Chapter Fifty nine

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Tommy's POV

I felt Wilbur behind me before I heard him. I turned around, away from crafting new, diamond swords. 

"What is it Wil?" I ask, trying to keep my voice casual. Wilbur's face turned into something I didn't like. He smirked. 

"Tommy, I have a plan." He said, his eyes glowing. 

"What do you mean you have a plan?" I frowned. "We already have a plan. To kill Schlatt, remember?" 

Wilbur laughed in a very unfunny manner. For the first time in ever, I felt a little scared by him. "Tommy, I thought we already agreed that killing Schlatt wouldn't do anything. No, Tommy, we need a new plan." 

I looked at him, hoping that he didn't mean what I was thinking. Turns out, he did. 

"Tommy, we'll blow up Manburg." 

"No Wilbur, we won't!" I said, sudden anger fueling my body. Wilbur sighed. 

"Are we seriously having this conversation again? You said that you would help us." Wilbur said. For a moment, I saw a glimpse of the old him underneath. His eyes were sad. "You said that you would side with me and Techno. Your brothers." 

My anger quickly died and I softened. "Wil, I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do for L'manburg."

"I thought that you would be on my side. I thought you of all people, would be on my side, after everything we've been through. It had always been us against the world, ever since the day you were old enough to talk." Wilbur said. I closed my eyes, shutting them tightly, just wanting to disappear from the world. I knew he was trying to manipulate me and I hate to admit that it was working. 

Because what he said had all been true. It had always been the two of us, from when I was adopted to when we left home together and to when we started L'manburg. Like he said, it was us against the world. 

"You're trying to manipulate me." I whispered. Wilbur frowned, tilting his head.

"No, I'm trying to get you to see the truth. We've been through everything together. You should be on my side."

"But your side is the wrong side." I said sadly. Wilbur laughed like a maniac, all traces of his sad act gone. 

"And, what, you think that there's a right side? Tommy, I don't know if you've noticed, but there's only two sides. Us against Schlatt. And unless you would rather side with Schlatt, you're stuck with us. You don't have a choice." That last sentence chilled my body. I didn't know this Wilbur at all. 

"Fine. Whatever. Just tell me the plan." I mumbled, giving in reluctantly. Wilbur grinned and patted me on my back.

"I knew that you would do the right thing eventually." He smiled. I looked at his face, searching for any trace of the Wilbur that I knew, hoping that he was still under all that madness. I found nothing. 

"You know how we're going to kill Schlatt at the festival? Scrap that plan." I frowned. 

"What?" I said. 

"You heard me." He replied. "We need to stop focusing on one little thing like Schlatt and start to see the whole picture. Manburg is the problem, not Schlatt, it's always been the problem, we've just been too blind to see it." 

For once, I kept my mouth shut at his ridiculous statement. I just played along, trying to get as much information as possible to tell Y/n. She would know what to do. 

"What are you suggesting we do?" I asked. Wilbur's eyes glowed. 

"I'm saying, we blow up Manburg, right then and there. Tubbo has informed me that he would be the one to deliver the opening speech and we'll do it then. It seems...almost poetic that we blow up it up, just as they're about to have a festival to celebrate the start of a 'new era of peace.'" Wilbur said, mimicking Schlatt's words from before. I looked at him in disgust, but I didn't go against him. 

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