Chapter Sixty Two

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"That is a shit plan." 

Tommy screamed as I threw a pillow at him, my eyes shooting daggers into his. 

"Okay Tommy, you got a better one?" I challenged, slightly annoyed. I dodged the pillow that Tommy threw back at me. 

"No, but you can't seriously expect us to take down Schlatt with just the two of us, can you?" Tommy said, raising an eyebrow. I crossed my arms. 

"Yeah, why not?" I replied, shrugging. "It's not like he's stronger than us. And besides, we'll give him a taste of his own medicine." I said. Tommy couldn't hide the little curiosity that managed to creep its way onto his face. 

"What is it?" 

I looked at him, my eyes glistening. "We'll poison him." 

Tommy looked convinced for a second. But, only a second, before doubt began to cloud his mind once again. "That's still leaving so much up to risk though." He stated. 

"Oh, for god's sake, it's not any different to the one we made with Wilbur and the rest of Pogtopia!" 

"Yeah." Tommy said, unconvinced. "But last time, your safety was placed in the hands of Techno and Dream. You were pretty much untouchable."

"Well, considering our situation and lack of team members at the moment, this is the best thing we're going to come up with." I snapped. 

The idea behind my plan was simple really. If we managed to kill Schlatt before Wilbur set off the explosions, then Pogtopia will see that there would be no need to blow up the country. We could take Manburg back and go back to how we were before the whole election. Before everything. 

I thought my plan was effective, unlike Tommy. I could lure Schlatt behind the Camarvan, just like we had planned before but this time, I'll poison him, just like he did to me. And when he's weak, that's when I'll strike. And, if anything went wrong, Tommy, who would be watching our every move, would step in and help. 

Was it a risky plan? Yes. Do we have a better one? No. This was the best thing we have. Eret said that he would supply us with the poison but he wanted no part in the actual plan. 

Tommy sat down by the window. "Fine. But I still don't like the plan." He grumbled. "Someone could get seriously hurt."

I crossed my arms and looked at him with an amused look, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips. 

"Aw, you care about me Tommy?" I teased, coming over to sit next to him. He looked at me, panicked. 

"What? No, I don't care, not one bit!" He shouted, hitting me with a cushion. "Woman, stay away!"

"Aww, that's cute" I wrapped my arms around him, smiling to myself because I knew how much he hated it. He squirmed in my grasp. 

"Get away!" 


Technoblade's POV

I watched as Tommy tried to ignore me as I stood in the doorway of his room. I could tell that he had been ignoring not only me and Wilbur, but also Tubbo and everyone else. The only person who he had let talk to him was Niki, although he didn't say much. Like me and Wilbur, he was keeping the secret about our plan. 

As he turned over in his bed, his back facing me, I sighed and said only one sentence before leaving. 

"Tomorrow, at the festival, don't do anything stupid." I warned. Tommy didn't reply but no doubt heard my message so I left. 

Even if no one else noticed, I took a note of how my youngest brother would disappear for the whole day before coming back way after the sun had set. It didn't take a genius to figure out where he was going. 

I followed him once and found myself outside a massive castle. It didn't surprise me who opened the door. Whether they were plotting or just simply talking, I didn't know. Tommy had kept me and Wilbur's secret and I will keep his.

And besides, I didn't know what Wilbur would do if he found out the whereabouts of the girl. 

I hoped that she wouldn't come to the festival, not when Schlatt was fuming with her, not when I had more important things to do than to keep an eye on her, making sure she doesn't get herself killed. The Y/n that I knew before wouldn't do anything so stupid but she seemed to have changed since then. Before, she would be wise to avoid danger and run in the other direction. Now, she seemed to greet danger as an old friend, jumping right into it, letting it envelope itself around her. I guess that's what the influence of my brother does to people. But not even Tommy was as brave as she was. 

Brave? maybe. Careless? Definitely.

I looked around at the mingy cave around me. The fact that she chose to stay here after she got kicked out of Manburg and the fact that she decided to stay close after we kicked her out. Of course she was planning something. 

Loyal? Absolutely. 

As much as I hated this new, rebellious Y/n, part of me wondered if she had always been like that, even when we were together, would she still have left? Would she still have been scared of my work and scared of me? Back then, she seemed so innocent and pure, of course she fled. 

But this new, tainted girl, she might've stayed, right? 

As I climbed into my bed and pulled the sheets over my body, I stared into the empty eye sockets of my mask, which I had placed onto my bedside table. I had demanded my own room when I joined Pogtopia, since I couldn't stand Wilbur's snoring, or Tommy's sleep talking. 

Realizing poured over me as it suddenly became clear to me. Y/n had been innocent once but that ended long before she met me. She had been managing just fine on her own before I took her in. She hadn't been scared of the world then ; I had done that. I had protected her so much that she suddenly saw everything as a threat. I had told her all of the horrors of humanity, feeding her fear. Before, people had been her friends, her family. But after I poured my poisonous words into her ear, people became monsters and she became afraid.

 A break from me was exactly the thing that brought out her courage. But, with bravery came stupidity. And I can't help but think that she had something very brave but very stupid planned for tomorrow. 

Because that girl is not going down without a fight. 

Yes I read all of your comments. 

No I do not want to know about your sexual desires 🤠🤠

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