Chapter Thirty Five

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Me and Dream headed back to the house, neither one of us saying a word on the way, but the way our hands connected said more than we ever could. Even though silence hung in the air, it was a nice feeling, just walking through the woods, holding hands with the man that ruined the lives of my friends. It seemed that the universe had a sense of irony to it. 

We made it back to the house and the door opened, revealing a tired looking Sapnap and Karl behind him. Sapnap looked down to where both our hands were interlocked. We quickly let go of each other, although Dream with some reluctance. Sapnap raised an eyebrow at us. I just looked straight at him, as if challenging him to say something. He didn't. Instead, he opened the door wider and let us inside. I walked past Karl, who was looking at me with an amused smile which I so very much wanted to slap off his face. 

We all walked into the living room where me and Karl sat down and Dream announced that he was going to go and make some coffee. Sapnap eagerly wanted to help and rushed off after him and I suspected that he was going to be interrogating Dream about what he just saw. Which left me alone in the room, with my very curious older brother. 

"So?" He said, when I didn't say anything. I shrugged. 

"So what?" 

Karl huffed. "What was that about? Are you and Dream a thing then?" 

"No! Well, yes, we-" I struggled to get the words out. What were we? We kissed but did that mean that we were a thing? "I don't know." I sighed, giving up. 

Karl leaned forwards and spoke quietly. "You don't have to explain it to me, Y/n." I looked up. "But you don't have to hide your feelings from me either. I think you forget sometimes, but I'm from the future, Y/n. I have lived this exact timeline at least 5 times. I know what happens." He said, his eyes twinkling. 

I looked at him thoughtfully. "Are you hinting that Dream and I would be together in the future?" I laughed. "What else have you got there in your crystal ball Karl?" 

Karl rolled his eyes. "I can't say. The secrets of the future are very confidential. And plus, you'll find out anyways, when the time comes." 

I groaned. "I don't want to wait, though. I want to know now." 

"Sometimes, knowledge isn't always power, Y/n." Sapnap's voice entered the living room as he carried in a pot of freshly brewed coffee. I scoffed. 

"And you would know so much about that, wouldn't you?" I teased. 

"Now, now, let's all be nice to each other, children." Dream said playfully, emerging from the kitchen, carrying a tray with sugar and creamer on. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry mom." 

"More like daddy." Sapnap said, eyes sparkling. Karl choked on his coffee. Dream just looked amused at the whole scene. I scoffed and shook my head, adding sugar into my coffee. 

"So, what's up with you two then?" Sapnap continued, as if we were talking about the weather. I poured a little bit of creamer into my cup and stirred it with the stirrer. I took a sip. 

"Where's George?" I asked, changing the subject. Karl shrugged, moving up, making space for Sapnap to sit down. 

"He's probably still sleeping. He always sleeps in late." Dream answered. I raised an eyebrow. 

"He went to bed before all of us and he's still asleep?" 

Sapnap and Dream both nodded. Sapnap downed his coffee in one go, despite the heat of the beverage. He set the cup down. "I wouldn't wake him up if I were you. He can get pretty aggressive." He warned. Me and Karl just gave each other a look. I finished my coffee and put the cup down next to Sapnap's. I stood up. 

"Well, you can tell him that I said goodbye." I said. "I think we should go back now. Come on Karl." Karl groaned as he got up. 

"Can't you stay a little longer?" Sapnap whined. 

"We'll come back and visit soon." I looked at Dream. "I promise." He gave me a small smile, which I returned. 

"Bye Sap." Karl said, bending down to hug him. "Bye Dream!" He called over his shoulder as he walked out the door. Dream shouted 'Bye!' but it was faint through the door. Me and Karl headed down the Prime Path, towards L'manburg. 

"So," Karl said. "Are you gonna tell me about everyone then?" 

My head snapped up as he spoke, startled, as I was lost in my own thoughts. "Oh. Yeah, I'll give you a quick summary." I pulled out my diamond ax to quickly kill a zombie which was hiding in the shadows of the trees. "Starting with Wilbur Soot, the president of L'manburg, the country which I fought for to live in. He's a pretty chill person, occasionally scary, but you have nothing to worry about, unless you break any of the rules. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told off by him. He had a relationship with a fish called Sally, and together, they had a son, who's half-fox, half-human, called Fundy. He's cool, pretty funny and calm. He's not too bad either." I pushed a branch out of the way. 

"Wait, so, Wilbur fucked a fish and ended up with a fox for a son?" Karl said slowly. I shrugged. 

"I don't really get it either, but I just don't question it. I don't think you should either." I added, giving him a warning look. He nodded slowly, taking it all in. 

"Anyways, then we have Eret. He's not there anymore, I think he lives in a castle on the Dream SMP, which was rewarded to him by Dream in exchange for his betrayal to L'manburg during the War of Independence. He doesn't show his face around here anymore, for obvious reasons, but he did help to create L'manburg. He was part of the original five." 

"The original five?" 

"The five that created L'manburg. Wilbur, Fundy, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo. Tubbo's quite sweet, although he can be aggressive when he wants to - he's just full of sass, that one. Anyways, I joined L'manburg shortly after it was created, I was the first member, besides those five, obviously. But after the war, some more people joined. Like Niki. She's the only other female in the country and she owns the best bakery in the country. She's sweet and she's basically my therapist since I just tell her all my problems as she feeds me sweet treats. And then there's Quackity." I said. "He's...a character. Be warned, he will probably try and sell you drugs when you first join, but it'll be fine. He's funny but he's a softie at heart, really. But just don't let him know that I told you that." I said, eyes twinkling. Karl laughed. 

"I'll keep that in-" 

"Y/N?" An annoying voice called out as we neared the blackstone walls of L'manburg. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I sighed, smiling slightly. 

"And I can't forget about Tommy." I said, as he came into view, waving his arms like crazy, trying to get us to notice him. "The biggest bitch you will ever meet."

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