Chapter Twenty Nine

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I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what Dream had said. I had realized that he didn't deny his feelings for me. I knew that, in the midst of everything else, this was unimportant, not to mention completely inappropriate since he was the enemy - or, used to be. 

The door opened and Tommy strode in, wearing black MLG glasses. I turned my head slightly to look at him. 

"What's with the new look?" I asked. 

"I'm just trying to show the people how swag I am and they will think that I am poggers that they will vote for POG2020." Tommy said. I sighed. 

"I wonder how you're brain works sometimes." 

"It works and that's all that matters to me." Tommy shrugged and slumped down on the bed too, jumping on my legs. 

"Ow! Get off!" I shouted, pushing him off onto the floor. He groaned and glared at me. 

"What was that for? I just wanted to chill with you!" 

"You put all of your body weight on my legs, Tommy, I had to push you off before you snapped them!" I shouted back. 

"Your legs can't snap, I'm not heavy enough for that to happen!" 

"Oh, so now you decide to be smart and use your brain to think?" 

"I always use my brain. That's how I get good ideas all of the time." He said. I scoffed. 

"Good ideas? Please, now you're just straight up lying." 

"I'm not. You just can't handle the truth." He walks over to my beside table and picked up Tales from the SMP. 

"When did you get this?" He asked, playing around with it. I got up and snatched it off of him. 

"Don't just come into my house and start taking my things." I opened a drawer and put the book inside. 

"I was just looking at it. Why can't I look at it, it's just a book." Tommy pressed. I sighed. 

"There's more to it Tommy. You don't understand." 

"Try me." 

"No. Your 'big' brain wouldn't be able to handle it." I smirked. I took his glasses off of his face. 


"These aren't that bad actually. Although, I've got to admit, George's glasses are probably better than these ones." I put them on. "How do I look?" 

"Like an idiot."

"Oh ok, so better than you." 

Tommy glared at me and snatched his glasses back. He laid down on my bed and closed his eyes. I raised an eyebrow. Really? 

"Are you seriously doing this right now?" Tommy didn't answer and I sighed. "I'm tired. Get up." Still no answer. I shook him a little but he still didn't open his eyes, although I could see that he was trying - and failing - to hide a smile. 

"I can see you smiling, you idiot." 

Tommy didn't reply, instead turning away from me and pulling the covers over himself. I looked at him in disbelief for a few minutes before I heard him snore, meaning he was actually asleep. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch, where I was going to spend the night, thanks to Tommy. I was about to lay down when my eyes wandered over to the bedside table, where the book was stored in. I thought about what Dream said and then made the decision to go over to it. I quietly opened the drawer, trying not to wake Tommy who was now drooling into my pillows, and got out the book. Once again, I heard the voice urging me to open the book, and this time, I made to decision to do what it wanted me to. I opened the book to a random page and saw the title 'Chapter Four' before blackness covered my vision.

- Tommy's POV - 

I woke up, breathing in Y/n's scent from her sheets as I had fell asleep in her bed last night on purpose. I sat up, looking over at the couch where I knew she was forced to spend the night but I saw the couch untouched, not even a blanket on it. I looked around, confused. I stepped out of the bed, the cold air immediately coming in contact with my body and I shivered slightly. My feet made contact with something soft and cold and I jumped a little. I looked down and saw Y/n on the floor, sleeping. In her arms was the book that she was so protective over last night and I sighed. She probably fell asleep reading it by the light of the lamp on the bedside table. I heaved her up onto the bed and covered her with the sheets. I then left the house, making my way to my embassy. 


This is a slightly shorter chapter but I promise you that the next chapter will be very long, like probably 3000 words or more. This was kind of just a filler chapter since I didn't know what to right lol. 

Also did you guys watch Tubbo's stream today? Tubbo and Ranboo met up! I literally nearly passed out when I saw Ranboo come on screen. 

Anyways, it's like half eight right now in New York and I haven't gotten any sleep in the last 24 hours. I need to stop drinking so much caffeine I stg. 

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