Chapter Forty Three

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It's been two days since we were kicked out of L'manburg and me and Wilbur were standing on a hill, overlooking the country. Each day, Dream had been coming back with food and water, which we were all grateful for, even if Tommy would never admit it. 

Over the short amount of time that the three of us had been exiled, Schlatt had ordered for the blackstone walls to be removed and now there were people mining away with pickaxes. Among those people, I could see Tubbo being shouted at by Schlatt and Quackity standing next to him, not doing anything about it, just letting it all happen. I saw Tubbo shout something at Schlatt, before Schlatt hit him round the head. And all those people around them, just letting it happen. How could they let that happen? 

Beside me, I heard Wilbur choke down a sob. I looked at him and he said nothing, just pointing to the hill in L'manburg, where the flag stood proudly. My eyes widened in horror as I saw two figures standing below it and I recognized them as Niki and Fundy. 

In his hands, Fundy held a flaming torch. 

I could see Niki shouting at Fundy, but Fundy took no notice of her. I couldn't help but gasp when Fundy raised the flame to the flag, the fabric catching fire at once. Even from here, I could hear Niki screaming at Fundy but Fundy just pushed her aside, and walked away from the burning flag of the country his father made. 

"No..." I heard Wilbur say to himself next to me. He stared at the flag in horror. 

"L'manburg, my unfinished symphony..." 

A tear leaked from his sad eyes. Without thinking, I reached out and pulled him into a hug. He returned it, silently crying into my neck as I comforted him. I knew, out of the three of us, it hit him the hardest. There was no other way to put it : his own son had betrayed him. Anyone could see that Fundy worshipped Schlatt, more than he ever did Wilbur. 

"No." I said in a determined voice. "No, we're gonna get it back. We will get L'manburg back." I promised. Wilbur pulled away from me, nodding. He wiped his tears away. 

"Yeah," He said in a far away voice. "Yeah, we will." 

The last of the flag dissolved into ashes, fluttering to the floor. Niki fell onto her knees, staring at the pile of ash, and I could tell that she was crying. 

We couldn't let things carry on like this. Niki didn't deserve this. Tubbo didn't deserve this The people of L'manburg didn't deserve this. 

We didn't deserve this.

Although I had no idea how to stop it. All we had were the three of us and a man who we're not sure whose side he's on.


I left the cave to meet Dream, leaving Tommy and Wilbur behind. We had decided that it was better if we met somewhere else instead of our cave for Dream to give us our 'daily support pack', in case someone followed Dream, right to our hiding spot. We had agreed to meet in the woods near the SMP, away from L'manburg. Sure enough, when I got there, Dream was already waiting for me. He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at me. 

"You really do know how to keep a man waiting." He said, giving me the bag. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I took it from him. 

"It's one of my many talents." I said with a small smirk. "So, any news?" 

Dream sat down on a nearby rock. "Well, turns out, straight after you guys were chased out of L'manburg, Schlatt let Tubbo keep his job as Secrety of State and he calls him his 'right hand man'. Tubbo accepted the role, probably because he was too scared to do otherwise. But today, he lost his anger and shouted back at Schlatt, and he ended up with a huge bruise across his face. When I left, Karl was trying to make him feel better." 

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