Chapter thirteen

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I woke up with a jolt, the first thing I noticed was the huge bang of the door opening. Beside me, someone groaned and I sat up, head fuzzy, to address the situation. Sapnap was standing in the doorway, eyes wide, whether from shock or excitement, I couldn't tell. I looked over my shoulder and saw Dream laying suspiciously close to me. That's when I realized what was happening. Sapnap had walked in on me and Dream cuddling. Dream sat up as well, his arm brushing against mine as he did so. 

"What is it, Sapnap?" His morning voice was deep and raspy.

"Dude, did you get laid?" Sapnap asked, unexpectedly

"What? No!" Dream responded, in an irritated tone.  

"Um, okay, dude, if you say so" Sapnap says, clearly unconvinced. 

"We didn't." Dream says firmly. I decided to play with him a little. 

"The fact that I'm in your bed, wearing your clothes, spooning you, is that not a big enough give away?" I said, smirking a little. Sapnap's eyes went wide as his eyes kept darting back and forth between me and Dream, not knowing what to believe. 

"Bro, did you actually-"

"No! I did not have sex with our prisoner, okay?" Dream's tone of voice was clearly annoyed. 

"If you say so..." Sapnap smirked suddenly. "I'm telling George though." He turns to walk out and then turns back round again, his head peeking through the doorway, suddenly remembering why he came in here in the first place. "Oh, by the way, do you know if we have anymore flint and steels lying around somewhere? My old one got lost in the woods." 

"Why do you need a flint and steel for?" I asked, curious. Sapnap's smirk grew wider. 

"Just to commit some light arson." He says casually. I gave him a look but I wasn't really that at all surprised. Both Tommy and Tubbo had told me about Sapnap's weird obsession with fire. He was what people called a pyromaniac. 

"I don't know ask George. He's the one that organises everything." Dream says. Sapnap nods and then walks out again, but not before giving me a look as if to say 'We're definitely talking about this later'.

As the door closed, I felt Dream's glare burning into the back of my neck. I sighed and turned around, meeting his intense gaze. 

"What?" I asked. 

"What?" Dream repeated, mimicking me. "What the hell was that?" 

I roll my eyes. "Relax it was a joke." 

"Jokes are meant to be funny." 

"Didn't know you had a sense of humor" 

The tips of Dream's lips twitched slightly in amusement. He put his hand over his heart, feigning a look of offence. "Ouch. That one did a lot of damage."

"Yeah well, stop pouting. It really does not suit you." I got out from under the covers, the cool breeze immediately hitting my body. I look over to the pile of bloody, ripped clothes from the night before, lying in the corner of the room on a towel, which now was also blood stained. Dream seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

"George isn't gonna be very happy with you." He commented. I sighed. 

"When is he ever. God, he's even worse than Wilbur." Dream looks at me, clearly wanting to laugh. 

"Wilbur's that bad?" 

"He's just... well, an adult." I say. "A responsible one." I added in disgust.

"Well, someone has to be responsible, otherwise L'manburg would've been so much easier to take down."

"Wow. Look at you turning everything about you again." I said, rolling my eyes. "Do you really need that much attention?"

He laughed lightly. "Everything is about me. This is my land, my kingdom. Of course everything is about me." 

"God, and the dickhead is back." I said in a disappointed voice. "I really thought we were getting along at last." I sighed dramatically. 

"Your my prisoner. We only get along to a certain extent." I smile to myself. 

We'll see about that.

"What are you smiling about?" Dream asked, cocking his head sideways, looking at me. 

"Nothing." I answered him. 

"Now we're keeping secrets? I really thought we were getting along better than that, princess." He smirked. 

"Princess? That's a new one." I said. "I'll give it a 4/10. Cute but unoriginal and too overused." 

Dream's face was torn in between amusement and confusion. "You are a strange character Y/n, I've got to say." 

"Is that a good thing?" 

"Depends." He pauses for a moment. "You're like Tommyinnit but funnier and smarter." 

"That's pretty good I guess-" 

"Which makes you even worse than him." He finishes. I gave him a dirty look. 

"Don't you have some scary leader stuff to do like scare off children?" I said. Dream got of the bed. 

"You're right I do." He started to take his shirt off. I covered my eyes with my hands, but still caught a glance of his toned abs. 

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, WE'RE NOT QUITE AT THAT STAGE YET!" I yelled. Dream burst into...laughter? My initial thought was that he was suffocating or something. I turned around, facing the wall.

"Chill, I'm just changing!" He wheezed. 

"Can you not change somewhere where I don't have to look at you? I mean, there is literally a bathroom right there!" 

"Y/n, chill. Have you not seen a shirtless man before? You literally live in a country full of men."

"But all of them have the decency to cover up. They don't walk around naked you know."

"Okay, you can turn around now, I'm done." I turned back around and Dream was in his usual green jacket and black pants. He had also put his mask back on and the sight of it scared me a little. It's funny how a quick outfit change could make me feel something completely different. Without the mask, it was just like talking to everyone else, joking around and making fun of each other. But with the mask on, he seemed more intimidating and I seemed more reluctant to talk to him. I never understood the meaning of 'two sides of the same person' until now.

"Sapnap will probably bring you some food in a moment and basically just behave yourself." He turned to walk out the door.

"Wait, I have to stay in here?"

He looked at me. "Same rules as before Y/n." 

He walked out the door, locking it extra loudly, making sure I heard it.

"What a bitch." I mutter to myself.

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