Chapter Ten

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I jumped out the window, my heart in my mouth as I fell through the air, holding onto the rope tightly. The drop was far bigger than I thought, but the rope was long enough to reach the bottom. I untied the rope from my hands and ran into the dense trees. I knew that it would take Dream some time to get up and heal himself but I still want to make sure that I got as much as a head start as I possibly could. As I ran through the forest, I realized that I had no idea where I was. The forest separating L'manburg from the Dream SMP was massive, and I had no idea how to get home. 

"Look at where the sun is." He tilted my chin in the direction of the sun. It was early in the morning and the sun was just rising, thawing the frost in the grass around us. I shivered from the cold, despite the fact that I was wrapped in his warm cloak. "The sun will always rise in the east and set in the west. The rest you can figure out from there." 

I looked at the sun. It was surrounded by clouds of pink and orange, painting the sky with the colors of a sunset. Sunset. That's west, meaning the opposite direction was east. I knew that L'manburg was south of the SMP and using the two directions that I already had, I quickly figured out where south was and ran in that direction. 

L'manburg was further away that I expected and I started to get worried as the last of the remaining sunlight began to fade as I was out in the woods with no armor or weapons, quite venerable to monsters. 

Or a very angry Dream. 

I shivered, the tips of my fingers frozen. If I didn't find my way back home in time, I will probably freeze to death and if I took too long, then Dream would find me and probably slaughter me. I didn't even know if I was even going in the right direction anymore and I couldn't check since the sun was gone and the moon was hidden somewhere behind the thick clouds. I was almost out of hope when I saw a flickering light ahead. No, a whole row of flickering lights. I couldn't stop myself from laughing out of excitement as I ran nearer to the torches that were illuminating the famous Prime Path. I ran down the path, nearer to L'manburg, nearer to my friends. I could've kissed the walls of L'manburg when they came into view. I slowed down, walking to the gates, surprised that no one was guarding it, seeing as Fundy usually stood guard there. I walked into the country glad to be back as I walked to my cabin. I opened the door and walked in, almost bumping into a taller figure that was about to make their way out. 


"Tommy?" I said back to him, grinning. He laughs in disbelief and hugs me tightly. 

"What are you doing here? I thought Dream kidnapped you or something." 

"I escaped obviously." 

"How? Did you blow shit up? Oh my god please tell me you did!" He said, the excitement clear in his voice. 

"Not quite. I stabbed him in the leg and then jumped out of a window." I said proudly. 

"Woman, you are the very definition of pogchamp."

"I know Tommy, I know." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I questioned him, raising an eyebrow. "What did I say about invading my privacy?" 

"I missed you, you twat." He says. I smile at him. I knew he was here because this was where we spent most of our time in L'manburg. Plotting, making stupid plans. Talking about stupid plans..

"Tommy, what did you do?" I said to him quietly. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, although we both knew what I meant. 

"Why would you do something so reckless?" 

"Y/n, I know that it was stupid but it was all in the heat of the moment, alright? And if it meant that L'manburg could get it's independence and we could get you back then I thought, why not?" 

"God's sake Tommy. Why do you have to be so heroic sometimes?" 

He shrugged. "I have to win Y/n. Otherwise, you will never be safe and L'manburg will always be at war and I'll lose my discs." 

"Oh my god Tommy, don't you get it? If you lose, you're gonna be losing a lot more than just your discs!" He looked at me confused. I look into his blue eyes. "You're gonna lose your life Tommy." 

"What? No, I won't, that was part of the deal. It was the first one to withdraw from the battle loses, no death involved. Those were the rules!" 

"Tommy, Dream doesn't play by the rules! Have you not learned anything? He turned Eret against us, he rigged L'manburg with TNT and blew it up and he took me hostage!"

"Well what do you want me to do about it? I've already agreed to it!"

"Withdraw, cancel, I don't care! I can't afford to lose my best friend, Tommy." 

"I can't withdraw, y/n. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to fight in a war. And there is no way that I would forfeit from Dream. I'm not gonna let him think I'm a pussy." 

"I'd rather let him think of you as a pussy than having to visit you're gravestone every week."  

"What, so you don't believe I can win?" 

"No, Tommy. I don't believe you can kill someone. You're too good for that." 

He sighed and walked over to the window. "I know." He peered through the curtains. "Hey, does Wilbur know that you're back?" 

"No, not yet. Why?" 

He looked back at me. "I think he does now." He signalled to the window and I came and stood next to him. My breathing stopped without me knowing when I saw who was at the gates. 

Dream, looking as pissed off as ever. 

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