Chapter Twenty

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I fell asleep on right there, on the hill and when I woke, I was back in Dream's bedroom. I guess he must've carried me back home and I secretly thanked him for that. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I looked down at the hoodie and sweatpants that Dream had let me borrow. Although they were comfortable, I hadn't changed out of them since the night of my escape and I would prefer some new ones. I went back into the room, opened a drawer, and looked around for some clothes that could actually sort of fit me, but found no luck. I didn't really expect another outcome, to be honest. I sighed and grabbed a plain white t-shirt with a little smiley face embroidered in the corner and another pair of sweatpants. 

I was pleased to find that in Dream's bathroom, there was conditioner. I ran it through my hair, feeling the silkiness of it, before rinsing it off. I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying myself off. I changed into the new clothes, which, obviously, were too big for me. 

I heard someone walk into the room through the wall. They must've seen the empty room because they started calling out my name. 

"Y/n?" It was Dream. I opened the bathroom door whilst drying my hair off with the towel. 

"I'm in here!" I called out to him. I heard him sigh out of relief. 

"I thought you escaped again or something." He came over to me and leaned on the door frame. I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my face, through his mask. 

"You've gotten quite comfortable with wearing my clothes, haven't you?" He smirked. I look at him and roll my eyes. 

"You're saying that like I have my own clothes to wear." I look back in the mirror, smiling slightly.

"Well, me, Sapnap and George are going to Eret's castle to discuss something, so I kinda need you to hurry up and get ready." He said. I look at him. 

"Eret has a castle? Since when?" 

"Ever since he helped us in the war." He responded. That made sense. 

"Why can't I stay here?" I asked. "George let me stay and I didn't even try to escape. Surely I've earned your trust by now."

"Absolutely not. Just because you and me are finally getting along doesn't mean that your not my prisoner anymore."

"Please? I literally just showered." I complained. "Look, you can even lock me inside this room if you want. I swear I won't do anything stupid." I put the towel down on the bathroom counter. 

He looked at me for a long time and I stared right back at him. He sighed. 

"I'm trusting you Y/n. Don't make me regret it." He says. 

"I won't. I promise." 

Dream nods and I walked out of the bathroom, going to sit on the bed. Dream walks out the door but doesn't close it, and I knew that he did it on purpose. He really was trusting me. 

I heard the front door close and I listened to the sound of the trio's voices growing more distant as they got further and further away from the house. I got up and decided to wander around the house a bit more. I walked past my old room, the one with the smashed window from my escape attempt. I opened the door and found the window boarded up with long planks of wood, blocking out all the sunlight. There was also a big bloodstain on the cream colored carpet and I knew that there was no way you could wash that out. 

I stepped out and close the door, continuing my trek around the house. I thought about L'manburg, about Wilbur, Tubbo, Fundy and... Tommy. I had to make it up to him. I had to. Either he dies angry at me, or he lives long enough to forgive me. 

I look up and I find myself outside the doors of the library. My hand moved to open them but I stopped midway. 

No. Forget about the book. It can't help me. 

But it'll make you feel better.

No. Stop. 

It'll distract you from reality if you open it up and read it. 

Stop. Go away. 

Open the book Y/n

Why should I? 

Because you want to. You know you do.

Why though? Why do I want to open it so bad but every time I try, my brain stops me?

I don't know. But I need you to open it for me.

Who are you?

You'll find out if you open it. You already have the book in your hands.

I look down and I drop the book that I was holding. Tales from the SMP fell from my hands and onto the ground. Every time I go near it, the voice in my head begs for me to open it. A voice that seems oddly familiar, like I've heard it before in a dream. But the more it begs, the more reluctant I am to open it. Maybe I am just overreacting. Maybe I am going crazy and hearing voices. 

But the voice was there, in my head. A voice that doesn't belong to me. I pick up the book and took it to my old room. I threw it inside and closed the door. I went downstairs, grabbed a set of keys that I knew were Dream's, just by the white smiley keyring that hung from it. I took it back upstairs and it took me many tries to find the correct key that would fit into the hole of my old room. I finally found the right one, locked it and walked away, returning the key downstairs. 

It doesn't change anything you know. You'll still be drawn to it. 

"Yeah, well at least, now, I can't get to it." I said out loud. I walked to the kitchen, made myself a sandwich and then went to sleep. 


"Y/N!" Dream practically shouted in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw him holding my wrist firmly. My eyes widened as I saw that, in my hands, I held an iron ax. All around me were splinters of wood and barely standing in front of me was a door. The door to the room containing Tales from the SMP. 

I didn't know what to do, so I lowered my arm and just stood there, staring at the destruction. Sapnap and George were also standing in the hallway and judging by their sleepy looks and slumped postures, I guessed that I woke them up as I expect I wasn't exactly being quiet. 

I looked at Dream straight in the eyes. 

"Don't you dare tell me that this was a fucking coincidence." 

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