Chapter Twenty one

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Sapnap and George went back to sleep and Dream took me back to his room.  I sat down on the bed, not saying a word. Dream sat down next to me. 

"Look, let's just forget about it for now. Get some rest and we can deal with it in the morning." Dream said. I didn't say anything and my face showed no expression. I didn't want Dream to see what I was feeling. I didn't want him to know that I was scared. 

"Get some rest Y/n. We'll talk about it with the others tomorrow." He turned off the light, leaving us in the dark. I laid down, wanting to forget about all of this, wishing that I had never found that library. Sleep came sooner than I thought it would. 


Tommy's POV 

I stared at the ceiling of Y/n's cabin. I've been spending the last few nights here with Tubbo, both of us taking turns sleeping on the bed while the other took the couch. I thought back to our conversation. How I accused her of siding with the enemy. I sat up in the bed, and for a moment, I caught a whiff of her scent. I wished for it to linger a little longer, but it faded quickly, like how she was slowly fading from L'manburg.

"Are you ok Tommy?" Tubbo asked seeing me sitting up in bed. 

"Are you?" I asked. 

Tubbo sighed and looked down. "I just want her back." 

"You heard her Tubbo," I said bitterly, "She doesn't want to come back."

Tubbo nodded. "She's doing it for you man." 

"I don't want her to." I said. "If tomorrow really is my last day left to live then I want her to be here with us." I looked at him. "I want us all back together, happy, like we were before."

"Yeah." Tubbo says. "Before the war where our biggest problem would be me trying to get you two to not piss off Wilbur." He laughed a little, but I could hear the sadness in his voice. 

"Tubbo, what if I do die after tomorrow?" I was surprised to hear myself whisper, as I usually was never quiet. 

"You won't big man." Tubbo says, reassuringly. "Y/n has to have something up her sleeve. She won't let you die, I know she won't." 

"Maybe, this time, she doesn't have the power to stop it." I muttered under my breath, only loud enough for me to hear.


Y/n's POV

We were all sat at the breakfast table, discussing last night's events, although the very thing I wanted to do was to forget it. 

"We could burn the book." George suggested. 

"No." Sapnap shot down the idea. 

"George is right, we have to get rid of it." Dream says, backing up George. 

"No, you know who that book belongs to." Sapnap glared at them both. 

"Sap, he's not coming back. It's going to hurt more if you keep the book." George says. 

"Who exactly are we talking about here?" I asked. 

"An old friend." Sapnap says. "But, like George says, he's not coming back. Which is why I need the book. Something to remember him by." 

"But it's dangerous to keep around." Dream protested. "You saw what happened last night." I knew what he meant was I'm dangerous around it.

"No." I said, finally contributing to the debate. "We can't burn it."

George raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" 

To be honest, I didn't know. Something inside me made myself want to protect it more than I wanted it destroyed. And, something about that voice. As much as I wanted it gone, I needed to know more about it first. Not that I told anyone. I didn't need them to think that I was crazy, hearing voices.

"I just..." I said, looking for an excuse. "It has some sentimental value to me too, you know." Which was half true. 

"Well, then what are we gonna do about it?" Dream says impatiently. 

"I don't know." I stood up, fed up with this conversation. "I'm going upstairs." 

I heard Dream sigh as I walked up the stairs and then his footsteps following mine. I didn't talk to him as I sat down on the bed and he just stood in the doorway, watching me behind his mask.

"What?" I said finally, after a while of silence. 

"You're scared." He said. 


"You can try to hide it but I know that you're scared." 

I look at him for a bit. "Of what? The book that seems to have possessed me or the fact that tomorrow, my best friend is going to die?

"We're not having this conversation again." he said simply, folding his arms. He walked over to the window, taking his mask off and looking outside. 

"Of course we're not. We both know it's gonna end up with you sounding like a complete narcissist and dickhead."

I saw his face change from relaxed to anger as he turned to look at me. I raised an eyebrow. 

"What? Are you going to deny it?" I questioned.

"When did Tommy come and visit?" Dream asked, his voice low and dangerous, in a way that I hadn't heard in a long time. I freeze on the spot. 

"What?" I croaked, my voice not able to work properly. 

"You heard me the first time. When did you see him?" Dream growled. 

"I didn't see him, not since the night I escaped, you know-" 

"Don't fucking lie to me." He walked over to me, harshly grabbing my face, turning me to face him. "I know that he was here." 

I removed his harsh grip on me. "Where's your proof?" 

He stared at me for a moment and then roughly pulled me up from the bed, leading me to the window. 

"There. There's your fucking proof." Outside of the window, caught on a branch, was Tommy torn, red bandana that he wore around his neck to match his shirt. My breath caught in my throat. 

"When. did. you. see. him?" Dream asked again. I look at him. 

"Two days ago. He asked me to escape with him but I refused." 

"Why did you decline his offer?" 

"Because I thought, if I stayed, and do what you asked, then you would spare him." I said simply. "I don't want him to die Dream." 

"Well, tough." Dream stepped closer to me. "Tomorrow, at the bow duel, I will not spare his life. I will make sure that he dies and I will make sure you are there, watching as life leaves his body. And there will be nothing that you could do to stop it. So, any hope you had of me letting him live, it's gone. Tomorrow, either he dies or he kills me." 

As he looks into my eyes, I saw written across his face, underneath the anger, was betrayal and even hurt. 

"I trusted you Y/n." He said,  a faint, sad note in his voice. Inside, I felt a little bad because I knew that it was true. But I held my head high, not letting him see shame or guilt for what I did. I didn't say anything and the two of us just stood there in silence before he stormed out of the room, without saying anything. But, this time, as the door close, I head the jingling sound of keys and the click of the door locking. I leaned on the wall and slowly slid down onto the floor.

I had fucked up.

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