Chapter Thirty One

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Karl smiled awkwardly at me. "When I thought about coming back, I didn't exactly imagine it like this." 

I just stared at him in disbelief. Tears started to form in my eyes. My brain couldn't form the words I wanted them to. 

"I-how?" Was all I managed to say. 

"How what? There is a lot to explain." 

"How? You were gone for so long! The last time that I saw you was when I was ten!" I said. He sighed. 

"I know. I promise that I will explain everything." Karl sat down on the bed next to me. He smiled. "It's good to see you, sis." 

I smiled back and the tears started to stream down my face. I laughed, not quite believing it and pulled my older brother into a hug, crying into his shoulder in happiness. He hugged me back and, from the his shaking, I suspected he was also crying. After a long while, we pulled apart and looked at each other. I smiled. 

"I can't believe you're really here." I said. "I thought you were dead. All that time, I thought I'd never see you again!" 

"I'm here, Y/n, I'm here." He held my hands and squeezed them. We looked at each other with teary eyes and we both burst out laughing.

"You've grown up so much in the time that I was gone." He said, looking down at me. I laughed. 

"It's not like you were gone for 9 years, right?" Karl giggled at my sarcastic comment. "You look a little different yourself. Not much, but you're a little taller and you have a better hair style than the one that you had when you were 13." 

He groaned. "Please, not the Zac Efron hairstyle." I looked at him in confusion. 

"Who's Zac Efron?" I asked. Karl looked at me. 

"Oh right, sorry, wrong time line." He said. I looked at him, shocked. 

"There's more than one?" Karl nodded. 

"Yeah, there's loads. Millions. Every single one of them contains the same people or different versions of the same person, but every timeline has a different story." He explained. 

"Tell me more about this time travel thing." I said, curious. 

"Well, you know that I was born with the time travelling ability." I nodded. I indeed knew that my brother had special superpowers and during my childhood, I envied him, wanting to also be special. That was until his powers caused him to disappear from our lives. 

"I do." 

"I used to test out my powers, slowly trying to master them, to be fully in control. At first, I could make small jumps in time, only moving forwards and backwards a few seconds. But then, I started to lose it. I would jump forwards or backwards in time unintentionally in the space of a few minutes and I couldn't control it. I figured that the next time that I jumped in time, I would try to stop it by jumping in the opposite direction. For example, if I ended up jumping backwards, I would intentionally jump forwards a few minutes to close the time gap. But the thing is, I messed up the jump, and instead I jumped forwards five years. My body had also aged five years, so I was a 13 year old in the body of a nineteen year old. I couldn't jump back far enough to get back to you and Mom and I didn't know what to do. I was stranded in a forest without food or water and I had no shelter or weapons to defend myself.

 I eventually found a village and I lived there for about 2 years. During my time there, I realized that, in my dreams, I was visiting different timelines. I kept seeing your face in them and my friends from the village and I realized that these weren't just normal dreams. I did some reading on the subject from the village library, but not all the books were reliable sources. You see, there aren't many time travelers in the world, even with all the time lines added together, they were still pretty rare. I haven't even met another time traveler on my travels. Most of the information from the books came from myths, but this one book, The Sacred Time Travelers, say that only one bloodline in the whole universe possess this gift and it gets genetically passed down through the generations." 

I raised an eyebrow. "And why did that sound believing? Like you said, most of these 'facts' aren't facts and are actually just stories, made up for entertainment." 

"Because" Karl looked up at me. "I believe that the book was referring to us as the Sacred line of Time Travelers"


"Yes.  They talked about the family, calling it the Levastreun Bloodline. And, I travelled back and forth in time for days, looking for a copy of our family tree as the name Levastreun sounded so familiar. I found it in the city archives of where we lived and, get this, our grandmother - on Dad's side of the family - before she was married and had her name changed to Jacobs, her maiden name was Gloria Levastreun. The book was about our family, Y/n." 

I bit my lip. "Okay, that doesn't prove anything. Sure, someone knew our grandmother's maiden name, and what? Like you said, the family tree was easy to access in the city's archives."

"But you don't get it." Karl said impatiently. "The book held real tips about time travelling too. The book was what helped me make Tales from the SMP. It said, the easiest way to travel between different timelines, was to attach your soul to an enchanted book. This also prevented you from aging therefore I have been 22 for a very long time. Every time you travelled to a different timeline, the stories would write itself into the page of the book. And I visited many timelines, like the one that you experienced, or rather, you experienced as Lady Katherine, the poor widow, whose rich husband died mysteriously and left her his fortune. I travelled back in time when I had enough strength to perform a 7 year jump to give you this book." I smiled at the memory. 

"I saw you." I said, dreamily. "I thought it was a dream and I was so confused when I woke up and saw the book that you left on the table was still there. I thought you had come back." I looked at him sadly. "Why didn't you stay?"

Karl looked away, his face full of regret. "I should of. But I was stupid. Now that I had unlocked the full potential of my power, I didn't want to spend my life living like a normal person. I wanted to explore my power in full depth and I wanted excitement and adventures. I didn't want to settle down, start a family, make money. And that's kind of funny since, when I was stuck in that book, a normal life was all I wanted."

"You got stuck in the book? How?"

"The Universe was smart. When you died in a different timeline than the one that you were born into, both your body and your soul gets trapped in the book. You spend the rest of eternity there, in the in-between, where your only form of entertainment is reliving the stories that you have already experienced a thousand times before. And although you're not really dead, you may as well be because since you can't die, you were doomed to live forever alone. The only way that you can go back into the real world was if another time traveler with a strong enough foothold on the other side pulled me back. That's where you come in."

"Me? But I don't have the time travelling gene." I said. 

"You must do. It's probably a veiled gene, like freckles, where it's there, but you can't see it or, in this case, use it. The first time you touched the book, I could hear your thoughts. Eventually, I found a way for my voice to get into your head, to persuade you to free me, but you were so damn stubborn. And, when you finally did, your mind fell in and into one of the thousand timelines. I had to travel from one to another to find you, and I finally found you in the Masquerade. I had found you just in time, if I had arrived any later, you would've died. I pulled us both out and, now I'm back in my original timeline." 

I stayed silent for a moment, thinking. "How did Dream have a copy of the book? I though you gave it to me?" 

For the first time in, like, ever, I saw Karl blush. He cleared his throat, his face still flushed. 

"You weren't the only one who I wanted to keep up with my adventures. One of my friends from the village that I had lived in, I grew a special connection with. I gave him a copy of the book too."

"Who? Who was it?" 

Karl smiled and looked at the floor. "Sapnap."

I felt my eyes widen and then my lips curling up into a smirk. I stood up and grabbed his hand. He gave me a questioning look. 

"C'mon." I said, pulling him up. 

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to go and pay Sapnap a visit." I said, smiling evilly.


I know that I've already published this chapter but Wattpad took it down for some reason. Smh.

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