Chapter Seventy four

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-Tommy's POV- 

"Techno!" I shouted to be heard above the panicking of the civilians. I climbed down from the stage, sword and shield at the ready, in case I needed to use them. Tubbo ran to over to the microphone.

"Everyone, LEAVE NOW!" He shouted, and the people of L'manburg ran towards the exit of the country. 

"Techno, what are you doing?" I yelled at him. We had done it. And now Techno was going to burn it to the ground. 

Techno looked up at me with furious eyes. "I did not spend weeks preparing for this revolution, giving you guys gear," He pointed his crossbow at me. "For you to replace one tyrant, with another!" 

Tubbo and everyone else came to join me at my side. Technoblade was a skilled fighter but there was no way that he could take us all on single handedly. 

"Tubbo is no Schlatt." I said angrily and there were murmurs of agreement that ran through our team. 

Techno laughed and I gripped my sword tighter. I didn't want to have to fight him. He was my brother. 

"That may be true, but you can't be sure." He said. "Because that's the problem with government. You leave one person in charge of a whole nation ; it's only a matter of time that it get's to their head." He paused for a moment. "But, surely you see what's going on here, don't you Tommy? Don't you see what's happening?" 

"Techno..." I said in a warning voice. 

"Don't you see history repeating itself?" Techno taunted. 

"Why are you doing this, Techno?" I said quietly. "Why can't you just let us be happy? After everything we did, we deserve this. We fought so hard to get this back."

Techno stayed silent for a short amount of time, looking at me with studying eyes. "Tommy?" 


"Do you see yourself as a hero? Is that what this is?" He questioned. I lowered my weapons. 

"I-I just wanted..." I failed to get the words out. "I just wanted L'manburg."

"You just wanted power." Techno spat. 

"I just wanted L'manburg back, that's all I ever wanted!" I insisted. "I didn't- I just wanted..."

There was a moments pause. 

"Tommy, you just did a coup." Techno said, smirking a little. "You just did a hostile government take over and then immediately instilled yourself as president. And then you gave it to your friend, but that's still a tyrant, Tommy!" He paused again and started walking around slowly. 

"But, the thing about this world, Tommy," He continued. "Is that good things don't happen to heroes." He turned to look at me. "Let me tell you a story, Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus. His country...well, city-state or whatever," He waved his hand around as he talked. "was in danger. And he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he slayed the minotaur and saved his city. Do you know what they did to him, Tommy?" 

I stayed silent and Techno took this as a sign to continue his story. 

"They exiled him." Techno said, looking straight at me. "He died, in disgrace, despised by his people. And that's what happens to heroes, Tommy."

"But he saved everyone!" Tubbo protested. 

Techno shrugged. "The Greeks knew the score," He pulled out brown blocks from his bag and started to build two small Ts on the ground. I suddenly realized what the block was. 

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