Chapter Two

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As Tommy jumped towards him, Dream spun around, causing Tommy's sword to create a big nasty slash on his arm. He cursed in pain and I took my chance and escaped his clutches. I picked up my ax quickly and ran over to Tommy to help him fight his already losing battle against Dream. Although injured, Dream's strength and skill was too much for us but we had the two of us now. I could tell by his attacks that he was getting tired now, probably from the blood loss of his arm. I quickly switched my position from defensive to offensive and brought my ax down onto Dream's sword. Dream, not expecting my attack stumbled back a bit but still held his ground. I took this as an opportunity to kick him hard in the chest, winding him. I signalled for Tommy to run and we both raced through the trees, and I almost cried with happiness when I saw the walls of L'manburg. However, my joy was short-lived when I felt a hand grabbing my hood, pulling me backwards and I felt myself crashing into the soft fabric of a particular neon green hoodie that I hated so much. Dream snaked his arm around me, ensuring that I was unable to escape and I felt the cold tip of a blade on my neck. 

"Stop running." His voice was low and quiet but Tommy heard. He turned around and his eyes widened as he saw me. 

"Y/N?" He says as a way of asking me if I was alright. I gave him a smile. His gaze reverts back to Dream. "Let her go Dream."

"I will, don't you worry," His voice was taunting and I could feel my blood beginning to boil. "But first I think I need to teach the lovely Y/n here a lesson, don't you think?" I felt his sword moving away from my neck, but I was still stuck in his iron grasp. 

"You know, your attitude could get you into a lot of trouble one day." He whispered these words into my ear and laughed when I tried to squirm away. Tommy brought out his sword. 

"Let her go you bastard!" He shouts, angry. Dream only turns his head to look at him. And then, without any warning, he dug his sword into my arm and slowly dragged it across my skin, creating a big, deep cut. My screams were muffled as he put a hand around my mouth and somewhere in front of us, Tommy was begging him to stop. Tears pricked in my eyes as the burning sensation dies down and the blood soaks into my now ruined sleeve of my hoodie. I go limp on Dream's arms, no longer standing my ground and acting tough. I barely acknowledged it when he let me go, pushing me forwards and causing me to stagger into Tommy's outstretched arms as he ran towards me. 

"Tell Wilbur this for me." Dream said, "Tell him that I wanna see white flags, outside of your base, at dawn, or you are dead!" He raises his voice at the last phrase and then returns to his normal, terrifyingly stupid, sneering voice as he looks at me.

"I'll see you on the battlefield, Y/n." And with that he slung his sword over his shoulder and walked away. 


Wilbur was pissed to say the least when we arrived at the gates with Tommy waking up half the nation, yelling for help. They quickly brought me into the drug- no, medical van, and Wilbur helped me onto the uncomfortable med bed. Fundy, our medic, took off my hoodie to work on stitching up my arm, leaving me in a thin t-shirt. I shivered from the cold and my consciousness weaved in and out, but all I could acknowledge was the piercing pain in my arm.

I woke up to the sound of two voices talking. My eyes struggled to open and my head felt heavy. I turned my head and saw two figures standing in the doorway creeping towards me. 

"Tommy, shush! You'll wake her up!" This was unmistakably Tubbo, the last piece in our trio and the most sensible one. 

"Too late for that." I groaned as attempted to sit up. Tubbo and Tommy both rushed over to me. I was immediately engulfed into a hug by Tommy.

"Tommy! No, your going to hurt her!" Tubbo exclaimed as he tried to pull Tommy off of me. Tommy let go and I grinned at him. 

"Since when did you get so clingy?" I joked. Tommy's whole lovey dovey vibe vanished as he screamed at me. 

"I AM NOT CLINGY! I JUST WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU HAD PASSED AWAY OR NOT!" Tubbo nudged him and he recollected himself. "I thought I told you not to die."
I step out of the uncomfortable bed and gave my arms a stretch. 

"I'm not dead Tommy." I yawned and then added "That's only if Wilbur doesn't kill us both for sneaking out." I paused and then looked at Tommy "Did you...?" 

"Yeah, I told him." he said. 

"What did he say we're going to do?" 

"He says that we better start preparing for war because we aren't going to surrender." Tubbo answered me. I smiled, glad that we weren't giving in so easily. I walked over to where my boots were and put them on.

"Hey, where are you going?" Tubbo questions. I roll my eyes. 

"Out to get wood, of course." Behind Tubbo's short figure, Tommy's eyes lit up. 

"We're still building the tower?" He says excitedly. 

"Of course we are"

"Oh my goodness woman, you are so pog"  

"But what about your arm?" Tubbo asked, frowning.

"What about it?" 

"You've barely recovered."

"I'll pog through the pain, Tubbo." 

"Wilbur won't be happy."

"When is he ever happy?" 

Tubbo sighed. "You two are hopeless, you know?" 

"And yet we're your only friends

"I still don't think this is a good idea."

"Oh come on Tubbo, don't be a pain, Y/n will take some gaps and potions and then she will be as good as new!" Tommy said. I nodded.

"Don't you think you should save your golden apple and potions for more important uses?"

Tommy raised an eyebrow at him. "Tubbo, are you suggesting that my tower is not important?"

Tubbo looks at us, opening his mouth to argue, but then closes it again as he gives up trying to convince us. He rolls his eyes before flipping us off and walking out of the van. 

"When did he get so sassy?" I mutter as I put my bag on. Tommy shrugged and we both walked out of the van together, talking about how tall to make our tower. However, this time we didn't even make it out of L'manburg when a voice speaks out from behind us. 

"Ah, Y/n, Tommy. I've been meaning to speak to you both."

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