Chapter Twenty Four

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I spent the next two days by Tommy's side in the Camarvan with Tubbo, the both of us reluctant on staying there until he woke up. I reached out for his limp hands, giving them a gentle squeeze, hoping that he would squeeze mine back. He didn't. Tubbo sat next to me, staring at his friend blankly.

"Do you think he'll wake up?" I whispered to Tubbo. 

"Fundy said that he could detect a heartbeat but it was very faint. He's alive but in a vulnerable condition." Tubbo answered me. I bit my lip, nodding. I barely acknowledged the door opening. 

"You two are still in here?" It was Wilbur. We both looked up at him. 

"We said that we're going to stay here until he gets better." I said. Behind me, Tubbo yawned. 

"I know that you want him to get better and I know that you want to be here when he wakes up, but have either of you gotten any sleep for the past few days?" 

"A little." I answered. Wilbur sighed. 

"Look, you guys need to go and relax a little. Get some rest. You both look like you haven't seen the sun in years." Me and Tubbo looked at each other and then nodded. 

"But you have to tell us if he wakes up." Tubbo said, making him promise. 

"You have my word." Wilbur said, smiling a little. The two of us left the Camarvan, into the harsh light of the sun, shining down brightly on the grass, where the bunnies were hopping around and the bees were buzzing away happily. How dare the world be seem so normal when Tommy was not even 10 meters away, on his death bed? 

"I'm going to go and get some sleep." I heard Tubbo say. I nodded and he walked away, towards his house. 

I, on the other hand, did not feel tired at all, despite the lack of sleep I was getting. I decided to take a quick stroll through the forest, not really having a destination, just going where my legs took me. 

I found myself on top of a hill, the same hill that Dream took me to when I was freaking out about that book. I walked over to the exact spot where we were sat before and sat down on the soft grass. The river below me was the exact same as it had been on that day, and the air was still as fresh.  

"I really hope you're not going to steal my comfort place now that I've shown it to you." 

I whipped my head round and saw Dream standing there. I pulled out my diamond ax but he put his hands in the air. 

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down, I'm not going to attack you." He said. I lowered the ax slowly.

"What do you want?" I said. Dream tilted his head. 

"I just came here to watch the view, clear my head, just like you did." He walked towards me. "If I sit down, would you attempt to push me off and let me fall to my death?" 

I didn't answer. Dream decided to take his chances and sat down next to me and I didn't stop him. 

"How's Tommy?" Dream asked casually. I scoffed. 

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I said, in disbelief. 

"I didn't mean to hit him. You know that." 

"I also know that you would've killed him in the first few seconds without hesitation if it was him who you were up against."

"It was brave of you to take Tommy's place at the duel. It was rather admirable." Dream said. "You always find a way to surprise me Y/n. Although I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel the slightest bit betrayed." 

"I was protecting my friends Dream." I said. I refused to feel bad for my actions. "You told me that you would do anything to save your friends and I was proving that I would do the same." 

"You're right, I would do anything to save my friends." Dream said. "You know, I even considered you a friend at one point." 

"I know." 

Dream looked at me. "You did?" 

I nodded. "I did. That's how I knew you would be so reluctant to kill me."

"And yet you still did not hesitate to kill me."

"It was a choice between you or Tommy. I chose Tommy." I said simply. "And if I had to choose again, it will still be Tommy. I don't regret my decision Dream." 

Dream nodded slowly. He looked up at me. "You were only nice to me to get me to spare Tommy, weren't you?" When I didn't answer, he pressed on. "Whereas I considered you a friend, you didn't give a shit about me, did you? It was all just an act to save Tommy, wasn't it?" 

My face remained straight and emotionless. "Like I said Dream," I stood up and started to walk away. "I chose Tommy." 


"Y/n?" My eyes fluttered open as I heard my name. I was back in the Camarvan and I looked up, straight into a pair of familiar blue eyes. 

"Tommy?" I whispered, half not believing it. Tommy grinned and nodded. I jumped up and hugged him, not caring if I was hurting him. He hugged me back and I held onto him, almost like if I let go, then he would just disappear. 

"You idiot, I was supposed to save you, not the other way round!" I said, after finally letting go. 

"Hey, you don't always get to be the cool one. I wanted to be badass too." Tommy said, still grinning. "Did we win?" 

I slowly shook my head. "No, we didn't. No one did."

"Then, how come you're here?" 

"Dream let me stay until you got better." It slowly dawned on me. "Which means I have to leave soon." I said, disappointed.

 Tommy stared hard at the ground for a moment, clearly thinking hard about something. He then looked up at me, his eyes sad but his face determined. 

"No. You are not leaving again. Not if I can help it."

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