Chapter six

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My head hurt like hell. That was the first thing I acknowledged when I opened my eyes. The next was the large room I was in. I sat up in confusion, looking around the room. It was spacious with a window seat to the left of the room and a bathroom to the right. The bed that I was sitting on was soft, not to mention comfortable and the french sheets were silky and luxurious. I knew right away that this wasn't L'manburg. No building in L'manburg was this nice. 

As soon as I recalled the events that happened in the Final Control Room, I realized that I was in the Dream SMP, probably his base or something. Then, as if on cue, the dreaded green man walked into the room, however, this time he took his hood off, revealing his soft blond hair. He closed the door behind him, walked over to a wooden chair in the corner of the room, turned it around so the back of the chair was facing me and straddled it. He rested his arms along the top of it. 

"So, you're awake." 

"Barely." I glared at him "My head hurts." 

He shrugs "You'll live." 

"Just about"

"You know, you're rather cocky for a prisoner. You do realize that I could kill you right?" He tilts his head, annoyance evident in his voice. 

"Then kill me."  Dream seemed taken back by my response.


"I said kill me." I smile at him sweetly. "I know you're not going to." 

"Don't be so sure." 

"If you wanted to kill me, I'd already be dead. It so much easier to kill someone when they're unconscious." 

"True," He said. He stood up and made his way over to me, grabbing my face roughly, forcing me to face his stupid mask "Or, I just wanted you awake so that you could feel every ounce of pain and I could hear every little scream that comes out of your pretty little mouth as you beg for me to stop." His voice chilled my spine, but I didn't let it show.

"You're not gonna kill me" I repeated. 

"What's stopping me?"  He let go of my face and walked over to the window seat.

"Because I'm your leverage over them. Over L'manburg." I said. Dream freezes in his spot and turns around to look at me. I continued. "I am what's going to help you win the war. I mean, that's your plan, right? Threaten to kill me in return for L'manburg's surrender?" 

Dream quickly recovers from his moment of shock. "Well, you are definitely smarter than I expected."

"To be fair, your actions are quite transparent." I say to him. He ignores me.

"Anyways, we need to discuss the rules of your imprisonment-" I cut him off

"Rules? Was getting kidnapped and taken hostage not enough for you?"

"Rule number 1" He growled, "You will not talk over me. You may only speak when spoken to." 

"So now I don't even have human rights?" 

"What did I literally just say?"

"That I could only speak when spoken to. As far as I'm aware, you were speaking to me, were you not? Therefore I didn't break your stupid rule." 

"Your smart mouth is going to get you killed one day." 

"Thanks for the life advice, I'll keep that in mind." I said sarcastically. Once again, he ignored me. 

"Rule number 2," He continued, " You will not leave this room until I say otherwise. Someone will bring you food at mealtimes and they will come back to collect your tray."  I fiddled with the sheets, bored out of my mind, despite the fact that I had literally been taken hostage and is sitting in front of a psychopath (This was such a hard word to write, my dyslexia was just refusing to spell)

"And rule number 3," He said, " No escaping. This one's quite simple really. Don't try anything, don't try and leave etcetera, etcetera..." He said in a bored voice. 

"And if I break any of these rules?" 

"Then, there will be consequences, wouldn't there darling?" He taunted 


"I'll kill Tubbo." My eyes shot up from the sheets. I stared into his cold, lifeless drawn-on eyes. 


"You heard what I said." His voice was teasing and I felt rage, but also shame bubble up inside me. I hated myself for letting him find out my weakness so easily. I met this man three days ago and he had already gotten me to do exactly what he wanted by threatening my friends. Dream continued to speak.

"Tubbo, everyone just adores him don't they? Adorable little Tubbo, skipping around and just, being so wholesome, am I right?" Although he had his mask on, I could tell that he was smirking. "I would definitely get a rise out of everyone if I killed him." 

"You're not going to touch him." Dream laughs. 

"See this is exactly what I mean! Everyone cares so much about him but, in reality, he is probably the most useless person of L'manburg!"

"He was one of the founders of L'manburg." I said, glaring at Dream. 

"Ohh, right. The original five. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy and Eret." He paused for a second. "Then, if anything, you're the useless one, right? Because, you came along after it was created and then decided to stir up some trouble with Tommy, breaking all of the rules. You call L'manburg your home but what have you really given it?" 

"Your manipulation won't work on me Dream." 

"Who said I was trying to manipulate you?"

"Like I said, your actions are too transparent."

Dream sighs. "I've said what I need to." He stood up and walked over to the door frame, his tall figure taking up most of the space. 

"And just to remind you," He turned his head to face me. "One wrong move and they're all dead." 

He closed the door and I could make out the sound of keys locking the door from the other side. I laid back down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. I knew that this was only going to get harder.

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