Chapter Forty Eight

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"Quick question." I asked, looking at Technoblade. "Where the fuck did you get so many potatoes?"

"It's what I do in my free time." Techno shrugged back. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. It was surprisingly hot down here in the ravine and I was sure that we could be near lava level, which meant that we could be near diamonds. However, diamonds would have to wait since right now, I was helping Technoblade set up a potato farm so that we didn't have to rely on Dream for food. Quackity, Tommy and Tubbo could be heard laughing loudly somewhere above us in the ravine whilst they mined for more resources. Dream had left to go back home to do some bits and pieces and I have no idea where Wilbur was.

"Since when?" I scoffed. 

"Since you left." He said, still not looking up. A knot of guilt tightened in my stomach but I ignored it. 

"And potato farming was your way of coping?" I questioned. 

"Yep. Just like how joining a war was yours." Technoblade replied back, a little, tiny hint of venom in his tone. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Touché." I said back. Techno finally looked up. 

"Why did you leave?" He asked finally, monotone, as if the question didn't really bother him at all although I could tell that he had been waiting a long time to ask this. "And why did you do it the way you did?" 

I looked at him with sad, guilty eyes. I turned away, getting back to planting potatoes. "Why do you think Techno?" 

"I don't know. That's why I asked." 

I sighed. "You were living a life that I didn't want to be a part of. A life of unnecessary violence and death. People got hurt around you. People, even children, died around you." I said, my voice dropping to a whisper without me realizing.

"What, you were scared of me?" Technoblade questioned. 

I shook my head. I could feel the burning sensation of tears behind my eyes and I shut them. "No. I wasn't scared of you. Although I should've been." I added. "You know what you did." I said, opening my eyes and looking straight into his. I couldn't stop the single tear that rolled down my emotionless face. He held the eye contact for a few seconds before looking away. I couldn't help but smile a secret smile as I wiped away the tear, knowing that I had just turned the tables and now he was the one feeling guilty. 

"Is that what it was then? Is that the real reason you left?" Technoblade asked after a few, long minutes of silence. I raised an eyebrow. 

"What do you mean? I told you the reason why I left."

"Because you didn't want to live a life of violence?" Technoblade scoffed. "Open your eyes, Y/n. You left me but then joined my brother's country and then willingly participated in a war where you were used as the bargaining chip. Not to mention, also falling for a psychopath who inflicts pain upon others. It's time you faced the truth : even though you left me behind, you're still living a life of violence, just with another lover. You think you're progressing but you're really just going round in a continuous loop where history repeats itself." He laughed dryly. "How much are you willing to bet that you'll leave as soon as you see someone get killed?"

"I'm not leaving. Not this time." I said, gritting my teeth. 

"Really? What's stopping you?" 

"The fact that I actually fought for this. The fact that I fought for L'manburg." I said glaring at him. "The fact that I actually care this time." 

Techno stood there silently, not saying anything. I knew he was shocked at my hospitality Finally, he looked up. "Don't lie to yourself Y/n. Don't act like you never cared about me." 

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