Chapter Seventy One

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The 16th came sooner than any of us would've liked. 

Wilbur had sent us all to bed early, telling us to get a good night's sleep so that we were all energized on the big day. However, sleep didn't come for me, no matter how much I tossed and turned. Niki, on the other hand, judging by the lack of noise coming from her bed, fell asleep easily and was dead to the world just a few minutes after her head hit her pillow. And for the rest of the night, sleep weaved in and out but never stayed for long. I was essentially in a room filled with the sound of Niki's soft breathing, trapped by my own thoughts. 

The next thing I know, Niki was at my side, shaking me awake. The room was dark and I couldn't make out her face at first, but as soon as I did, I realized what today was. Niki had already gotten changed into a striped rainbow sweater and left the room so that I could get ready. 

For the first time in, like ever, we all ate breakfast together, sat around the meeting table. Wilbur had told us to eat up so that we had enough strength for the battle and everyone happily complied, even Techno, who I knew didn't like eating in the mornings. 

However, I couldn't eat. I took a few bites of a baked potato but it felt dry in my mouth and it felt difficult to swallow. I felt Techno to my left looking at me and I looked up back at him. He raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. 

"You should eat, you know." He mumbled. I sighed and then folded my arms. 

"I can't." Was all I said. 

Techno raised his eyebrow again. "Is it the potato?" He put his hand over his heart in mock offence. "I was the one that grew them you know. Do you really think their that terrible?" I let a small smile creep onto my lips. 

This war seemed to have put me and Techno's ever-going arguments on a hold since now he was trying to make me feel better. I fiddled with the collar of my turtleneck. I couldn't imagine how Techno would react if he knew the reason I was wearing it. I mean, Karl absolutely freaked out. I glanced across the table to see him looking at my covered neck. We made brief eye contact before he quickly turned back to his sandwich and took a bite. 

"Well, I think the potatoes are amazing, Techno." Tommy said, with his mouth full. He was sat on my other side and was eyeing my plate greedily. I pushed it towards him. 

"Here, take it." I said, looking at his already empty plate. His eyes widened. 

"Really? But what about you?" 

I shrugged. "I'm not really a breakfast type of person anyways."

Tommy accepted my offer and began gulfing down my portion of potato as well. I watched as everyone else ate their breakfast, rather quietly. I could see quite a lot of people, including myself, whose leg was bouncing up and down. We all knew that today was a big day. And that we could not afford to lose, because that would mean giving up Manburg. 

After everyone had decided that they were done eating (and after Karl had forced me to eat at least an apple) Techno took us to the vault again so that we could start preparing. The sun hadn't even rose yet and the only light guiding us was the soft glow of the torch that Techno was holding. The rest of us just had to follow him and pray that no monsters would jump out and attack us. 

We all entered the vault as soon as the stone wall rose and found our own stuff again. The whole room was filled with the clanking of metal and chatter as everyone compared what enchantments they had on their swords. I put on the armor - with much difficulty - and picked up the ax. I was surprised to find the familiar feel of the handle. I looked at it closely and found my initials engraved into the wood, just like my old ax. 

"I upgraded your old diamond ax" I heard Techno murmur from behind me. "And added a few enchantments. Hope you don't mind." He walked off before I could even think about what to say back. 

In truth, I didn't mind. In fact, I was grateful for it. I loved my old one, the way it felt in my hands when I fought, but it was due for an upgrade one of these days ; I was just too lazy to do it. The next few hours were spent preparing - Quackity, Niki and Tubbo went off to do some last minute training, Karl went to organize potions, golden apples and food for everyone. Fundy went to prepare his emergency medical kit just in case someone was injured fatally, which we hoped it would never have to come to. Wilbur needed to go for a peaceful walk to clear his nerves and Techno went off somewhere on his own. Leaving me and Tommy on our own. 

"This is it." I said quietly. "This is the moment we take it all back."

Tommy nodded, looking down at the floor, glass-eyed. "It's not going to be easy."

I looked down. "I know. We have a strong opposition." Tommy looked up at me.

 "Are you really going to fight him?" He asked, his voice softer than we both expected it to be. I don't think I've ever seen Tommy so calm and gentle.

This was a question that I've had at the back of my mind ever since Dream declared that he wasn't on our side anymore. It was a simple question but the answer was complicated. If I hurt him, then he would hate me. If I don't fight him, then Pogtopia would see me as a traitor again. For me, it was a lose-lose situation. The universe didn't want to let me have it all. 

"I think I'm gonna have to." I said, my voice slightly bitter. "Anything to get L'manburg back." 

I could feel Tommy staring straight at me but I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze. There was a heaviness in the room that had never been present between the two of us. It was sad to think that we had grown and matured in a space of such little time. We were forced to grow up, even though we were still both kids. Now, there was no more jokes, no more pranks, no more laughter. 

But that all changed today. 

Because we're going to get Manburg back and we're going to go back to being how we were before everything else happened and we would live happily again. We would get our home back.

"Y/n." Tommy said. I looked up and the sound of my name. He turned his head to face the wall as he spoke. "Look, I'm sorry that I was so harsh with you and Dream being together." He looked down. "It was just...he had done so many things to me and he is a bad man and I didn't want to lose you to him. I didn't want him to tell you bad things about me and what I've done that might make you want to not be my friend anymore. I was scared that we would drift apart." Tommy confessed. 

"And I know that I wasn't a very good friend to you over the last few weeks, months even, but I'm trying Y/n, I'm trying so hard to be strong like you and Wilbur and Techno and everyone else but it's hard. And the thought of you running off with a green man, leaving me because of what he has said...i-it scares me. Because I have done some bad things." 

I stared at the wall. "Well, I've done some things that I'm not exactly proud of either." I looked at Tommy. "And you were never going to lose me. Nothing that Dream could've said would've made me want to leave you behind." I reassured him. 

Tommy stayed silent for a bit. "And what if I lose you today?" He asked quietly. 

"You won't." I said firmly. "I promise. As long as you don't die out there either." I said smiling a little.

Tommy nodded. "I promise"

"Oh, by the way, you look absolutely ridiculous in that armor." 

Tommy nearly exploded. "What the fuck? I'm sorry I didn't get this fitted properly and that Techno isn't a fashion designer!" I laughed as the mood brightened but the somberness in the air quickly returned when everyone else entered the vault where me and Tommy were stood in. They were all dressed in glowing, netherite armor and all had a belt around their waist that contained potions, golden apples and their swords. Each and every one of them had a determined look painted across their faces. Wilbur stepped forwards, handing both of us our own belt with resources. Me and Tommy took them and looked at each other as Wilbur voices what both our faces were saying.

"It's time." 

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