Chapter Thirty Four

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It must've been in the early hours of morning when I was woken up by a clash coming from the direction of the kitchen. I sat up, squinting as the sun shone brightly through the windows, as if the storm last night never happened. I groggily got up, rubbing my eyes and staggered over to the kitchen. 

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked. Dream turned around, startled. 

"Jesus Christ Y/n, you scared me!" He exclaimed, his breath slowly returning back to normal. I looked at him, tilting my head. 

"Why are you on the floor?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I came to get a glass of water but I accidentally dropped the fucking glass." He huffed out in annoyance. I sighed and joined him, helping him to clean up the mess.

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"Nearly half 5 in the morning." He answered, carefully picking up the glass shards. 

"Jesus Christ, why are you up so early?" 

Dream shrugged. "Just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." He turned to me. "Speaking of which, you should probably stop helping and head back to bed." He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for waking you." 

I shrugged. "There's no point now. I probably won't even be able to fall back asleep." I stood up. "I might go for a walk around the SMP. I haven't been here in ages." It was true. I hadn't left L'manburg for ages but I didn't need to. Everything we needed was provided in the country, and I had my friends there too.

"Well, you got room for one more? I don't think there's any chance of me going back to sleep either." 

I nodded and smiled. "I'll meet you out front when you're done tidying up." I walked to the front door and put on my shoes. It had only been a few minutes before Dream joined me at the front of the house. He sighed when he looked at me. 

"It's going to be cold outside." He said, taking off his jacket and draping it over my shoulders. I felt a familiar feeling in my stomach and a sudden sense of Deja vu and, for a moment, I thought he was handing me a royal, red cloak. I shook my head. God, I really was sleep deprived. 

"Thanks." I said gratefully, wrapping Dream's jacket around me tighter. I guessed he smiled back but I couldn't tell under the mask. I opened the door and stepped out. 

We wandered around the SMP for an hour or so, talking about basically everything. He told me about his life in the village with Sapnap and Karl before it was burnt down and I told him about the trouble that me and Karl would cause when we were little. Dream was wheezing with laughter, leaning on a tree for support after I told him a particular story.

"Wait, so, basically-" Dream wheezed. "You were mad at him, so you painted his face blue while he was asleep?" 

I shrugged, laughing. "Basically, yeah, that's what happened."

"Oh my god, that must've been hilarious!" 

"Trust me, it was." Our laughter started to die down. "Until he woke up and told my mom. She shouted at me because Karl was beginning to get a rash from the paint." I said. "But, the story only gets better. I was not happy at all and so I got Karl's favorite teddy, cut its head off, and I cut the fabric on his body into strips and taped them onto the head. I showed it to him and I told him it was an octopus. I don't think he liked the octopus because he started crying." 

We looked at each other and then both burst out laughing again, startling the nearby birds sitting in the trees. We were in the clearing of the forest, the same one that we had been in on the night that we met, the night he stabbed me in the arm. The same clearing that Dream had told me his feelings for me when he was drunk. And now, we're standing in that very clearing, laughing and telling childhood stories like old friends. How our dynamic had changed since that first night. 

"I remember when I used to fight with my siblings." Dream said. There was no more fun, goofy air to him, it was replaced with a nostalgic, sentimental vibe. I knew that was talking about his family that died in that fire. I looked at him. 

"You had siblings?" I asked. "Not sure why, but you've always given me 'only child' vibes." 

Dream laughed slightly. "Yeah, no. I had 2 sisters and a brother. Although, our fights did not get as out of hand as yours and Karl's." He said. "I used to argue with them all the time, especially with my little sister. Her name was Drista. She was definitely a pain in my ass, just because she's the favorite, she found every reason to have a go at me." He sighed, shaking his head but I saw him smiling at the memory. "But I would always have Sapnap and Karl to back me up, so I would be alright." He looked up to the sky. "She was like you in a lot of ways."

I blinked and pointed to myself. "Me?" Dream nodded. "What do you mean?"

Dream considered it for a moment. "Well, she could be stubborn and a pain in the ass most of the time, but she also had a soft, caring side that she occasionally let take over. When she had a goal, she was very fixated in achieving it. I remember, she wanted to become an explorer when she was old enough, visiting biomes of all kinds and bringing back interesting souvenirs from her travels. Like you and your passion with L'manburg, she never gave up. She travelled to a nearby forest and even to the next village by herself once. My parents went crazy when they found out. She was on house arrest for like a month and it was torture being in the same room as her, listening to her complaining. She was a passionate, determined individual, and with time, would've became an excellent, skilled explorer. Except, now, she can't." Dream said, bitterness detectable in his voice and sadness forming in his eyes in the form of liquid. I looked at him sadly. 

"She sounded pretty cool." I said softly, comforting him. 

"She was." Dream said, smiling a little. 

"I can see where she gets it from." 

Dream turned his head to look at me, looking straight into my eyes. I looked back into them, fully aware of the little distance in between our faces. The few seconds that we stood there for felt like years, just standing there, looking into each other's eyes. 

Dream made the first move. 

He grabbed my face with one hand and pulled me in, smashing his lips against mine. I didn't react at first, simply too shocked to, but after a few seconds, I melted into the kiss, returning as passionately as he was. His lips felt soft and my mind was going a hundred miles per hour, but I couldn't make out a single, clear thought. Part of me had wanted this for a long time and the other part knew that this was wrong. But, in the wrong of it all, it felt so right. How his lips fitted perfectly with mine, how his touch blossomed joy into my body. We finally pulled apart after a while and Dream smiled down at me. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."


I've finally given you what you wanted, now be grateful ;)

I am so tempted to make Drista and Y/n meet. It wasn't part of the original plan and if I do, then I'll have to rethink almost all of the timeline but thoughts?

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