommendation, but he figured it was for the bit. They both were platonic and never once had discussed being romantic.

Soon, the goat boy cornered Ranboo in the kitchen and huffed, playing the sad card. "Don't run from your very loving husband!" Ranboo fake pouted, their ears folding back "I'm sorry, honeybee" Tubbo made a small 'hmph', crossing his arms before saying "I'll only forgive you if you give me a lil' kiss"

Ranboo's eyes grew wide at the threat, growing even more purple. "A kiss?!" They figured he was joking before, and they didn't even know if he liked them back. Maybe he was still joking. "Yes. A kiss. " Tubbo spoke, grinning. He didn't actually mean it, still wanting to keep up the bit. It was funny, after all.

Ranboo opened and closed their mouth, growing shy. They didn't know if he was joking anymore. He didn't look to be joking, and all the jokes he's been making recently have been leaning more towards romantic... They sighed softly before taking a step before him, and in one quick motion, they rested their hand on his face before leaving a small gentle kiss on his lips.

Once they pulled away, they let out a small whine of embarrassment and refused to look him in the eye. "There. Are you happy?" Tubbo's face burned red, not actually expecting them to be a man of their word. Tubbo stuttered out. "I.. I was joking. "

Ranboo stood with their mouth agape before melting onto the floor, letting out enderian noises. Tubbo laughed and walked over to them, patting their head. Ranboo whined, "Y.. You should've told me you w.. were joking!!!!!!" Tubbo hummed."I figured you'd think I was, but it's not like I mind. "

Ranboo pouted "No because i.. it seemed like -" They paused when they heard the second part of Tubbo's sentence "W.. Wait, what?" Tubbo nodded."Yeah. I thought you thought I was just joking with you. " Ranboo shook their head."N.. No.. Th..The part where you.. you said you didn't mind.."

Tubbo's face turned red in embarrassment before he shook his head. "N..Nope. Don't.. know what you mean.." Ranboo looked at him quietly before figuring they were hearing things. They looked away before staring at their hands. "I'm sorry th..that I misunderstood you.." Tubbo kissed the top of their head before sitting beside them."It's okay, my love."

Ranboo mumbled, not meeting his gaze. "Sorry that I kissed you.." Tubbo held their face carefully, making them look at him."Hey. You don't need to apologize.." Ranboo narrowed their eyes, but Tubbo made them look at him again. Tubbo kissed their nose. "Trust me, love.."

Ranboo breathed softly before nodding. "Okay.." Tubbo smiled and helped them up."Let's head to bed, okay?" Ranboo nodded and held his hand."Can we..." They started before cutting themself off "Nevermind.."

Tubbo pouted a little and looked at them. "Ranboo." He stressed, holding their face with both hands. Ranboo shook their head, keeping their eyes away from him. A silent message that they didn't want him to stare at them. He quickly took the message and looked away, mumbling a quiet apology.

Ranboo sighed softly before saying, "I just... Wanted to ask.. If.. We could talk about this... later..? Whenever you'd like.. Uhm.. I.. I just.. Yeah.." They wanted to tell him so badly about their feelings, but the fear still sat inside them. Tubbo nodded kindly. "Of course, Boo." Ranboo breathed softly before smiling a little. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome." Tubbo grinned before saying, "Now. Let's head to bed. " He rubbed Ranboo's knuckles before leading them to the shared bedroom. Ranboo got dragged behind him, them in their thoughts as they quietly recalled how soft his lips were. Crap.

They sat on the bed and got cuddled up on it, watching their husband before he cuddled on them. They smiled small before wrapping their arms around him. "Mm.. Hi darling.." Tubbo smiled and buried his face into their neck."Hi.." Ranboo chuckled small and sighed happily, rubbing a small pattern on his back. Tubbo craned his head up and kissed them softly on their lips.

Ranboo's entire face burned purple once again and looked down at him. He held a shit eating grin on his face before murmuring. "Goodnight. I love you, boo. " With that, he was out like a light. Ranboo sighed softly before kissing the top of his head. "I love you too, bee.." They let out a small yawn before letting themself fall asleep.

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