Chapter Sixty Five

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The whole audience was silent as Techno calmly rose to his feet. I gave him a confused look, which he returned with a blank, unreadable expression. He silently made his way onto the stage, towards the smiling Schlatt. 

"Ah, Technoblade, glad you could join us!" Schlatt clapped his hands together and cackled evilly. Tubbo was looking at Techno with wide eyes. 

"What can I do for you, Mr President?" He asked politely. My brows furrowed in confusion. There was no way that Technoblade, the most well-known anarchist, just addressed Schlatt as Mr President.

"Well, you see Technoblade, we seem to have a problem." Schlatt spoke in his gritty voice. "And, well, I would like you to get rid of it, if you will." 

"T-techno?" Tubbo stuttered, nervously. 

I stared in horror. Techno wouldn't, would he?

"What do you want?" Techno asked although it was already crystal clear. Schlatt laughed a short, dry laugh. 

"Come on, Technoblade, I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want." 

"What do you want, Schlatt?" Techno repeated. 

"Uh, Schlatt-" 

"SHUT UP QUACKITY!" Schlatt bellowed, making everyone in the audience jump. He turned back to Techno. "Techno, I need you to execute Tubbo for me." 

Technoblade's POV

What followed that was complete chaos. Everyone started talking at once, some people shouting some people standing up and hurrying to leave.

"That's too far, he's a child, Schlatt!" Karl yelled. Some rows behind him, Niki also stood up and shouted. 

Kill them all

"Schlatt, you are a dirty, little bitch!" She screamed, her voice notably louder than everyone else's. "You can't even do your own dirty work, you have to get someone else to do it for you!" She turned around, looking at the people around her. "This is the man that you let win the election! This is the man that you call your leader! This man," She turned back to face Schlatt. "who is threatening to kill a child! You are nothing but a dirty cheat!" She spat. 

I had to say, I was impressed. I honestly didn't think that Niki had that much anger in her. 

There is so much blood to be spilt

Eret also stood up. "Schlatt, leave the boy alone! You are doing nothing but damaging your own reputation!"

Shoot them all

My hand reached for my crossbow, but then my eyes wandered down to the two empty seats next to Karl's. Mine and...

"Technoblade, I swear to god, if you do not take your hand away from that crossbow, I am going to tie you to a chair and force you to watch all 5 seasons of Riverdale on repeat." (Yes Riverdale exists in this timeline, it's used as a torture device ok? 🙄)

....Y/n's. I turned to face the girl, who was standing in front of Tubbo's little makeshift prison defensively. She was pretty much unprotected, apart from the little dagger which she held in front of her. 

"You wouldn't dare." I said in a low voice. 

"Hey, what's wrong with Riverdale?" Schlatt's voice came from behind me. Both me and Y/n turned our heads to look at Schlatt with disapproving looks. 

"Seriously?" Y/n lowered her weapon, giving Schlatt a concerned look. 

"What? I genuinely like the show!" Schlatt protested. Me and Y/n just gave each other confused looks and from behind the girl, I could see Tubbo giving Schlatt a disgusted look. I shook my head, bringing myself back to the present. 

"And how are you going to do that, Y/n?" I asked. "You've brought a knife to a gun fight." I gestured to the dagger, which she had raised again. I pulled out the crossbow and held it in my hands, pointed at her and Tubbo, but I had no intention of shooting. Not when she was standing right in front of my target. 

Although I don't love her anymore, I still cared. When I look at her, I don't see that same person that I loved. But, there were traces of her in this new girl standing in front of me and I found myself to care about her, in a protective sort of way. 

She doesn't mean anything to you. Kill her.

"Technoblade, if you do not put down that crossbow, I will not hesitate to jab this knife into your throat." She threatened. 

Kill them all. Forget about the girl.

"Really, Y/n? Has all that time we spent together not meant a single thing to you? All those precious memories?" I said in a sneering voice but I honestly wanted to know. 

"Those memories won't mean shit to me if you kill Tubbo." She said icily. My confidence faltered a bit but I didn't let it show. I guess the moment of silent had been a bit too long because Schlatt spoke up. 

Make them all bleed and watch them suffer

"Technoblade, if you won't kill him, I'll do it myself!" Schlatt said impatiently.

"Techno, you would be pathetic if you took orders from a man like Jschlatt." Y/n said in a challenging tone.

"Techno, please, I don't want to die!" That was Tubbo.

Do it. Kill them

"Do it Technoblade! Or is The Blood God simply just a name?"

"Schlatt, shut the fuck up and go find a new hitman!"

Paint this whole podium red

"I want to see you live up to your name, Technoblade!"

"Schlatt, don't you think this is too far?"

"Shut the fuck up, Quackity!"

All their bickering merged into incoherent yells as I tried to block them all out. The voices inside my head were already getting to loud, and it was like a fire which I couldn't control. The flames got bigger and hotter and it was burning painfully. Every flicker was a threat that my head could just burn into ashes and every ember was a painful removal of a dear clarity and the goodness that I had within me. 

Blood for The Blood God

I snapped. My hand found a firework in my pocket and I fired it at the box, straight at Y/n, who hadn't even seen me fire the shot until it was too late. 

I honestly don't know where the Riverdale slander came from but I stopped watching it after the third season and I literally just heard that Bughead broke up and now Betty and Archie are dating and suddenly I hate Riverdale even more 😔

I'm sorry if I offended any Riverdale enjoyers

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