Chapter seven

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Goggles came in a few hours later to bring me food. It was a bland meal, consisting of a couple of potatoes and some bread. He placed the tray down in front of me but I made no effort to eat. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" He said. It was the first time that I actually heard his voice and I was surprised to hear the heavy British accent that came along with it. 

"Is it poisoned?" I questioned. He rolled his eyes. 

"If we wanted you dead, you'd already be dead." 

"But poison doesn't kill you." I pointed out. "It only weakens you and harms you. And you guys seem like the type to torture their prisoners." 

"God, you're so annoying." 

"You haven't even known me for five minutes."

"It's definitely enough." He coughed awkwardly. "And you really have to eat." 

"I don't want it." 

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why couldn't you have given me nicer food? Maybe that way I'll actually eat it." 

"Because," He said, clearly irritated, "You're a prisoner, not a princess, now eat." 

"I'm good." 

"I'll go and get Dream." 

"Oh yeah, because that'll help." I scoffed. He glared at me and walked out of the room, leaving me sitting on the bed, irritated. I hugged myself and hugged Tubbo's jacket, which I still had on. I smile as the scent of the flower field me, Tommy and Tubbo went to only yesterday, although it felt much longer than that. I wonder how they were. All of them. Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo and Fundy. Not Eret though. Fuck him. 

I looked up as Goggles stormed into the room with Dream calmly walking behind him. Goggles pointed an accusing finger at me.

"She's making things difficult. She won't eat." He said, huffing. Dream sighed and walked over to the bed. I glared at him as he sat down opposite him. He picked up a potato with a fork.

"Eat." He said simply. 


"Eat." He said again, this time firmer. 

"No." I said, louder. Dream turned around to Goggles, who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. 

"George, I want you to watch this carefully." He turned back round and before I had any time to react, Dream grabbed my face harshly and shoved a potato inside my mouth. He brought a small pocket knife up to my face, gently sliding the flat side down my cheek with a little bit of pressure being applied, not enough to draw blood, but the whole action was just fucking terrifying. I chewed the potato and then swallowed it, my throat dry from the food. 

"Let's see if you can feed yourself now." Dream let go of my face and sat back. I didn't move and I definitely did not make a single action to eat. Dream looks at me for a moment, his white mask creeping me out and then stands up. He picks up the tray of food and then walk over to Goggles, handing him the plate. He turns to look at me again. 

"Fine, if you don't want to eat, then have it your way." He walked out of the room with Goggles following close behind. He closed the door and, to my dismay, locked it. I stood up and walked to the window, looking for a form of escape. Unsurprisingly, the window was locked as well, and even if I didn't managed to get it open, the drop down was far too big and if I attempted it, I would most likely die. I walk into the bathroom. The window inside the bathroom could be opened, however it was too small too fit even the skinniest person through. I looked around the bathroom. There was a shower and fluffy white towels hanging on the rack. To my left was a sink and by the looks of it made out of marble. Hanging above the sink was a gold outlined mirror which reflected me as a mess. My hair was all tangled, there was a small cut on my neck and a few streaks of dried blood across my face. Tubbo's green jacket that I was wearing had suspicious red blotches all over it. I sighed and took it off, leaving me in my thin t-shirt. I put Tubbo's jacket into the sink and turned on the tap. A special someone from the past taught me how easily cold water could get blood out of your clothes. I smiled as the water ran off the jacket, tinged with pink. I hung the jacket next to the radiator, hoping that it would dry quickly.  I then locked the door, stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I was disappointed to find that they did not provide me with conditioner, only a small bottle of shampoo and a small bar of soap to wash myself with. When I was done, I hopped out of the shower, grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body. I looked at the sweat stained clothes on a pile on the floor in disgust. I looked around the bathroom for any clean clothes, only coming back to my old ones as a last resort. I groaned as I slipped the t-shirt and pants back on and trudged back to the bed. I was trying to sleep when I heard the sound of the door unlocking and opening. I looked up and saw bandana boy- sorry, Sapnap- at the door. I looked at him and he walked towards me awkwardly, which is weird because I always saw him as scary and intimidating. 

"Dream asked me to check up on you." He said. I gave him a weird look. 

"Am I your first prisoner?" 

"Actually you are." He paused. "How did you guess?"

I laughed. "The fact that you are constantly coming to check up on me and I'm not in a prison cell, instead a luxurious room with my own little bathroom, which is probably bigger than my house." 

Sapnap shrugged. "Well, I guess we're not the best kidnappers." He looked at my wet hair. "Did you take a shower?" 

I nodded. "Do you have any spare clothes?" 

"I'm sure George will let you borrow some of his since he's the smallest." He said. 

"Goggles? Doubt it. I don't think he's very fond of me at the moment." 

"Goggles?" Sapnap said, amused. I shrugged "He's just mad that you beat him in a 1v1. He's normally the nicest one out of us three." 

"Really? Every time I see him, he just gives me the death stare." I paused for a moment. "What about you? I thought you were supposed to be all big and scary like Dream but out of all of you, you've been the nicest." 

"Well, I've taken a liking to you. You definitely earned your role as my favourite prisoner." He winked at me. I laughed. 

"Not that you had many to choose from." 


"Well, I'm honored" I smiled at him. He turned to leave and then turned around again. 

"I'm Sapnap, by the way." 

"Y/n." He nodded and then left, returning with a blue jumper with a little red box on it and some sweatpants. I look at him. 

"Does Goggl- George know that you took them?" 

Sapnap shrugged. "He will soon enough." He said smiling evilly at me. I nodded my thanks and he left the room, leaving me to change. George was the smallest out of the three of them but his clothes were still a little too big for me. I sighed as I flopped down on the bed, quickly falling into a dreamless sleep. 

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