Chapter Fifty Five

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We made a plan to kill Schlatt at the festival. It was a simple plan, but, none the less, it was a plan.

We would use me as bait, seeing as I was the one that Schlatt hated the most right now. Schlatt would come over and talk to me, since he couldn't try to hurt me in front of everyone else and I would lead him over to the back of the Camarvan, where we would be alone. We would have Dream and Techno watching me the whole time, in case anything went wrong. And, once he was alone, we'll kill him. We'll kill that son of a bitch. 

Tommy and Wilbur would stay with Techno and Dream whilst the others stayed at the festival, acting as if everything was normal. Now, we only had to prepare and wait for Dream to come back to tell him the plan.  However, when he came back late that night, it wasn't what I had expected it to be. 

Dream entered Pogtopia, his hair wet from the pouring rain outside. I smiled and I wanted to go over to say hi, but I stayed in my place, since Tommy was standing right next to me, helping me brew potions and Technoblade was near us, mining for diamonds. Instead, I just gave him a little wave which he returned with a small nod of his head. Wilbur came to greet him with Niki at his side.

"Dream!" He clapped his hands together. "We've been waiting for you! We have a plan-" 

"I don't think you should tell me." He said, interrupting Wilbur, who frowned. 

"What do you mean?" 

Dream cleared his throat and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I knew that he was fully aware of my presence but he was deliberately not looking over in my direction. 

"Wilbur," He said in a sincere tone. The sick feeling only increased. "I cannot side with Pogtopia anymore. Schlatt had offered me something that I simply cannot resist."

And there it was. I had known it all along. I had known that he didn't care about Manburg or Pogtopia. He was in it for himself. 

But just because I had known all that time, it didn't mean it hurt any less. Wilbur's and Niki's face dropped and Tommy glared at Dream. 

"What do you mean?" Wilbur said. He didn't seem upset, but, nowadays, he didn't seem to show any emotions at all. I wanted to think that it was the stress that we were under but I knew very well that it wasn't.

"I meant what I said." Dream lowered his head slightly, and if I didn't know him any better, I would think that he felt ashamed. But I did know him and I knew that Dream never felt shame in his actions. He then looked up, at me, his gaze burning holes through his mask. It was his silent way of begging me to understand. 

"Screw you." I said, still standing there, not moving. He looked down and then looked away, as if it hurt him to look at me. I kind of hoped it did. I hoped that he was hurting the way that I was right now. I hoped that, he too, was wondering whether all those moments we had together actually meant anything. 

But, I found myself hoping that they did mean something. 

 I could feel Niki looking at me, but I refused to meet her gaze. Although everyone else knew about my relationship with Dream, Niki knew about everything that happened between us.

I did understand why he did it. Because he didn't have attachment to L'manburg like we did and he couldn't care less who was in control of Manburg. This was a gambling match, a form of entertainment, and Dream had just won his grand prize. 

Tommy exploded next to me. "Dream, you selfish little shit. You really are just a pathetic moron. You backstabbing, two-faced bitch-"

"And, just so that you're all aware." Dream added loudly to be heard above Tommy. He was looking at Wilbur. "There is a traitor amongst you."

 And then he just left. I could tell by the way he looked over his shoulder that he wanted me to run after him, call him back, just to talk to him about it, but I stayed where I was. Half of me wanted to chase after him, let him explain, but the other half of me didn't want to give him the satisfaction of my sympathy. And, plus, I had just washed my hair and it was pouring with rain outside. 

"-obnoxious idiot-" 

"Tommy, that's enough." Techno said. 

"hypocrite- sorry Techno." 

Everyone went back to work after that, except me and Wilbur, who just stood there. Tommy was muttering under his breath whilst he added way too many drops of ghast tears into his regen potions and Technoblade just carried on mining, as if nothing had happened. He had been suspiciously quiet for all that time and I wondered if he knew something that we didn't.

I had a feeling that I knew exactly who the traitor was. I had known it for a while now, but I had been too scared to tell the truth, because I was scared of the truth. I just knew that after Dream dropped that bomb, everyone was thinking about it because that was his goal. To sprout uneasiness against one another, making our team fall apart. Although, I knew that there was truth to his words. 

"I'm just wondering," Wilbur said loudly so that we could all hear him. "Couples tell each other everything, right?" He got off the wall that he was leaning on and gave me a sly look. 

It took me a moment to process his words and by the time the meaning of them sunk in, he had disappeared. Niki was looking at me with a studying look and next to me, Tommy was determined to look at anything but me. I looked over to Technoblade and he just gave me a shrug, but he had stopped mining and was leaning on his pickax whilst he looked at me. I just scoffed silently and went back to help Tommy with the potions. I looked at our chest of potions so far. 

"Have you got started on the healing potions yet?" I asked Tommy, whilst counting how many regen potions we had so far. I was surprised when Tommy sighed impatiently and threw down all the stuff he was holding on the table and walked off, muttering for Niki to come with him and they both left. I watched them as they disappeared around a corner in disbelief. 

"I can't believe this right now." I said, laughing slightly, although funny was the last word I would use to describe this situation. I turned to Techno. "Are they seriously being for real right now?"

Technoblade didn't answer and just stared back at me. I scoffed and didn't talk to him again as I finished off brewing the potions. 

I couldn't lie to myself : it hurt how Wilbur said one sentence and now they're all against me. It was like how everything we did together never happened. It wasn't like they didn't know me and it was like they didn't know that my loyalty had been with L'manburg since the very start. It wasn't like I got kidnapped so that I could have my country back. I didn't realize that I had been gripping the potion bottle too hard until it broke in my hand, the tiny pieces of glass that dug into my hand reminding me of the time that I got poisoned and tortured for the information of their whereabouts. And I had still protected them. Yet, just one word from Wilbur, and they all turn into mindless, little zombies, following his every thought.

 As I cleaned up the mess, I realized that that made Wilbur dangerous. The fact that he could manipulate them all to think what he was thinking because he had always been a leader and people looked up to him. Because he was in power. And the longer that Tommy and Niki and the others keep following him, the more damage he could get them to cause. 

When Techno finally went away to farm his potatoes, I felt like the loneliest person in the world with all of my closest friends nearby, who were against me. 

Because they all thought that I was the traitor. 

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