Chapter Sixty

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Me and Tommy went our separate ways after that. Him, back to Pogtopia and me, back to Eret's castle. I was back in my room, watching the flames dance in the fireplace. They were so beautiful and they looked so soft in front of the white background. Each flame was competing with the last, trying to be the tallest one out of their friends. Their strangely comforting laughter filled the room with cackles and I couldn't help but feel mesmerized. 

I glanced at the long-forgotten notebook that I had tossed onto the bed and picked it up, opening to the first page. The two words that I had written stared back at me.

Yes, I agreed, Fuck this 

The words stared back as if it had an opinion of its own and matched mine. I sighed and decided to give Eret's advice one more go. I picked up the pen and went over to sit by the window seat. This time, however, when I looked at the page, all the words suddenly came to my head, along with a surprising amount of anger. Suddenly, every single thing seemed to be wrong and it pissed me off. The lights were too bright, the room was too empty and the castle was too quiet. 

And Dream wasn't here to soothe my anger away. 

And then the words poured out of me in the form of ink. The tip of the pen gliding effortlessly on the paper didn't interrupt my silent rant and the rain tapping on the windows was like music to my ears. 

Right here, right now, with the sound of the rain on the glass, the cackling of the fire and the scribbling of the pen, would've been my ideal place to call a home. Everything was just right. 

And yet it felt so wrong. 

I didn't forget the reason why I was here in the first place and I didn't forget about how there was still such a long way to go until all of this was done with. But part of me wandered whether I could just stay here until this all blows over, just writing and writing until I had gotten all my emotions out. Not just from the whole Manburg/Pogtopia situation, but from the very beginning. Perhaps the beginning was when L'manburg had no problems. Or maybe it was when I met Techno. Or it could be when I watched my mom being killed. Either way, I had a lot of emotions. 

And I wrote it all down. Every single bad thing that I had ever experienced, every single time I had just wanted to turn the other way and run, every single time I had been let down by, not just others, but also myself. I wasn't sure how long I spent on it but eventually, tears were streaming down my face and my sentences were just becoming random words put together that made no sense. My handwriting became sloppy and practically illegible, not to mention the ink smeared when my tears fell onto the paper and anyone else wouldn't have been able to read it, but I understood what they meant. When I was done, I still didn't feel completely satisfied and I read over what I had wrote. 


Only certain words were clear enough to read and I ripped out my page in frustration. I crushed it up into a ball and threw it in the fire, watching as the flames cackled a little louder and grew taller when I threw the paper in. Through the soft, ever-changing orange feathers of the fire, I could see the paper shrivel up and reduce to nothing more than ashes. I wished getting rid of your problems were as easy as burning them but I of all people knew differently. 

No matter how big the fire, no matter how far you run, your past will always find its way back to you. 

But, even so, I did feel a lot better. I wiped the tears from my face and continued to be hypnotized by the wonders of the majestic, glowing flames. I just wanted to stand there all night but I knew that I had to get some sleep. Besides, I still had Wilbur's plan to deal with in the morning. 


Wilbur's POV

Tommy was in the training room, hacking away at a punching bag filled with hay when I walked in. Even I could tell that his swings were weak and his grip on his sword was all wrong. From the way his body tensed a little, I could tell that he had sensed my presence, but chose to ignore me. I found it quite amusing. 

Maybe I should feel bad for putting this all on him. But, then again, he was the one who had decided to come with me when I left home. He knew what he was getting himself into when he decided that he was not going to give L'manburg over to Dream. 

L'manburg. What a beautiful word. It sounded like a bird's serenade, sweet music to my ears. The beginning of a song, the first verse. 

Otherwise known as the calm before the storm. The storm being the chorus, of course. 

And this, this was the pre-chorus. The build up to the chaos. I knew that blowing up Manburg would mean blowing up L'manburg, but I was done with it. It was like I was a teenager and L'manburg was only a phase. Now, it was time to move on. 

Although, I wasn't sure how to move on. What is there going to be after Manburg is gone? Will another country rise out of the ruins of L'manburg, led by another man, arrogant as I had been? Or, will L'manburg simply just become a memory and soon enough fade away, maybe even making its way into the history books? 

Technoblade caught my attention as he entered the room to grab his cape which he had slung over the back of a chair when he had been training Tommy earlier. Tommy suddenly stopped swinging at the punching bag and dropped his sword to the side. 

"I'm not doing it." He said, holding his head high. I tilted my head, questioning him. 

"You're not doing what?" I asked, amused. 

"I'm not going to help you blow up Manburg." He said flatly. I laughed dryly. 

"Don't you see, Tommy? You don't get a choice anymore!" I exclaimed, delightfully. Techno stopped what he was doing, clearly curious as to where this conversation was going. I saw Tommy's grip tighten on his sword.

"Bullshit!" Tommy yelled. "You're talking bullshit Wilbur!"

 Without thinking, Tommy charged at me with his wooden sword raised. However, the sword never made contact with my skin as Techno quickly stepped in front of me, grabbing Tommy by his wrist.

"Tommy, the thing is, you're using words." He then twisted it, causing Tommy to cry out in pain. Techno used this as an opportunity to take Tommy's sword from him.

 "But the thing about this world Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence." Techno then pushed him to the ground, his back hitting the wall. I made no effort to step in and help. "And we've had that conversation, we've spoken that language, in the pit."

Both breathing heavily, Techno leaned down a little until he was eye level with Tommy, who glared back at him. 

"What the fuck Techno?" He yelled, wiping blood from his nose. 

"It's over Tommy." Techno stood up. "Onto a new day," He turned around and started walking. "A new plot," He then looked at me, smirking. 

"To destroy Manburg."

So I'm running out of ideas for filler chapters so I'm really curious as to see who you guys want Y/n to bond with more. Please leave your answer in the comments!

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