Chapter Twenty two

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Dream didn't come back, Sapnap and George both coming in to bring me food, Sapnap trying to joke around with me to make me laugh and George even tried to take my mind off of things by telling about how he was colorblind. I just listened to the both of them, but Dream's words kept replaying in my head. 

I will make sure Tommy dies. And I will make sure that you watch as the life leaves his body.

I woke up in the middle of the night and found the bed empty, meaning Dream couldn't even bear to stay in the same room as me. Deep down, I knew that he was hurting. But I couldn't bring myself to sympathize with him. Not when he threatened to kill my friends. Not when he's going to kill Tommy tomorrow.

I was woken up again at dawn, as the warm, orange light shone through the curtains, illuminating the room in a cozy, green color. I saw Sapnap standing over me and I opened my eyes fully, dread building up inside of me as I remembered that today was the day. I didn't say much as I got out of bed and brushed my hair but Sapnap understood and didn't try to get me to talk to him, which I was thankful for. I didn't even know if I could form a proper sentence. 

Sapnap walked me downstairs and I could feel my legs shaking. We met George and Dream at the front of the house. George gave me a look as if to say are you alright, which I responded to with a half-nod. Dream, on the other hand, didn't even look at me. Instead, he took out a long piece of rope from his pocket, to which he held out towards me. I looked at it confused. Dream sighed irritably. 

"Hold out your hands." He says impatiently. 

"Are you seriously gonna tie me up?" I scoff. Dream glared at me. 

"You know, there was a time where I would trust you enough to walk around freely."  I didn't say anything to that, instead holding out my arms and grunted a little as Dream - probably on purpose - tied the rope a little too tight so that it dug into my skin. 

We walked though the forest, the four of us all in silence, Dream holding the end of the rope, leading me, Sapnap holding his bow for him and George carrying the arrows. It wasn't a long walk but it felt like forever, especially with the silence that hung over our heads. Soon enough, the top of a familiar brunette's hair came into view and soon the rest of Wilbur along with the few remaining members of L'manburg. Not that there were many to start off with anyways. 

Wilbur smiled as he saw me and Tubbo ran forwards to hug me but was stopped by Tommy, who was looking at Dream with a dirty look. 

"Let her go Dream, she's not a dog." Tommy said. To everyone's surprise, Dream obeyed and loosened the ropes around my wrists. I ran towards Tubbo, hugging him. Wilbur and Fundy joined our hug and past Wilbur's head, I could see Tommy just standing there awkwardly. I let go of everyone and walked towards Tommy. I smiled grimly. 

"Hey big man." 

Tommy finally smiled and we hugged each other tightly. Once we let go, Tommy started to apologize. 

"Look, Y/n, I'm so sorry about what I-" 

"No. I don't want to hear it right now." I said. "Tell me when this is over. Because you are not dying today." 

"You convinced Dream?" He says, surprised. 

"No. Although I probably would've if you hadn't given me away." He looked at me in confusion. I sighed. "He found out about your visit to me and he flipped. But you just have to fight him, Tommy. You have to win, I need you to win." I said desperately, as if if I said it out loud, then it would come true. 

"Y/n, I can't kill him. You know I can't." He whispered. I bit my lip. Wilbur and the other's came over, giving Tommy advice on how to beat Dream.

"No, Tommy. I don't believe you can kill someone. You're too good for that." 

I saw Tommy's face of concentration as he tried to take in all of their advice, as he tried to remember all of the key points. 

"Why do you have such little faith in Tommy anyways?" 

"Tommy wouldn't kill anyone, not even you. That's just not where his heart is."

"Do I aim for him Wil, or do I aim for the skies?" I heard Tommy ask.

"An unwritten rule of L'manburg. But you're quite well-known for breaking rules aren't you?"

"There are things about my past that you don't know about."

"I want to do whatever your heart tells you to do Tommy." Wilbur responded.

"You've killed before, haven't you?" 

"I had no choice."

I snuck away from the L'manburgians unnoticed by everyone as I made my way to where Tommy had put his bow and arrows down. I knew exactly what to do. 


Tommy's POV 

We heard Dream call out to us. 

"Tommy, it's time." Wilbur says. He put arm on my shoulder. "Whatever happens out there, whether we win or we lose, it will be remembered. You are doing this for L'manburg." 

I nod, not being able to answer him since my mouth was so dry. I went to collect my bow and arrows but they were nowhere to be found. I look around for them but no luck. I realized that I had not seen Y/n since I tried to apologize to her. My heart sank as a thought started to form in my head, a thought that was proven right as I heard her voice from behind me. I turned around and saw her standing opposite Dream, who was clearly shocked, holding my bow. A determined look set on her face. 

"A fight to the death," She said, tilting her head slightly. "Right Dream?"

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