[van discussions]<hurt/comfort>

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this was written on september 18th so just know that this was written not too long after the bee duo disagreement


Here Ranboo was again. Crying once more as they were forced to remember words that they so desperately wanted to forget. Words that thier own beloved admitted to them. Words of how Tubbo never was happy since L'manburg. Words of how depressed Tubbo felt when they got married.

How neither Ranboo nor Micharl could make him happy. How they both weren't enough. How Ranboo doing all of these things weren't enough. Ranboo tried to do everything to make him happy.

They were there for him when he needed it most. They gave him space when he asked for it. They gave him a mansion, armour, a family, money, a cookie stand, and still, it wasn't enough.

Ranboo would never been enough, would they?

Tubbo was happier when L'manburg was still here and that was the one thing Ranboo couldn't give him. They couldn't give him back a country that's already gone.

They felt stupid for crying over something as little as this. "So what if the very man you married and adopted a son with and even said in clear words that he fell in love... wasn't ever truly happy with you? So what if him lying by saying he loved you? you've both faced worse things..." they thought to themself.

It was true. they had faced worse things than this hurdle... But still. It hurt. Just how long did Tubbo pretend that he was happy in their marriage..?

Tubbo claims that it was since L'manburg... but... Ranboo swore that Tubbo got a bit happier in their marriage... maybe it was just their thoughts playing tricks on them again. It wouldn't be the first... Ranboo got better at telling what is real or not but... it was hard now again.

They wiped their tears away and stood up. They then walked out of the cave they had been crying thier sorrows away in and put on a happy face. After all. Thier breaktime was complete.

They walked back into the ran van, putting some bandaids on thier tear scars, and acting like nothing happened.

Tubbo was on break and went to find Ranboo. It has been a couple of weeks since thier talk and Ranboo has been more... distant.

Each time Tubbo went to try and apologize, Ranboo would brush it off by saying it's fine before rushing out. It made Tubbo upset. Tubbo was often alone in bed because of this stupid little situation.

Tubbo quietly went up to the Van, seeing that Ranboo had been spacing out once again. Tubbo tapped the bell before saying "Can I have one Wilburger?"

Ranboo snapped out of thier mind and stared at Tubbo. They nodded and went to get a wilburger. Tubbo slightly frowned. They were still not properly talking to him.

Tubbo went around the side and opened the door, stepping in. He stood before the door, not allowing Ranboo to leave "We need to talk, Ranboo." His voice was completely serious. Ranboo wouldn't face Tubbo "What do we have to talk about? There's nothing to discuss"

Tubbo didn't know how he didn't notice it before, but he could see Ranboo was slightly shaking. Ranboo was scared. Ranboo's shoulders were tense. Ranboo was upset.

Tubbo sighed "Us. About the things I said from before" Ranboo was distracting themself by rummaging through the chest "Like I said. It's okay. I get what you mean. You probably didn't mean to say it"

Tubbo said "I didn't mean to phrase it how I did. I made it sound like i wasn't ever happy with you or Michael. I swear that's not true. I was- no. I am happier because i have you two. I always had been. It's just... I miss what the experience of L'manburg was..."

Tubbo sighed "I miss how... equal we all were during that shorttime. No fighting.. no wars. No problems of whether you would be losing one of your lives because someone decides that fighting would be the best option."

Ranboo still didn't meet Tubbo's face "I'm sorry that I can't give that to you, okay? I can't give you the experience that you miss so dearly."

Tubbo inched forward "I'm not asking you to do that for me. I'll always miss it, but I know that i most likely won't have it back. Because everyone just wants to fight. It's okay that I won't have it back because I've also moved on from it. Working in Las Nevadas helps satisfy that wish I have. I know that it's not the same, but it's like it"

Ranboo was quiet for a while until thiet shoulders started shaking, steam coming from thiet face. Tubbo got a bit surprised "Ranboo..?" Ranboo turned to face Tubbo and said "I just want you to be happy.."

Tubbo sighed "And I am happy. With you. And Michael. And now Las Nevadas.." Ranboo shook their head "You aren't happy with us though.." Tubbo tilted his head "What are you talking about?"

Ranboo went quiet before looking away "Nothing. Just leave it be.." Tubbo scoffed "You're always like this. You always close yourself off whenever I try and figure out what's wrong with you"

Ranboo said "Have you ever considered that I don't want to risk a broken heart? That the reason I'm closing myself off now is because I can't take anymore false promises anymore? I gave all I got and all I got was an empty I love you"

Tubbo blinked "What are you going on about" Ranboo shook thier head "Nothing... just. I need to go and check on Enderchest. I forgot to walk her" They stood before going to leave.

Tubbo grabbed thier wrist and pulled them away from the door "I'm not letting you go until you explain what you mean" Ranboo went back over to the chest and sat "No."

Tubbo said "you're worrying me Ranboo. there's more to you that you refuse to bring up and I want to know why" Ranboo said "I already told you why. Let me go."

Tubbo shook his head "Yeah. you told me that you don't want your heart broken or whatever. I'm not letting you leave until you explain what that means" Ranboo stared up at Tubbo before sighing "I fell hard. And you said you loved me too." Tubbo blinked "And I do"

Ranboo shook their head "No.. I don't think you do" Tubbo said "What have I ever done that proved I didn't love and care about you?" Ranboo opened thier mouth to say something before shutting it and looking away

"You aren't happy with me."

Tubbo looked Ranboo quietly before he said "I am very happy with you. I told you this" Ranboo shook thier head "You aren't. I can tell that Michael and I are suffocating you." Tubbo sighed "If I wasn't happy with either of you, do you think I would've continued attempting to talk to you?"

Ranboo said "And Michael? When have you even last seen Michael?" Tubbo said "This morning. When he asked me when is papa ever going to visit" Ranboo was quiet for a minute, running a hand through their hair "... Am I really just the fool in this situation?"

Tubbo shook his head "No. You aren't. I can tell that you're scared..." Ranboo glanced up at Tubbo before looking away "I know this Is stupid but... do you even love me in the way I love you..? I need to know..." Tubbo tilted his head "What do you mean?"

Ranboo opened and closed thier mouth, trying to find a way to phrase it. Eventually they said "Were you... telling the truth when you said yes to Tommy asked if you fell in love...? Because-" Tubbo held Ranboo's hand and said "I was being completely truthful... I do love you in that way"

Ranboo slightly nodded "... okay.." Tubbo asked "Why would you think otherwise..?" Ranboo sighed "I don't know I just... it's complicated.." Tubbo kissed Ranboo's head "Don't worry. You're my beloved. Now.. you want to kick this joint and head back to see Michael?"

Ranboo blinked "I'm supposed to be working. You are too" Tubbo rolled his eyes and flicked his wrist "What they don't know won't kill them. it won't be too long" Ranboo thought for a minute "Okay..." Tubbo pulled Ranboo up "Good" Tubbo then dragged Ranboo out of the Van and to Snowchester...

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