Chapter Twenty six

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I hid behind the Hto van with Tubbo, peeking around the corner, looking for our attackers. I could here Tubbo shaking beside me and I looked at him and held a finger up to my lips, indicating for him to be quiet. I went back on the lookout and that's when I heard Tubbo's muffled scream from behind me. I knew that Tubbo had been taken and couldn't be saved so I didn't try to rescue him, instead running off in the opposite direction, saving myself and leaving him behind. I sprinted to Wilbur's cabin and rushed in without knocking. Wilbur looked up from his desk, surprised and opened his mouth to say something. I put a finger up to his lips, shushing him. He gave me a confused look. 

I heard the voices of the group hunting me outside and I prayed for them to go away. At long last, I heard footsteps leading away from Wilbur's house and I let out a sigh of relief. However, my relief was short lived as the door of Wilbur's house was kicked open by a short man wearing a navy blue beanie. 

"Ayyy, I found Mamacita!" Quackity called out to the others, who came rushing in. I groaned as Big Q helped me up, smiling a little. Quackity was one of the few new members of L'manburg and was a year older than me, but, like me and Tommy, acted like a child. 

"Oh my god, Y/n, when you ran in here I thought you were about to get killed or something!" Wilbur said, glaring at me. I laughed and shrugged. I walked over to Wilbur. 

"What are you working on?" I asked, curious. Wilbur looked back at his desk. He sighed. 

"I guess now that you're all here, I might as well tell you." He said. 

"What about Niki?" Fundy asked. Niki was another newcomer and she owned a small bakery in L'manburg, which was, by far, everyone's favorite destination. 

"Niki already knows. She's the one whose been helping me to set everything up." He replied. 

"Set what up?" Tubbo asked, curious, just like the rest of us. Wilbur cleared his throat. 

"Well, I'm planning to have an election so that the people of L'manburg can actually have a say in who rules their country, seeing as we- I- kind of just put myself in power. I want people to actually have a chance to elect the leader that they want." He explained. 

"But what if you don't win?" Tubbo questioned, raising an eyebrow. Wilbur grinned. 

"See, there aren't actually any other parties to vote for so it would only be us." 

"Who's us?" I asked. 

"Me and Tommy as my running mate of course." 

"We need a name for our party, Wilbur." Tommy said. "Let's call it...." He trails off, deciding. "BigMan2020." 

Wilbur pulled a face. "No. We are not calling our political party Bigman2020." 

Tommy groaned. "Fine. Do you have any ideas then, Wilbur?" 

"What about Swag2020?" Quackity suggested. 

"It's a good name but too old fashioned. I want something modern and cool." Tommy fussed.

Tubbo jumped suddenly. "What about Poggers2020?" 

"Or just Pog2020. It's short, snappy, simple and it gets the point across." I said. Tommy's eyes lit up.

"Pog2020..." Tommy said, dreamily. He grinned. "I like it. Let's name it Pog2020 Wilbur!" 

Wilbur smiled a little and then shrugged. "Why not? It's not a terrible name." 

"I still think Swag2020 is better." Quackity said. Tubbo rolled his eyes. 

"Oh shut up Big Q, you're just jealous because you couldn't think of such a good name." He said. Quackity huffed and folded his arms. 

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