Chapter Sixty One

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An idea came to me in the form of a dream. 

I didn't remember exactly what happened in it, or who was in it. In fact, I didn't remember what it was at all. But I woke up with a plan in my head. 

I hoped that Tommy would come and visit again today so that I could tell him about my idea, but he seemed to be busy. I knew that he had other stuff to do but I did hope that he would visit soon, preferably at least a few days before the festival began. I told Eret about my plan at breakfast and asked if he would help us since we were basically a two-man team. Eret politely declined. 

"I don't think that I should be involved with Manburg." He had said. "And, besides, I don't think Tommy would want me on your side." 

I had nodded and then turned back to my single piece of toast, taking a bite out of it. Of course, I had been selfish to wish that he had said yes. I would've been getting him involved in my mess and he would have to deal with the consequences for helping me. Plus, he seemed to be living a peaceful enough life here. Lonely, yes, but peaceful and unproblematic. 

However, I wasn't mad at him for denying me. I had thanked him for my breakfast and then washed my plate and went back to my still so unfamiliar room, thinking of a way to make this plan work. Eret came in once to tell me something, not that I really paid attention since I was so lost in thought. 

Although it may not seem like it most of the time, I wasn't stupid. No, I would credit myself with being quite smart...when I want to. Maybe that's why I get such brilliant ideas every now and then, because I'm saving up all my brainpower. 

But, in this situation, with very limited, well, everything this was a hard plan to perfect. The sun was at its high, indicating noon, when I decided that food would help me think and regain my braincells. I strode down into the kitchen and walked over to the cake which I had spotted sitting innocently on the counter. 

(Off topic but Dream's kitchen counters are absolutely gorgeous)

I picked up a chef knife from the knife block and started to cut a - quite a large- slice of cake for myself, until I heard a noise from the main throne room. I ignored it at first, thinking that it was Eret. I put the cake slice onto a pretty, decorated plate and grabbed a fork from the open drawer. I turned around and put my cake onto the island in the middle of the kitchen and leaned on the counter as I took my first bite of cake. I closed my eyes as I savored the taste, how the strawberries stood out from the vanilla icing, how the texture of the actual cake was soft and fluffy.  

When I opened them again and went in for another taste, my eyes caught the shadow that could be seen outside the kitchen. Silently but urgent, I picked up the chef knife again, holding it out in front of me. The shadow wasn't as tall as Eret's frame. Meaning that someone else was in the house. 

Neither of us moved for a few moments and it was as if we were waiting for the other to make the first move. Turns out, it was me. I slowly made my way over to the doorframe since there was no actual door, but not after stopping and taking another bite of my cake. Knife in hand, pointed in front of my protectively, I reached the doorframe and pressed my back against the wall. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before finally confronting the intruder. 

I jumped out from behind the wall, pointing my knife at the intruder. I was surprised to find myself staring at the tip of a sword that was pointed towards me. I was even more surprised to see the man holding the sword, and I was pretty sure that he felt the same. 

"Y/n?" The sword was lowered so that his whole face came into view. 

"George?" I lowered my weapon too, breathing heavily trying to calm my racing heartbeat down before my heart exploded from the blood I could feel pumping in my ears. 

The brit looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "Wow, you did well. No one would've ever thought to find you here in Eret's castle." He said, sounding impressed. 

"What?" I said, confused. 

"Yeah, everyone probably thought that you hated Eret or whatever since he betrayed you." He stated. 

"Well, I guess us traitors need to stick together at a time like this." I said. "I'm guessing you heard then?" 

George put his sword away. "About your little exile? Yes, I have. It was Tommy who told me actually. Came to me as a surprise." 

I gave him a quizzical look. "Tommy told you?" 

George rolled his eyes. "Yes, and he insisted that you had to be in the house and then barged inside to search for you but, of course, found nothing." He said. "You were smart, not coming to us. It would be the first place someone would come looking for you." 

We were getting dangerously close to a particular topic - a particular someone - that I did not want to talk about at the moment. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. George gave me a look to tell me that he knew what I was trying to do but I just shrugged it off. He sighed. 

"I came to talk to Eret." He said simply. Oh. That had what Eret had told me earlier when I wasn't listening, that he would be out for most of the day. George suddenly smirked at me. "Dream wanted to know whether he was going to the festival or not." He said, obviously trying to get a reaction out of me. 

"Does he know that I'm here?" I asked. George blinked innocently. 

"Does who know?" He said, acting oblivious. 

"Dream." It was only after I said it I realized how much it hurt to say that name out loud. George looked at me triumphantly. 

"No, he does not." George said. I nodded before walking back into the kitchen to finish my cake which I craved. George looked at me whilst I took a bite. 

"Well, can we keep this on the down low?" I asked him. He looked at me, confused. I sighed. "It's just that I don't know if I can face him right now." I admitted. 

"Oh. No, I won't tell him." George said, coming over to stand next to me. I gave him a grateful smile and he looked down at my cake. 

"That's only if you get me slice of that gorgeous cake." 

I laughed as I cut him a slice too and he took it, smiling. I watched his face become surprised when he took his first bite and I giggled. It really was a good cake and, if I had to admit it, it might've been better than Niki's strawberry cake.

I laughed when George got frosting on his nose and he demanded to know what I was laughing at, which only made me giggle harder. When I refused to tell him, he decided to scoop up a blob of pink icing with his finger and wiped it on my chin. I looked at him to see him grinning back at me. I scoffed. 

"Oh, it's on."

We chased each other around the castle and I laughed when George quickly got out of breath, not even after five minutes of running. I ran into the library with George panting behind me and I hid behind one of the bookshelves whilst he jogged into the room, not looking where he was going. I heard him swear when he ran into a nearby desk, causing a big pile of books to fall onto the ground. I walked out from behind the bookshelf and stared at the mess before staring at him. He stared back and then we both exploded with laughter, acting like drunk teenagers at a party. 

I zoomed past him whilst he was still laughing, taking him by surprise and running into my room. I picked up a pillow off my bed and as George ran through the door, I hit him with it. Stumbling from the unexpected impact, he blinked before trying to grab the pillow off of me. I snatched it back and hit him with it again and again. He grabbed the pillow and gave it a giant pull, causing the pillow to rip into two. We both stared at each other through the explosion of feathers twirling all around us. One landed on my nose, causing me to sneeze. Eventually, all of the feathers fluttered to the ground and we looked all around us at the mess. 

"Well," George said. "I guess we better start cleaning up."

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