Chapter Thirty Nine

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I watched as Karl, Quackity, Tubbo and Tommy built the podium where we planned for the election to take place. The election that happens tomorrow. During the last week, Wilbur and Tommy doubled their efforts to try and gain as many followers as possible and the more they succeeded, the more moody Schlatt became. 

After I told Wilbur about Schlatt's 'plan' which involved Quackity, we both decided that it was best to keep this information between only the two of us, and no one else should find out, not even Tommy. The less people who know, the better. I was given instructions to act as if everything was normal, especially around Quackity. Except, so far, I had been doing my best to avoid him. 

To add to the problem, there was now another party in the running : COCONUT2020, ran by Niki and Fundy, who had just announced their party this week. My mind wandered back to the events of the day I had overheard Dream talking with Schlatt. 


"They're planning something, Wil." I said, sat on the couch, crossing my arms. "And we don't know who Quackity is loyal to." 

Wilbur nodded, grim faced. He sat down opposite me, staring at the floor. "I should've seen this coming. I should've known that someone would've tried to cheat their way in."

I nodded grimly, staring hard into my cup of coffee which Wilbur had offered me. It was bitter and did not have enough milk or creamer in. I set the cup down on the table. 

"I think we should call off the election, Wil. We don't know what they're planning and it's too risky." I said, looking at Wilbur. He shook his head. 

"No, I'm not calling off the election just because there is a chance that I might not win." Wilbur said, "I personally will make sure that the votes are fair and someone doesn't rig the results." He looked at me. "That's as much as we can do." 

I just sat there for a while, not saying anything. The coffee on the table was long forgotten. 

"Do we tell anyone? Like Tommy?" I asked suddenly. Wilbur shook his head again. 

"No, I think it's better if we keep it between the two of us. I know Tommy is my running mate but Schlatt doesn't know that we're aware of the fact that he has a plan, therefore we can use it to our advantage. We'll be more prepared than he expected us to be. We're just going to have to be on our toes the whole time at the election." 

"And why would we have to do that, Dad?" Fundy's voice spoke out from the doorframe. Me and Wilbur both turned to look at him. Neither of us said anything. Fundy crossed his arms. 

"Well, are you going to say anything?" He pressed. I looked at Wilbur but he didn't answer him. I turned back round to face Fundy. 

"How long were you standing there for?" I asked, avoiding his question. Fundy frowned. 

"Long enough to hear the whole of the last bit that you said." Fundy said, looking at Wil. Wilbur looked up, back at him. 

"Fundy, it's not important. Just forget that you ever heard anything." Wilbur said. Fundy raised an eyebrow. 

"Not important? It's to do with the election, of course it's important." He scoffed. "What's up with Schlatt then? Are you guys planning something?" 

Wilbur wore an irritated look. "Fundy, this doesn't concern you-" 

"Doesn't concern me? I think you forget sometimes, Dad, but I also live in this country! I know that you don't pay much attention to me but surely you know that?" Fundy shouted, taking the both of us by surprise. "And now, you're creeping around, plotting with some girl who we all know is sleeping with the enemy!" 

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