Chapter Forty Seven

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Wilbur went through the rest of the plan on how to take down Manburg and all through the meeting, there was an unspoken but clear tension in the air. No one commented on it, no one said anything about it, they just carried on talking as if everything was alright. I tried my best to ignore it too, but it was difficult if Dream and Technoblade keep sending each other death stares across the table. 

The plan was simple and unfinished : get as much information as possible and gather weapons and resources and train until we're ready to charge into battle. It clearly had a lot of gaps in it and Wilbur knew this, but we had plenty of time to polish it. When the meeting ended, I was the first to leave the room, trying to leave as quickly as possible without making it obvious. 

I needed some time alone so I left Pogtopia without telling anyone and took a walk through the forest, clearing my head. I didn't know where my feet were taking me but I knew that I was well away from Manburg. At least, I thought I was. 

Turns out, I thought wrong. 


Anger fueled my actions as soon as I heard his voice and I pushed him backwards, his body slamming into the trunk of a tree and fell to the floor. Quackity let out a gasp of shock when I placed my foot on his neck, threatening to suffocate him, right there and then and pointed my ax at him. He didn't say anything, he just laid there with wide eyes. 

"Don't you fucking call me that again." I said coldly. "You lost all rights to nicknames when you betrayed L'manburg. It's Y/n to you now." I put a little more force into my foot as I pressed down harder onto his neck, cutting off his airways. He gasped for breath. 

"Yes ma'am." He wheezed, trying to take my foot off. I removed it from his neck and he immediately sat up, panting. He coughed a bit and then looked at me. I simply just folded my arms and tilted my head, looking at him. 

"You know, I thought we could just have a chat and sort things out peacefully, like responsible people." He said, still getting his breath back. 

"Is that what we are now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.  He stood up, clearly shaken, but tried to brush it off. 

"Of course not. We're not even old enough to drink yet." Quackity scoffed. "But I hoped that we would pretend to be." 

I smiled humorlessly and I saw him trying not to flinch at my cold expression. "Should we also pretend like nothing happened and you never betrayed L'manburg? Pretend like you're not the reason why I'm currently not allowed in my country?" 

This time, he did flinch. "I never meant for you guys to end up out here. Schlatt never told me that he was planning on exiling you." He said, in an weak attempt to make peace. I scoffed. 

"What did you expect from Schlatt, Quackity?" He up at me, his face torn between shock and disappointment since I had only always called him 'Big Q' and had never once addressed him by his real name. "That he was going to take over the country and everything would continue as normal, lovely as ever? If that's what you thought was going to happen then you really do have a wild imagination."

Quackity looked down, staring at his feet for a few moments. He then looked up and took a deep breath out. "Y/n, I'm really sorry. Like super sorry. I messed up, I know that now. It turns out, being in power isn't all it's cracked up to be. I have no idea how Wilbur managed it for so long." He let out a dry laugh. "I just want everything back to normal. Before the election. Where I could actually talk to you without being scared that you're going to chop my head off any second." He said, eyeing the sharp ax in my hands. I looked into his eyes and saw a fire burning in them. "I want to help you with your revolution. I want to be a part of it. I could provide you with top secret information from Schlatt himself. Whatever it is that you're planning, however you plan to take down Schlatt, I want in." Quackity said firmly. I just looked at him, arms still crossed. 

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